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Displaying 901 to 1000 of 3277 results

Description Object Type NAM Accession Number
Other ranks, forage cap badge, 1914 (c); relating to the Duke of Cambridge's Own (Middlesex Regiment); associated with World War One (1914-1918). Badges 1964-04-83
Officer's full dress coatee, 1848 (c)-1855; worn by Capt (later Lt Gen) Henry Kent (1825-1921), 77th (East Middlesex) Regiment of Foot; associated with the Crimean War (1854-1856). Uniforms 2003-07-199
Officer's gilt metal button, 17th (Leicestershire) Regiment of Foot, 1830 (c)-1881 (c); circular convex button with design in relief; inscribed, '17' surmounted by a monarchial crown within a continuous laurel wreath. Badges 2003-07-204
The Loyal Regiment (North Lancashire)... Chromolithograph recruiting poster, 1921 (c); published by Gale and Polden Limited, 1921 (c); includes a list of battle honours associated with the regiment; associated with World War One (1914-1918). Prints 1983-05-30
Officer's gilt metal button, 87th Prince of Wales's Own Irish Fusiliers, 1855 (c)-1881 (c); circular convex button with a design in relief; depicts an eagle with wings outstretched, perched on a stand; inscribed, '8', with '87' inscribed below, all within scalloped edging. Badges 2003-07-216
Officer's gilt metal button, 97th (Earl of Ulster's) Regiment of Foot, 1855 (c)-1881 (c); circular convex button with a design in relief; inscribed, '97' below a monarchial crown, surrounded by a French scroll without a dot at the opening. Badges 2003-07-226
Medals awarded to Maj G F M Stray, 22nd Punjabis, 30th Punjabis, 14th Punjab Regiment, 7th Rajput Regiment: Military Cross, 1921; India General Service Medal 1908-1935, second issue, with clasps: Mohmand 1933, Waziristan 1912-24, Waziristan 1919-21; India General Service Medal 1936-39, with clasp: North West Frontier 1936-37; 1939-45 Star; Africa Star 1940-43; Defence Medal 1939-45; British War Medal 1939-45, with oakleaf for mention in despatches; associated with India, North West Frontier (1920-1937), World War Two (1939-1945). Medals 1979-01-2
Three maps relating to the Crimean War, 1854 (c)-1855 (c); published by James Wyld, 1854-1855; associated with the Battle of the Alma (1854) and the Siege of Sevastopol (1854-1855), Crimean War (1854-1856); formerly part of the Middlesex Regimental Collection. Maps 2003-07-239
Second of two photograph albums of 144 photographs, 1900-1901, compiled by Sgn W H Harland, att 17th Lancers (probably 17th (Duke of Cambridge's Own) Lancers); associated with Army Medical Corps and the Boer War (1899-1902), 1900-1901. (Album dimensions: 19 x 28 x 5 cm). Photographs 1966-10-59
Ten medals and ten miniature medals, awarded to Maj Alexander Stuart Rogers, Punjab Police, Prince of Wales's Volunteers (South Lancashire Regiment), and other regiments, 1888-1956; Imperial British East Africa Company's Medal 1888-95; East and West Africa Medal 1887-1900; Africa General Service Medal 1902-56; 1914-15 Star; British War Medal 1914-20; Allied Victory Medal 1914-19; Order of the Brilliant Star, Zanzibar 1897; Order of Villa Vicosa, Portugal 1905; Order of the Crown, Italy; Sultan of Zanzibar's medal 1896. Medals 1994-02-89
General Sir Douglas Haig. Lithograph after John St Helier Lander, 1916; published by the 'Illustrated London News Christmas Number', 1916; half-length portrait Gen Sir Douglas Haig in General Officer's full dress uniform, facing a quarter left; inscribed below with information about the sitter's career; relating to the 7th (Queen's Own) Hussars; associated with World War One, Western Front (1914-1918). Prints 1997-10-91
