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Lieutenant Harry North Dalrymple Prendergast VC, Madras Engineers, 1860 (c)

Photograph, India, 1860 (c).

Harry Prendergast (1834-1913) won the Victoria Cross (VC) during the Indian Mutiny (1857-1859). According to the 'London Gazette':

'For conspicuous bravery on the 21st of November, 1857, at Mundisore, in saving the life of Lieutenant G. Dew, 14th Light Dragoons, at the risk of his own, by attempting to cut down a valaitee, who covered him (Lieutenant Dew) with his piece, from only a few paces to the rear. Lieutenant Prendergast was wounded in this affair by the discharge of the piece, and would probably have, been cut down, had not the rebel been killed by Major Orr. He also distinguished himself by his gallantry in the actions at Ratgurh and Betwa, when he was severely wounded. Major-General Sir Hugh Rose, in forwarding his recommendation of this Officer, states:

"Lieutenant Prendergast, Madras Engineers, was specially mentioned by Brigadier, now Sir Charles Stuart, for the gallant act at Mundisore, when he was severely wounded; secondly, he was specially mentioned by me when acting voluntarily as my Aide-de-Camp in the Action before besieging Ragurh, on the Beena river, for gallant conduct. His horse was killed on that occasion. Thirdly, at the Action of 'the Betwa', he again voluntarily acted as my Aide-de-Camp, and distinguished himself by his bravery in the charge, which I made with Captain Need's Troop, Her Majesty's 14th Light Dragoons, against the left of the so-called Peishwa's Army, under Tantia Topee. He was severely wounded on that occasion".'

Prendergast received his VC from Queen Victoria at the Quadrangle of Windsor Castle on 4 January 1860. He later commanded the Burma Expeditionary Force of 1885-1886, as a lieutenant-general, and dethroned and deported King Thebaw and his family. He was promoted to general in 1887, but retired at the early age of 57 to return to England.

From an album of 49 photographs, 1857-1863.

NAM Accession Number

NAM. 1958-03-21-21


National Army Museum, Out of Copyright


National Army Museum, Study collection

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