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1st China War Medal 1842

Campaign medal awarded to Lieutenant-General Sir Hugh Gough, Army Staff.

Silver, circular medal, designed by William Wyon, with, on the obverse, the head of Queen Victoria wearing a diadem, with the inscription, 'Victoria Regina'. On the reverse, a shield bearing the royal coat of arms in front of a trophy of arms, including a cannon, with a palm tree behind; an inscription above, reads, 'Armis Exposcere Pacim' (They demanded peace by force of arms), with the campaign title, 'China 1842', in the exergue below. The medal ribbon is crimson with wide yellow edges.

Having joined the Army in 1784, Sir Hugh Gough (1799-1869) served initially at the Cape of Good Hope and the West Indies. In 1809, he embarked for service in the Peninsular War in command of the Royal Irish Fusiliers, and took part in the Battles of Talavera (1809), Barrosa (1811) and Vitoria (1813). He was promoted major-general in 1830. In 1837, he was appointed to command a division of the Madras Army in India; four years later he was sent to command the British troops in the 1st China War (1839-1842).

After the conclusion of the war in 1842, Gough was appointed Commander-in-Chief in India where he saw action in the 1st Anglo-Sikh War (1845-1846). Although successful, Gough's army suffered heavy losses against the Sikhs and his tactics were criticised. He was replaced by Sir Charles Napier. For his services in India, Gough was elevated to the peerage in April 1846.

NAM Accession Number

NAM. 1966-10-27-2


National Army Museum Copyright


National Army Museum, Study collection

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