Seven uniform and badge items, 17th Lancers (Duke of Cambridge's Own), worn by Lt W S Mitford, 1917-1922. Badges 1967-03-6
Seven uniform and badge items, 17th Lancers (Duke of Cambridge's Own), worn by Lt W S Mitford, 1917-1922. Uniforms 1967-03-6
Twenty four badge, uniform and equipment items, 7th Hariana Lancers, 12th Pioneers (The Kelat-I-Ghilzie Regiment), Hampshire Regiment, worn by Maj M H Simmonds, 1904-1922. Badges 1966-12-11
Twenty four badge, uniform and equipment items, 7th Hariana Lancers, 12th Pioneers (The Kelat-I-Ghilzie Regiment), Hampshire Regiment, worn by Maj M H Simmonds, 1904-1922. Uniforms 1966-12-11
ANOTHER EXAMPLE of the fatal effects of using too much foolscap-. Coloured etching by and after 'Paul Pry' (William Heath), 1829; published by T McLean, London, 1829 (c); caricature of Lord Henry Paget, Marquess of Anglesey, 7th (The Queen's Own) Light Dragoons (Hussars), running, with his false leg over his shoulder, from FM Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington, with whose political opinions he had disagreed. Prints 1984-06-42
Thirty eight badge and equipment items, 57th Wilde's Rifles (Frontier Force), 28th Punjabis, 15th Punjab Regiment, King's Royal Rifle Corps, 1902-1930 (c). Badges 1966-08-29
Collection of 8008 papers relating to the military service and family life of Gen Sir Augustus Francis Andrew Nicol Thorne, 1885-1970.(Printed finding aid available) Maps 1987-03-31
Badges and buttons associated with 103rd Mahratta Light Infantry; 110th Mahratta Light Infantry; 116th Mahrattas; 117th Mahrattas and 114th Mahrattas, 1903-1922. Badges 1966-04-32
Officer's gilt metal button, 107th (Bengal Infantry) Regiment, 1855 (c)-1881 (c); circular convex button with design in relief depicting, '107' inside a plain garter and wreath in the centre of a Maltese Cross the top limb inscribed, 'BENGAL' and the bottom limb inscribed, 'INFANTRY'. Badges 2003-08-22
Buttons and badges associated with various regiments of the British Army and Belgian Army, 1855-1937. Badges 1967-07-28
W H J Disbrowe/ LIEUT: 17TH REGIMENT/ ADC TO LIEUT. GENL. SIR WM. EYRE, COMR OF THE FORCES IN CANADA/ 13TH JUNE 1858. Lithograph, 1858; three-quarter-length portrait of Lt W H J Disbrowe, 17th Regiment, seated in a chair, his shako on a table. Prints 1984-10-29
Photograph album containing 189 photographs compiled by Maj Wilfred Herbert James Sale, MC, 3rd/4th County of London Yeomanry (Sharpshooters), 1942. Portraits and scenes of interest associated with 7th Armoured Division in Africa; captions from a separate index volume; associated with World War Two, North Africa (1940-1943). Photographs 1975-03-63-7
Aerial photograph of the area of Sinzweya where, in Feb 1944, 7 Indian Division was surrounded by the Japanese and held out for 19 days, later known as 'The Admin Box' battle; from a collection of 563 loose photographs; associated with World War Two, Far East (1941-1945). From the Burma Memorial Collection of Maj James Allan. Photographs 1989-04-116-3016
Eight photographs of the action at Tiddim and the problems of moving transport in Burma, 1944-1945. From a collection of 563 loose photographs; associated with World War Two, Far East (1941-1945). From the Burma Memorial Collection of Maj James Allan. Photographs 1989-04-116-3028
Photograph album containing 199 photographs compiled by Maj Wilfred Herbert James Sale, MC, 3rd/4th County of London Yeomanry (Sharpshooters), 1941-1943. Portraits and scenes of interest associated with 7th Armoured Division, World War Two, North Africa (1940-1943). (captions from a separate index volume). Photographs 1975-03-63-5
