Inventory Search
Displaying 7001 to 7100 of 111148 results
Description | Object Type | NAM Accession Number |
Glove, standard pattern, 1996 (c); plastic PVC glove, fabric lined. | Equipment, general | 1999-06-90 |
Bullet; .68 in diameter, lead. | Ammunition | 1951-05-18 |
Apron, standard pattern, 1957 (c); resealed; leather with a bib. | Equipment, general | 1999-06-91 |
Flattened lead bullet, taken from the thigh of Maj General Arthur Eldeston at the Battle of Gujerat, 2nd Sikh War, 1848-1849. | Ammunition | 1951-02-5 |
Blacksmith's apron, standard pattern, 1996; made of leather. | Equipment, general | 1999-06-92 |
Gloves, standard pattern, 1997; black rubber glove used for cleaning tanks, lined with fabric; printed 'NEOTEX/ II/ MADE IN ENGLAND'. | Equipment, general | 1999-06-93 |
Items owned by Major E B Weston, 117th Mahrattas: regimental cane, malacca with a silver ferrule and head bearing the crest of the 117th Mahrattas, hallmarked Birmingham 1922; pocket lighter, fashioned from a brace nut and buttoned, bearing the crest of the Royal Pioneers. | Equipment, general | 1974-08-32 |
Field lamp, 1910 (c); metal with a broad arrow mark and maker, Maw, London, stamped on the top; reputedly used by the Royal Army Medical Corps. | Equipment, general | 1974-08-52 |
Items of equipment dating from World War Two and possibly associated with the Indian Cavalry (?)., 1940 (c): petrol can stamped with a broad arrow and 'WD'; spade; tow rope; wire. | Equipment, general | 1974-08-58 |
Nine posters and one map, published in France; five published by the German Army of Occupation, 1940-1941; one published by the Vichy Government, 1941; one by the Comité de Libération, 1944; two posters were issued by the Provisional Government of the French Republic; map issued by the Army Bureau of Current Affairs. | Archives | 1996-11-84 |
Nine posters and one map, published in France; five published by the German Army of Occupation, 1940-1941; one published by the Vichy Government, 1941; one by the Comité de Libération, 1944; two posters were issued by the Provisional Government of the French Republic; map issued by the Army Bureau of Current Affairs. | Maps | 1996-11-84 |
Identity disc, 1915-1916; belonged to Russell Beaumont Woakes, Indian Army Reserve; with string threaded through a hole in the top. | Equipment, general | 1974-08-80 |
Despatch box, 1809 (c); wood covered with leather and strengthened with numerous studs, some of which spell out 'MOORE'; brass handle on the lid; metal lock and key; the inner sides are lined with pages from an encyclopaedic book or journal; reputedly used by Sir John Moore at Corruna. | Equipment, general | 1974-09-3 |
Three photographs relating to Hodson's Horse, 1920' s (c); the pictures show Capt L C T Graham MC, mounted sowar; regiment formed up. | Photographs | 1996-11-88 |
Portrait photograph of Maj Charles Frederick Rogers, Royal Indian Army Service Corps, 1936 (c). | Photographs | 1996-11-89 |
97 photographs mounted on sheets from an album compiled by Capt W S Wicks of the Regimental Centre, 18th Royal Garhwal Rifles, 1943-1945; photographs include groups and portraits, scenes from regimental life, drills and exercises, official ceremonies, internal and external views of the mess and activities of the school boy's company. | Photographs | 1996-11-90 |
Letters, diary entries, telegrams and photographs relating to Lt Laurie Dunkin Wedd DSO, Queen's Royal West Surrey Regiment, 1899-1901; Wedd sailed to South Africa on the ship, 'SS Yorkshire', fought at Colenso and was wounded on the 19th Jan 1900 during operations to relieve Ladysmith; he was honoured with the Distinguished Service Order for his actions; associated with the Battle of Colenso (1899) and the Relief of Ladysmith (1900), Boer War (1899-1902). | Archives | 1999-06-94 |
