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Northumberland Fusiliers mess during the Black Mountain expedition, 1888
Photograph, India, North West Frontier, 1888.
Raiding by tribesmen from the Black Mountains of India's North West Frontier culminated on 18 June 1888 when a British patrol was ambushed and two officers killed. Five columns of the Hazara Field Force under Major-General J. W. McQueen advanced into the rebellious area on 4 October. The Akazais and Hassanzais were brought to heel, and on 13 October the village at Maidan was destroyed. McQueen then moved on to punish the remaining hostile tribes. Operations were concluded by 14 November.
From an album of 62 photographs compiled by an officer of the 40th Pathans, 1890 (c).
NAM Accession Number
NAM. 1961-11-62-27
National Army Museum, Out of Copyright
National Army Museum, Study collection
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