Drums & Fifes. Booklet of colour photolithographs, four prints and seven proofs, of the oil painting by Lady Butler 'Steady the Drums and Fifes', Albuhera,.. 1811, by New Era Studio Company Limited, London, after Lady Butler, 1897, 1910 (c); the Drums and Fifes of the 57th Middlesex Regiment of Foot waiting, under fire, to advance. From the Middlesex Regiment Museum Collection. Prints 1994-01-1-428
A series of views of the Principal Occurrences of the Campaigns in Spain and Portugal', Peninsular War, 1810-11. 16 coloured and uncoloured aquatints engraved by C Turner after Major T St Clair, published by Turner, Colnaghi and Boydell 10 Oct 1812. Prints 1971-02-33-507
Pair of brown leather sandals, 1940 (c); relating to Mr Ronald Aiston and worn in the Middle East during World War Two by one of the Desert Rats of the 8th Army; associated with World War Two, Middle East (1940-1943). Uniforms 2003-09-2
Eighteen watercolours depicting Indian Army Regiments by Richard Simkin (1840-1926). Drawings and Watercolours 1953-02-74
Other ranks helmet, 17th Middlesex (North Middlesex), 1902-1908. Uniforms 1994-04-515
Rattan swagger stick, 57th (West Middlesex) Regiment of Foot, 1757 (c)-1782 (c); with decorative head; inscribed in raised letters on head, '57/ Albuhera'. Equipment, general 2003-09-21
520 glass negatives by Hill and Saunders, Windsor. Various military subjects. Photographs 1975-04-35
Formation badge, 7th Anti-Aircraft Divison, 1939-1942; part of the collection of Maj John Waring. Badges 1994-05-206
Formation badge associated with the 7th Armoured Brigade, 1941-1945 (c); part of the collection of Maj John Waring; associated with World War Two (1939-1945). Badges 1994-05-241
Formation badge associated with the 27th Armoured Brigade, 1944-1945(c); part of the collection of Maj John Waring. Badges 1994-05-257
Formation badge associated with the 4th/7th Royal Dragoon Guards, 1940-1945 (c); part of the collection of Maj John Waring. Badges 1994-05-266
Shoulder title associated with the 17th/21st Lancers, 1950 (c); part of the collection of Maj John Waring. Badges 1994-05-269
Stable jacket, officers', 7th Regiment of Light Cavalry, Bengal 1846 (c). Uniforms 1983-07-72
Sentry at HQ 7 Armoured Brigade. Pencil, ink and crayon, with colour notes by Robin Watt (Major C R G Watt, Royal Hussars), Gulf War (1990-1991), 3 Dec 1990. Drawings and Watercolours 1994-09-52
Impression of the Ops Room HQ 7 Armd Bde. Pencil and watercolour by Robin Watt (Major C R G Watt, Royal Hussars), Gulf War (1990-1991), 3 Dec 1990. Drawings and Watercolours 1994-09-53
Formation badge, 127th Infantry Brigade, 1914-1918 (c); part collection of Maj John Waring. Badges 1994-05-221
Formation badge, 7th Infantry Brigade, 1914-1918 (c); part collection of Maj John Waring. Badges 1994-05-222
Three formation badges, 7th Armoured Division, 1940-1945; part of the collection of Maj John Waring. Badges 1994-05-230
Two cloaks and busby, 7th (Queen's Own) Light Dragoons, worn by Capt William Verner, 1815 (c). Uniforms 1960-01-35
Five colour photolithographs, artist unknown, 1960 (c); publisher unknown, 1960 (c); five uniform studies, one of a private, three of officers, one of a quartermaster; associated with the 37th Regiment ot Foot. Prints 1963-12-241-1
Formation badge, 7th Royal Tank Regiment, 1940 (c); worn on shoulder strap; part of the collection of Maj John Waring. Badges 1994-05-290