Letters, diary entries, telegrams and photographs relating to Lt Laurie Dunkin Wedd DSO, Queen's Royal West Surrey Regiment, 1899-1901; Wedd sailed to South Africa on the ship, 'SS Yorkshire', fought at Colenso and was wounded on the 19th Jan 1900 during operations to relieve Ladysmith; he was honoured with the Distinguished Service Order for his actions; associated with the Battle of Colenso (1899) and the Relief of Ladysmith (1900), Boer War (1899-1902). | Maps | 1999-06-94 |
Two group photographs of 1006 mobile workshop, West African Electrical and Mechanical Engineers, Ibadan, Nigeria in 1943 prior to leaving for the Far East. | Photographs | 1996-11-91 |
TMA-4 anti-tank mine used by the former Yugoslav Army, 1995 (c); made by SDPR, Beograd, Yugoslavia. | Ammunition | 1997-09-70 |
40 35 mm Colour transparencies taken by Dr D M Craigie, Medical Officer with the Trucial Oman Scouts, 1957-1958. | Photographs | 1996-11-87 |
TMA-5 anti-tank mine used by the former Yugoslav Army, 1973 (c); made by SDPR, Beograd, Yugoslavia. | Ammunition | 1997-09-69 |
TMM-1 anti-tank mine used by the former Yugoslav Army, 1952 (c); made by SDPR, Beograd, Yugoslavia; copy of a World War Two German Teller Mine. | Ammunition | 1997-09-68 |
PMA -1 anti-personnel mine, used by the former Yugoslav Army, 1995 (c); made by SDPR, Beograd, Yugoslavia. | Ammunition | 1997-09-67 |
PMR-2A anti-personnel mine used by the former Yugoslav Army, 1995 (c); made by SDPR, Beograd, Yugoslavia; copy of USSR POM - 2 and C2ECH PP - Mi - 5b stake mine. | Ammunition | 1997-09-66 |
PMA-2 anti-personnel mine used by the former Yugoslav Army, 1995 (c); made by SDPR, Beograd, Yugoslavia; later version with original ceramic body. | Ammunition | 1997-09-65 |
PROM -1 bouncing anti-personnel mine used by the former Yugoslav Army, 1970(c); made by SDPR, Beograd, Yugoslavia. | Ammunition | 1997-09-64 |
Seven photographs collected by Lt L D Wedd DSO, Queen's Royal West Surrey Regiment, during the Boer War 1899-1901: hand coloured photograph of Wedd; two photographs of a town in South Africa; two of a native child with a monkey; officers at luncheon in the field; sailors of the Royal Naval Division constructing a gun redoubt. | Photographs | 1999-06-95 |
MRUD anti-personnel mine in canvas carrying pack, used by the former Yugoslav Army, 1995 (c); made by SDPR, Beograd, Yugoslavia; electrically fired; lead and trigger missing. | Ammunition | 1997-09-63 |
MRUD anti-personnel mine in canvas carrying pack, used by the former Yugoslav Army, 1995 (c); made by SDPR, Beograd, Yugoslavia; electrically fired; lead and trigger missing. | Equipment, general | 1997-09-63 |
Iron shot case recovered in Assaye, India 1997; from the Battle of Assaye, 2nd Maratha War 1803-1805. | Ammunition | 1997-07-45 |
Six shrapnel bullets, found at Passchendaele, 1997; from World War One 1914-1918; corresponds to 35 per pound as per tables in Treatise on Ammunition, 1915; thought to be British. | Ammunition | 1997-08-18 |
27 photographs collected by Pte David Hunt, 3rd Bn Parachute Regiment, during his service in Egypt, 1951-1952. | Photographs | 1999-06-88 |
13 inch mortar shell, fired at Basing House during the English Civil War 1642-1649. | Ammunition | 1997-05-31 |
US 75 mm field artillery cartridge case, 1943 (c), from World War Two; case is possibly from Leicester Yeomanry Artillery Training, B Battery. | Ammunition | 1996-12-25 |
M14 105 mm Pack Howitzer cartridge case, Borneo 1962-1967. | Ammunition | 1996-08-238 |
Japanese magnet from type 99 magnetised anti-tank mine, 1944 (c), World War Two. | Ammunition | 1996-06-196 |
Four cartridges from the Battle of Bothaville, Boer War 1899-1902. | Ammunition | 1996-01-176 |
Mk I 40 mm Bofors charger, 1955. | Ammunition | 1994-08-157 |
L223A1 ammunition container and three 1 inch illuminating cartridges, 1976. | Ammunition | 1994-08-156 |
Base of incendiary bomb dropped behind the officers' mess, Queen Elizabeth Camp, Chidwell, 1941. | Ammunition | 1994-08-20 |
Italian OTO 'Red Devil' grenade, 1939 (c). | Ammunition | 1994-06-220 |
