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Rolling ball game 'Oom Paul gets his teeth drawn' 1900 (c)

This rolling-ball game depicts President Paul Kruger of the South African Republic (Transvaal). The Boers affectionately referred to Kruger as 'Oom Paul' or 'Uncle Paul', and his large frame, baggy black suits, grey hair, whiskers, and top hat were often caricatured.

The object of the game is to manipulate the five tiny white balls into the recesses in Kruger's mouth. Many games and curios with a South African theme were produced for the British market during and after the Boer War (1899-1902), among them a similar game called 'Get the last nail in Old Kruger's coffin'.

NAM Accession Number

NAM. 1983-12-85-1


National Army Museum Copyright


National Army Museum, Study Collection

Object URL