'An Order for a charitable Contribution for the relief of maymed Souldiers (sic)', 24 December 1643
This poster orders a collection to be made in every Parish Church within the Cities of London and Westminster, and in the Borough of Southwark, for wounded Parliamentarian soldiers and the dependants of those who fell in battle. It states:
'Many well affected people out of zeal and faithfulness to the preservation of the true Protestant religion, laws and liberties of this kingdom, have gone forth…in the Army set forth by the Parliament; and diverse of them have in several battles…lost their lives; leaving poor widows, and fatherless children unprovided for behind them. And others of them have received wounds and maims; whereby some of them are disabled to help themselves for getting a livelihood hereafter…It is this day ordered by the Commons of Parliament that a general collection by way of contribution, towards the relief and support of the aforementioned poor distressed people be made in every parish church in London'.
NAM Accession Number
NAM. 1967-10-82-1
National Army Museum, Out of Copyright
National Army Museum, Study collection
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