Swatch of 24 ammunition papers; samples for manufacture, 1900 (c). | Ammunition | 1993-12-5 |
Four 5 round .303 in Short Magazine Lee-Enfield chargers, from World War One (1914-1918). | Ammunition | 1993-09-94 |
German 20 mm High Explosive shell, from World War Two; painted with 'P345 13e 39 115g'. | Ammunition | 1993-03-54 |
French 75 mm cartridge case, 1904; used during World War One; base stamped with maker's name, Rennes, France and date. | Ammunition | 1993-03-53 |
Ammunition box for 250 .303 in cartridges; used by the British Army, 1950 (c). | Equipment, general | 1993-03-48 |
Mounted grapeshot and three musket balls, from the battlefield of Albuera, Peninsular War 1808-1814. | Ammunition | 1993-01-91 |
7.92 mm spent German Mauser bullets from the Convent Wall, Levante, France, World War One, 1916 | Ammunition | 1993-01-84 |
Fragment of 7.92 mm German Mauser sniper bullet, World War One; mutilated to act as a dum-dum; deflated by sandbag and fell at feet of donor, France 1916. | Ammunition | 1993-01-83 |
British Enfield .303 in cartridge, World War One (1914-1918); card inside box reads 'English cartridge struck by German bullet (part of charge exploded) from Dead Man's Porch 1916'. | Ammunition | 1993-01-82 |
1 in x 2 in grapeshot from the Battle of Busaco, Peninsular War, 1808-1814. | Ammunition | 1992-11-88 |
37 mm Maxim 'Pom-Pom' artillery shell, Boer War 1899-1902. | Ammunition | 1992-11-80 |
Turkish 7.92 mm 5 round Mauser chargers, used by the Turkish Army during World War One. | Ammunition | 1992-11-78 |
Turkish 7.92 mm 5 round Mauser chargers, used by the Boer Forces during the Boer War 1899-1902. | Ammunition | 1992-11-77 |
Mk I/II 25 pounder cartridge case fired at the last live firing of a 25 pdr by the Honourable Artillery Company, Larkhill, 17 Jul 1992. | Ammunition | 1992-10-181 |
Four .70 in musket balls from the wreck of the 'Birkenhead', 1852 (c). | Ammunition | 1992-09-316 |
The Windmill 6/6/47. R Humphrys, KIT, Palestine, 1947. Pen and ink drawing on blank back of an Army Form C2136 (Small) [Message Form], by L/Cpl R Humphrys, Signal Platoon, HQ Company, 1st Bn Royal Hampshire Regiment, 1947; signed and dated as title. The interior of sparsely furnished room with uncurtained window and bare bed-frame with items of kit, including a steel helmet and webbing. | Drawings and Watercolours | 1999-06-96 |
Combat smock worn by WO2 J Croll in Bosnia, 1998, Corps of Royal Engineers. | Uniforms | 1999-06-112 |
Green cellular cotton bush jacket, universal pattern, sealed pattern, 1958. | Uniforms | 1999-06-113 |
White cloth waistbelt worn by nurses, sealed pattern, 1964. | Equipment, uniform | 1999-06-114 |
Colour belt worn by Infantry, sealed pattern, 1976, 1994. | Equipment, uniform | 1999-06-115 |
Other ranks No 2 dress tunic, sealed pattern, 1978; universal pattern, 1978; known as 'Dress for the Eighties' this uniform was trailed but disliked and was never adopted. | Uniforms | 1999-06-116 |
Officer's No 3 dress tunic for hot weather, sealed pattern, 1955, Gurkha Rifles. | Uniforms | 1999-06-117 |
CARRIER PARK, Jerusalem 6/6/47, CARRIERS PARKED, Palestine, 1947. Pen and ink drawing on the blank back of an Army Form C2136 (Small) [Message Form], by L/Cpl Robert Humphrys, Signal Platoon, HQ Company, 1st Bn Royal Hampshire Regiment, 1947; overhead oblique view of five carriers in an enclosure protected by barbed-wire. | Drawings and Watercolours | 1999-06-97 |
Pipe Major's and Piper's No 1 dress doublet, sealed pattern, 1954, 1968, 1969, Royal Irish Rangers 1968-1992, Royal Irish Fusiliers (Princess Victoria's) 1954-1968. | Uniforms | 1999-06-118 |
Warrant officer's plume, sealed pattern, 1993, 1994, Coldstream Guards. | Uniforms | 1999-06-119 |
