The well at Cawnpore, 1858
Photograph by Felice Beato (1825-1907), Indian Mutiny (1857-1859), 1858.
The bodies of several of the victims of the Cawnpore massacre were thrown down this well near the Bibigarh (or House of the Ladies) on 15 July 1857. This is a view of the well site just after Cawnpore's capture, when a small memorial had been placed at the well. It was later to become the Memorial Garden over which Carlo Marochetti's angel and Henry Yule's memorial screen were erected. The inhabitants of Cawnpore were forced to pay the £30,000 cost of the memorial as punishment for the massacre.
NAM Accession Number
NAM. 1962-11-63-22
National Army Museum Copyright
National Army Museum, Study collection
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