Uniform studies of Army Staff and all the regiments from the Life Guards to 10th Hussars, of various dates, 1742-1900 (c). Album of lithographs, containing two uncoloured and 115 coloured lithographs after Richard Simkin, 1742-1900 (c); made by Forster Groom and Company, London; including seven coloured by the artist and signed lower right, nd; associated with the Army Staff, Household Cavalry, Dragoon Guards, and the Light Cavalry. Prints 1982-04-150
Uniform studies of Cavalry regiments from the 10th Hussars, and various Yeomanry regiments, of various dates, 1832-1900 (c). Album of lithographs, containing 112 coloured lithographs after Richard Simkin, 1832-1900 (c); made by Forster Groom and Company, London; including nine coloured by the artist and signed lower right, nd; associated with the Cavalry and the Yeomanry. Prints 1982-04-151
Uniform studies of Foot Guards, Line Infantry, Yeomanry and Indian Army units, of various dates, 1850-1900 (c). Album of lithographs, containing 113 coloured and two uncoloured lithographs after Richard Simkin, 1850-1900 (c); made by Forster Groom and Company, London; including 28 coloured by the artist and signed lower right, nd; associated with the Foot Guards, Line Infantry, Yeomanry, and Indian Army. Prints 1982-04-152
Military Misreadings of Shakspeare [sic]. Children's book, a volume of chromolithographs after Thomas S Seccombe; published by George Routledge and Sons, 1880; associated with Sir William Shakespeare. Prints 1983-12-86
One of five photograph albums compiled by Lt Kindom; associated with 134th Coy Machine Gun Corps and 7th Meerut Division, World War One, Mesopotamia (1914-1918). (Album dimensions: 16.5 x 24.5 x 0.5 cms). Photographs 1983-03-41-1
One of five photograph albums compiled by Lt Kindom; associated with 134th Coy Machine Gun Corps and 7th Meerut Division, World War One, Mesopotamia. (Album dimensions: 16.5 x 24.5 x 0.5 cm). Photographs 1983-03-41-2
One of five photograph albums compiled by Lt Kindom; associated with 134th Coy Machine Gun Corps and 7th Meerut Division, World War One, Mesopotamia. (Album dimensions: 16.5 x 24.5 x 0.5 cms). Photographs 1983-03-41-3
One of five photograph albums compiled by Lt Kindom; associated with 134th Coy Machine Gun Corps and 7th Meerut Division, World War One, Mesopotamia. (Album dimensions: 16.5 x 24.5 x 0.5 cm). Photographs 1983-03-41-4
One of five photograph albums compiled by Lt Kindom; associated with 134th Coy Machine Gun Corps and 7th Meerut Division, World War One, Mesopotamia. (Album dimensions: 16.5 x 24.5 x 0.5 cm). Photographs 1983-03-41-5
Armed Europe. Children's book, a volume of colour chromolithographs after Richard Simkin; published by Raphael Tuck and Sons, 1902. Prints 1983-10-54
An Officer of the 7th, or Queen's Hussars/ taken from Life. Coloured etching by and after Robert Dighton Junior, 1804 (c); published by Robert Dighton Junior, London, 1804 (c); caricature of Maj Edward Kerrison, 7th (Queen's Own) Light Dragoons (Hussars), in profile to right, with his left hand resting on a sword. Prints 1960-12-131
Slip-on shoulder title, 7th Queen's Own Hussars, 1940 (c); part of the collection of Maj John Waring. Badges 1994-05-312
The British Military Library or Journal comprehending a Complete Body of Miltary Knowledge. Two volumes illustrated with maps, diagrams and 29 hand coloured etchings of regimental uniform, published by J Carpenter and Co, London, 1799-1801. Prints 1971-02-33-534
