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'Interior of Colonel Warre's Hut', 1855 (c)

Coloured tinted lithograph by M and N Hanhart after Lieutenant-Colonel Henry James Warre CB, 57th (The West Middlesex) Regiment of Foot, plate 12 from 'Sketches in the Crimea', published by Dickinson Bros, London, 1856.

In the spring of 1855, wooden huts began to replace the tents that had proved so inadequate against the elements during the preceding months. In this print, Lieutenant-Colonel (later General Sir) Henry James Warre (1819-1898) depicts himself seated in his hut, surrounded by the equipment and accoutrements of a soldier in the field, with the regimental colours propped against the wall to the left.

Warre was first commissioned in 1837, transferring to the 57th (The West Middlesex) Regiment of Foot in 1847. He arrived in the Crimea in March 1855, Lieutenant Joshua Cunliffe Ingham of the 57th commenting: 'Warre has joined out here; he wrote to Col Shadforth to say that he could neither ride nor walk, but when he heard from the Horse Guards that he would not get his Lt. Colonelcy until he joined here he came out, and looks as well and strong as any one. This morning he tried to drill the Regiment but made a total failure, in fact I could have done it much better myself. If he commanded for 2 months we should be worse than a Militia; from what I have seen of him I like him very well as a man, but as a soldier he is worth nothing.'

Warre however was subsequently mentioned in dispatches for his role in the attack on the Redan, 18 June 1855, and later rose to be Commander-in-Chief of the Bombay Army, 1878-1881.

NAM Accession Number

NAM. 1984-04-116-12


National Army Museum, London


National Army Museum, Study collection

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