'Bridge of Boats over the Gumti (River) near the Chattar Manzil and Fusseed Bakah or Old Palace', Lucknow, India, 1858 (c)
Photograph by Felice Beato, 1858 (c).
A British citizen of Italian parentage, Felice Beato was an early photographer of great importance. Beato's first solo venture into war photography was his expedition to India of 1858-1860 to document the aftermath of the Indian Mutiny (1857-1859).
The River Gomti is a tributary of the River Ganges which passes through the city of Lucknow, the site of a major siege and notorious massacre during the Indian Mutiny.
NAM Accession Number
NAM. 1965-11-113-26
National Army Museum, Out of Copyright
National Army Museum, Study collection
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