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East and Central Africa Medal 1897-99, with clasp, 'Uganda 1897-98', awarded to Sepoy Ahmad Khan, 27th (1st Baluch Battalion), Regiment of Bombay Light Infantry
Silver circular medal with, on the obverse, a portrait of Queen Victoria, with the inscription, 'Victoria Regina et Imperatrix'; on the reverse, designed by George William de Saulles, the figure of Britannia holding a trident and palm branch, with a lion and rising sun, with the inscription, 'East & Central Africa', below. Suspended on a red and yellow ribbon, with clasp, 'Uganda 1897-98'.
The 27th (1st Baluch Battalion), Regiment of Bombay Light Infantry were one of three Indian Army regiments that took part in the suppression of a mutiny by the Sudanese troops used by the Colonial Government in Uganda.
The East and Central Africa Medal 1897-99 was established in 1899 to acknowledge service in minor military operations in the Uganda Protectorate and Southern Sudan from 1897 to 1899. It was produced in silver for all recipients save African porters and official camp followers who were issued the medal in bronze.
NAM Accession Number
NAM. 1963-08-176-1
National Army Museum Copyright
National Army Museum, Study collection
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