Historic, Military and Naval anecdotes, of personal valour, bravery and particular incidents which occurred to the armies of Great Britain, 1803-15, and her allies, in the last long-contested war terminating with the Battle of Waterloo. 40 aquatints by Clark and Dubourg after J A Atkinson, Manskirch, W Heath, Clark, Deighton, Rigaud, published by Edward Orme, 1819. Prints 1971-02-33-533
'Military ABC'. Children's book, a volume of chromolithographs after A G Buck and P W Reynolds, 1889; Dean's Gold Medal Series, published by Dean and Son, 1889. Prints 1983-10-46
Two colour photolithographs after Edmund A Campbell (1871-1951), 1936, publisher unknown, 1960 (c); two uniform studies. Prints 1963-12-241-7
Light Company Officer/ 1825/ 37th (North Hampshire) Regiment of Foot, 1825 and Battalion Company Officer/ 1828/ 67th (South Hampshire) Regiment of Foot. Colour photolithograph after Edmund A Campbell (1871-1951), 1936 (c), publisher unknown, 1960 (c); a uniform study. Prints 1963-12-241-8
Two colour photolithographs after Edmund A Campbell (1871-1951), 1936 (c), publisher unknown, 1960 (c); two uniform studies. Prints 1963-12-241-9
Musicians/ 1815/ 37th (North Hampshire) Regiment of Foot, 1815. Colour photolithograph after Edmund A Campbell (1871-1951), 1937, publisher unknown, 1960 (c); a uniform study of two musicians. Prints 1963-12-241-10
Four colour photolithographs, artist unknown, publisher unknown, 1960 (c); four uniform studies of a Private, Grenadier, two Officers; associated with 37th Regiment of Foot. Prints 1963-12-241-2
Two colour photolithographs after Edmund A Campbell (1871-1951), 1937; publisher unknown, 1960 (c); two uniform studies associated with the 37th (North Hampshire) Regiment of Foot and the 67th Regiment of Foot. Prints 1963-12-241-3
Quarter-Master/ 1875/ 37th (North Hampshire)/ Regiment of Foot/ Private/ 1877/ 67th (South Hampshire)/ Regiment of Foot. Colour photolithograph after Edmund A Campbell (1871-1951), 1937; publisher unknown, 1960 (c); uniform study of a Quarter Master, 37th (North Hampshire) Regiment of Foot and a Private, 67th (South Hampshire) Regiment of Foot. Prints 1963-12-241-5
Two colour photolithographs after Edmund A Campbell (1871-1951), 1937; publisher unknown, 1960 (c); two uniform studies of Company officers from Col Thomas Meredith's Regiment of Foot and 67th (South Hampshire) Regiment of Foot, 1702-1800. Prints 1963-12-241-4
Manuscript diary of Maj J Elgee, 57th Regiment of Foot, 1911 (c); describing his actions in India, Scotland, New Zealand, China, Burma, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore and Sri Lanka. Archives 1971-08-6-4
Third guidon, 1803 (c); associated with 7th (or the Queen's Own) Regiment of (Light) Dragoons, 1803 (c). Flags and Colours 1963-10-325
Grenadier cap, possibly other ranks', 67th Regiment of Foot, 1760 (c). Uniforms 1963-11-10
Overalls, undress or stable dress, possibly 17th Light Dragoons, 1814-1821. Uniforms 1964-05-12
Officer's kurta button, 7th Bombay Lancers (Baluch Horse), 1890-1903. Badges 1994-06-99
Felt hat and pair of jungle boots, 1st Bn, 7th Duke of Edinburgh's Own Gurkha Rifles, 1968. Uniforms 1983-04-57
Smock and trousers, camouflage, waterproof, all ranks', Universal pattern, 1st Bn, 7th Duke of Edinburgh's Own Gurkha Rifles, 1982 (c). Uniforms 1983-04-58
Officer's tunic button, 7th Regiment of Bombay Infantry, 1890 (c). Badges 1994-06-109
Six coloured plates from a calendar showing British and Belgian cavalry, published 1973. Prints 1974-03-5
Pair of epaulettes, Grenadier Company officers', 7th Regiment of Foot (or Royal Fuzileers), 1809-1810. Uniforms 1981-09-56
