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Account by Captain Michael Charles Cooper Harrison, Royal Irish Regiment, of his escape attempts from German prisoner of war camps, 1915-1917

Manuscript document produced for the War Office, World War One (1914-1918), 1917.

Captain (later Lieutenant Colonel) Michael Charles Cooper Harrison was wounded and taken prisoner at the Battle of Le Pilly in October 1914. He mounted series of escape attempts from German prisoner of war camps, which he recounted in this document that he wrote on his return to Britain in 1917. This account formed the basis of the memoir 'Within Four Walls' which he co-authored with his friend and fellow prisoner, Captain (later Brigadier) Henry Cartwright.

Kept together with other documents associated with Harrison's escape attempts, notably including material relating to a Grenadier Guards greatcoat that he altered and used as a disguise during three of his escape attempts.

NAM Accession Number

NAM. 1957-06-35-2-1


Crown Copyright


National Army Museum, Study Collection

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