The road through the Barari Tangi, Waziristan, 1923
Photograph by Randolph Bezzant Holmes (1888-1973), 1923.
In the aftermath of the 3rd Afghan War and Waziristan uprising of 1919-1920, the British embarked on a road building programme to improve military access to the tribal areas. The construction work at Barari Tangi was undertaken by 12th Company Madras Sappers and Miners, 19th Company Bombay Sappers and Miners, and 3rd Company Bengal Sappers and Miners. Barari Tangi was a typical gorge some 46m wide. The road was built half way up a precipitous cliff over 62m high. Few footholds were available so that the men had to be roped to anchors on the crest: four of them fell, one of whom was killed.
From a photograph of album of 39 photographs taken by R B Holmes.
NAM Accession Number
NAM. 1962-08-34-9
National Army Museum, Out of Copyright
National Army Museum, Study collection
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