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Model of a Canadian whaling boat, 1885

Silver whaling boat in full sail on a base with decorative plaques, made by Stephen Smith, hallmarked London 1885-1886.

During the 1st Sudan War (1884-1885) a force ascended the River Nile in an attempt to relieve the besieged city of Khartoum, which was defended by an Egyptian garrison under the command of Major-General Charles 'Chinese' Gordon. The commander of the relief expedition, General Sir Garnet Wolseley, decided the journey could best be made by small boats: a decision based on his experience of the Red River Expedition in Canada in 1875. Accordingly, Canadian whaling boats were transported to Egypt and Wolseley offered a prize of one hundred pounds to the regiment which was first to reach Khartoum.

Unfortunately the garrison fell and Gordon was killed before the expeditionary force arrived, but the prize was won by the 1st Battalion, Royal Irish Regiment. The Royal Irish used the prize money to commission this silver model to commemorate the achievement.

NAM Accession Number

NAM. 1956-06-1--1


National Army Museum Copyright


National Army Museum, Study collection

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