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Double-barrelled .526 inch percussion carbine and bayonet, 1861
Manufactured by Swinburn and Son of Birmingham.
Used in India for only a short period, this weapon was virtually obsolete by the time of its introduction as its bullet system was not as advanced as that of the Pattern 1853 Rifle musket already in service with the British Army. Brigadier-General John Jacob, a ballistics specialist, helped develop the weapon. Despite its deficiencies, the rifle was issued to the 30th Bombay Regiment of Native Infantry, the successors of the two regiments of infantry that Jacob had raised in 1858. As a privately purchased arm, it is finished to a high standard, the design of the bayonet guard resembling that of Jacob's own sword.
NAM Accession Number
NAM. 1961-07-127--1
National Army Museum Copyright
National Army Museum, Study Collection
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