Back of officers mess 7/6/47, BACK OF OFFICER'S MESS, Palestine, 1947. Pen and ink drawing on the blank back of an Army Form C2136 (Small) [Message Form], by L/Cpl Robert Humphrys, Signal Platoon, HQ Company, 1st Bn Royal Hampshire Regiment, 1947; view of the rear of a building with a corrugated iron shed and vegetation in the foreground. | Drawings and Watercolours | 1999-06-98 |
Three Sam Browne waist belts with three shoulder slings, universal pattern, sealed pattern, 1962, 1994. | Equipment, uniform | 1999-06-120 |
Uniform worn by Lt Col David Andrew Girran, 1966 (c), Royal Army Pay Corps, 51st Gurkha Infantry Brigade: khaki drill tunic and bush jacket; two pairs of khaki drill trousers; two olive green bush jackets; four pairs of olive green trousers; two pairs of olive green shorts; pair of khaki drill shorts; olive green cloth waistbelt. | Uniforms | 1999-06-121 |
Uniform worn by Lt Col David Andrew Girran, 1966 (c), Royal Army Pay Corps, 51st Gurkha Infantry Brigade: khaki drill tunic and bush jacket; two pairs of khaki drill trousers; two olive green bush jackets; four pairs of olive green trousers; two pairs of olive green shorts; pair of khaki drill shorts; olive green cloth waistbelt. | Equipment, uniform | 1999-06-121 |
Jerusalem 7/6/47, KING DAVID HOTEL. YMCA GUARD TENTS - COLLEGE GATES, Palestine, 1947. Pen and ink drawing on the blank back of an Army Form C2136 (Small) [Message Form], by L/Cpl Robert Humphrys, Signal Platoon, HQ Company, 1st Bn Royal Hampshire Regiment, 1947; elevated view across road junction of the King David Hotel and other buildings, with tented accommodation in the middle distance. | Drawings and Watercolours | 1999-06-99 |
Jerusalem 7/6/47, The street opposit [sic], Palestine, 1947. Pen and ink drawing on the blank back of an Army Form C2136 (Small) [Message Form], by L/Cpl Robert Humphrys, Signal Platoon, HQ Company, 1st Bn Royal Hampshire Regiment, 1947; view across a street junction with a hill rising steeply behind buildings opposite. | Drawings and Watercolours | 1999-06-100 |
Jerusalem 9/6/47, Palestine, 1947. Pen and ink drawing on the blank back of form ME Form 125 [Message Form], by L/Cpl Robert Humphrys, Signal Platoon, HQ Company, 1st Bn Royal Hampshire Regiment, 1947; overhead oblique view of three military vehicles parked outside a building with a first floor balcony. | Drawings and Watercolours | 1999-06-101 |
Two maternity wear shirts, universal pattern, sealed pattern, 1994. | Uniforms | 1999-06-122 |
Kilt, sealed pattern, 1968, Royal Irish Rangers, Irish Guards. | Uniforms | 1999-06-123 |
No 1 dress doublet, Bandboy, sealed pattern, Queen Victoria School, Dunblane, 1953. Clothing contractor, GDS, 1953. | Uniforms | 1999-06-124 |
'KING DAVID' SIGNAL EXCHANGE Sept - 1947, Palestine, 1947. Pen and ink drawing on the blank back of form ME Form 125 [Message Form], by L/Cpl Robert Humphrys, Signal Platoon, HQ Company, 1st Bn Royal Hampshire Regiment, 1947; detail view of signal exchange equipment, with a switchboard and two telephone receivers. | Drawings and Watercolours | 1999-06-102 |
Papers relating to Capt A Scott Garnham's period in command of a prisoner of war company, 1918 and his involvement in raising a battalion of the Isle of Wight Rifles, 1919-1924. | Archives | 1996-11-92 |
Brassard, worn by 19 Mechanised Brigade in Bosnia. | Equipment, uniform | 1999-06-125 |
Uniform worn by Colonel F E 'Rex' Calendar, 1944 (c), Corps of Royal Engineers: service dress tunic; khaki drill breeches; service dress peaked forage cap; Sam Browne waistbelt; pair of butcher boots; associated with World War Two (1939-1945). | Uniforms | 1999-06-126 |
Uniform worn by Colonel F E 'Rex' Calendar, 1944 (c), Corps of Royal Engineers: service dress tunic; khaki drill breeches; service dress peaked forage cap; Sam Browne waistbelt; pair of butcher boots; associated with World War Two (1939-1945). | Equipment, uniform | 1999-06-126 |