Urn, sporting trophy, 1860 (c); silver-plated, manufacturer's marks, not traced, 1860 (c); with lid, standing on a square, silver-plated base, adorned on each of four sides with a cartouche having a classical figure in relief; associated with Lt F Weldon, Maj Godby, Capt Wright, Lt Pritchard, Lt Logan and Lt Wingfield; associated with the 1st Royal Signals, Royal Artillery, 18th (Royal Irish) Regiment of Foot and the 47th Madras Native Infantry. Silver 1953-03-23
Officer's tunic button, 17th Regiment of Bombay Infantry, 1890 (c). Badges 1994-06-132
Other rank's button, 27th (1st Baluch Bn) Bombay Light Infantry, 1888-1901. Badges 1994-06-143
Officer's ball buttons, 27th (1st Baluch Bn) Bombay Light Infantry, 1888-1902. Badges 1994-06-144
Officer's pouch and pouch belt, 37th Middlesex Rifle Volunteers, 1870 (c). Equipment, uniform 1994-06-153
Cup, two handled, sporting trophy, 1912-1914; silver by C S and H S, 1912; double scrolled handles with embossed ribbed leaf design, stands on raised foot with residual stem; associated with Brig Gen W Doran, Prince of Wales's Leinster Regiment and the 17th Infantry Brigade; associated with boxing. Silver 1956-02-775
Statuette, 1857 (c); silver, no details, nd; of John Nicholson on copper plinth; associated with Capt, later Lt Col John Nicholson, 27th Regiment of Bengal Native Infantry, the 21st Prince Albert Victor's Own Cavalry (Frontier Force), the Indian Army and RMA Sandhurst; associated with the Indian Mutiny (1857-1859). Silver 1956-02-878
The Ypres Battlefields. Maps published by War Office, 1922-1924; associated with 47th (London ) Division, World War One, Western Front (1914-1918). Archives 1965-01-11
Paperweight, 1900 (c); black marble with silver, no details, nd; bearing silver badge of 127th Baluch Regiment. Silver 1956-03-3
Collection of eleven badges associated with 5th Royal Inniskilling Dragoon Guards, The Queen's Regiment, The Hampshire Regiment, Royal Army Pay Corps, The Ulster Defence Regiment, 4th/7th Royal Dragoon Guards and Volunteer and Territorial Forces, 1930 (c)-1971 (c). Badges 2003-10-12
Three miniature medals worn by Pte Charles Henry Smith, 7th Regiment of Foot: Crimea Medal 1854-56; Turkish Crimea Medal 1855 1855-56; Indian Mutiny Medal 1857-1858; associated with Crimean War (1854-1856) and Indian Mutiny (1857-1859). Medals 2003-10-15
Five formation badges, 47th (London) Divison, 1914-1918 (c) and 1939-1945 (c); part of the collection of Maj John Waring. Badges 1994-07-62
Uniform items associated with Maj L M Yearsley, Royal Irish Rangers, 1970 (c); items include cap badge, two pouch badges and a hackle. Uniforms 1989-03-63
Uniform items associated with Maj L M Yearsley, Royal Irish Rangers, 1970 (c); items include cap badge, two pouch badges and a hackle. Equipment, uniform 1989-03-63
Formation badge, 17th Gurkha Division, 1946 (c); part of the collection of Maj John Waring. Badges 1994-07-84
Formation badge, 37th Division, 1914-1918 (c); part of the collection of Maj John Waring. Badges 1994-07-88
Formation badge, 17th Division, 1950 (c); part of the collection of Maj John Waring. Badges 1994-07-89
Formation badge, 17th Infantry Brigade, 1946 (c); part of the collection of Maj John Waring. Badges 1994-07-101
Manuscript commission, 20 Jun 1710; associated with John Churchill, 1st Duke of Marlborough, Sgn Thomas Bell and Colonel Thomas Wyndness's Regiment of Foot. Archives 1988-03-10
Five scrapbooks, 1843-1849; compiled by Theobald FitzWalter Butler (later 14th Baron Dunboyne) (1806-1881); associated with the British and Indian Armies. Archives 1988-03-15