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Officers, 1st Battalion Scots Guards, undress uniform, 1895 (c)

Glass negative, W Gregory and Company, 51 Strand, London, 1895 (c).

This image shows three officers of the 1st Battalion Scots Guards. The Scots Guards have a long, illustrious history. They were first formed in 1642 as a personal guard for Charles I. As well as the Battle of Waterloo in 1815, they were involved in the First and Second World Wars. The 2nd Battalion played a key role in the Falklands War (1982) and the 1st Battalion deployed to Iraq as part of Operation TELIC (2004-2008).

This picture is a good illustration of the uniform of Scots Guards officers in the late nineteenth century. They are wearing a blue cloth forage cap with gold cord around the crown and the regimental badge in front. The diced band on the cap denotes the Scottish origin of the regiment. The officers have no chin-strap or buttons to denote their rank. They are also wearing a blue cloth frock coat. It is of regimental pattern with black mohair trimmings.

NAM Accession Number

NAM. 1978-02-37-147


National Army Museum, Out of Copyright


National Army Museum, Study collection

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