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Drum Major, Coldstream Guards, 1895 (c)

Glass negative, W Gregory and Company, 51 Strand, London, 1895 (c).

Drum majors commanded drummers, buglers and bandsmen. They also played an important ceremonial role within the regiment, leading marching bands and concerts.

This drum major is wearing a scarlet tunic, with band wings on the shoulders. The tunic has elaborate gold lace loops down the chest and the buttons, grouped in pairs, identify the regiment as the Coldstream Guards. The collar is decorated with the badge of the garter star. The cuffs of the tunic are round with a four buttoned slash. The shoulder belt is dark blue and edged with gold lace. The devices that appear on it include the garter star. The blue cloth trousers have scarlet side-stripes two inches wide. He carries a drum-major's staff or mace.

NAM Accession Number

NAM. 1978-02-37-157


National Army Museum, Out of Copyright


National Army Museum, Study collection

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