KD [King David] Exchange R Humphrys, Palestine, 1947. Pen and ink drawing on the blank back of Army Form C2136 (Large) [Message Form], signed and dated as title, by L/Cpl Robert Humphrys, Signal Platoon, HQ Company, 1st Bn Royal Hampshire Regiment, 1947; interior of tented accommodation with Signals equipment and a signaller at work. | Drawings and Watercolours | 1999-06-103 |
Hut '36' Purfleet Musketry Camp 20.[11].47 R Humphrys, England, 1947. Pen and ink drawing on the blank back of Army Form C2136 (Large) [Message Form], signed and dated as title, by L/Cpl Robert Humphrys, Signal Platoon, HQ Company, 1st Bn Royal Hampshire Regiment, 1947; interior of hutted accommodation with a stove, bed-frame, ammunition boxes and four soldiers. | Drawings and Watercolours | 1999-06-104 |
Uniform worn by Lieutenant Peter Compton Spencer-Smith, 1939, 79th (Hertfordshire Yeomanry) Anti-Aircraft Regiment; frock; overalls; field service forage cap; pair of Wellington boots; box spurs; shoulder straps. | Uniforms | 1999-06-127 |
British Military Uniforms and Equipment Series 1. The Light Cavalry 1789 1855 No 1 General Officer of Hussars, 1822 (c). Chromolithograph, part of the set 'British Military Uniforms and Equipment', published by Kingsland Cox Limited, 1971; equestrian portrait of a General Officer of Hussars. | Prints | 1999-06-105 |
British Military Uniforms and Equipment Series 1. The Light Cavalry 1789 1855 No 2 3rd Light Dragoons 1821. Chromolithograph, part of the set 'British Military Uniforms and Equipment', published by Kingsland Cox Limited, 1971; three officers in full dress, two on horseback. | Prints | 1999-06-106 |
All ranks battle dress blouse and trousers, universal pattern, sealed pattern, 1958. | Uniforms | 1999-06-128 |
British Military Uniforms and Equipment Series 2 The Household Division 1750 1970 No 1 Horse Grenadier GuardS 1788. Chromolithograph, part of the set 'British Military Uniforms and Equipment', published by Kingsland Cox Limited, 1971; two officers in full dress, one on horseback. | Prints | 1999-06-107 |
Brassard, worn by 19 Mechanised Brigade in Bosnia. | Equipment, uniform | 1999-06-129 |
The Household Division 1750 1970 No 2 Royal Horse Guards 1814. Chromolithograph, part of the set 'British Military Uniforms and Equipment', published by Kingsland Cox Limited, 1971; two officers in full dress, one on horseback. | Prints | 1999-06-108 |
Pair of American Matterhorn experimental issue boots, worn by British troops in Bosnia. | Uniforms | 1999-06-130 |
British Military Uniforms and Equipment Series 3 The Highland Corps No 2 The 92nd Regiment of Gordon Highlanders, 1822. Chromolithograph, part of the set 'British Military Uniforms and Equipment', published by Kingsland Cox Limited, 1971; two officers and a drummer boy in full dress uniform. | Prints | 1999-06-109 |
United Nations beret worn by Mr Julian Humphrys during a National Army Museum collecting expedition in Bosnia, 1995 (c). | Uniforms | 1999-06-131 |
British Military Uniforms and Equipment Series 4 The Rifle Regiments No 1 The Rifle Brigade, 1822. Chromolithograph, part of the set 'British Military Uniforms and Equipment', published by Kingsland Cox Limited, 1971; two officers and a drummer boy in full dress uniform. | Prints | 1999-06-110 |
Corporal's brassard, worn by the Royal Highland Fusiliers in Bosnia. | Equipment, uniform | 1999-06-132 |
British Military Uniforms and Equipment Series 4 The Rifle Regiments No 2 The 60th Regiment Kings Royal Rifle Corps, 1824. Chromolithograph, part of the set 'British Military Uniforms and Equipment', published by Kingsland Cox Limited, 1971; two officers in full dress uniform, one on horseback. | Prints | 1999-06-111 |
Brassard, worn by the Royal Welch Fusiliers in Bosnia; the regiment was based in the Muslim enclave of Goradze. | Equipment, uniform | 1999-06-133 |
Brassard, worn by British Logistics Battalion in Bosnia; the unit, based near Split, provided support required by British troops. | Equipment, uniform | 1999-06-134 |
Brassard, worn by Household Cavalry in Bosnia. | Equipment, uniform | 1999-06-135 |