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Brigadier-General Sir Henry Montgomery Lawrence KCB, 1856 (c)
Photograph, India, 1856 (c).
Lawrence joined the Bengal Artillery in 1823 and gained a wide experience of campaigning and non-military duties as Resident in Nepal in 1843 and at Lahore in 1846. He was an able and far sighted administrator, an influential writer and military reformer and eventually became a legend in his own lifetime. During the Indian Mutiny (1857-1859) he organised the defence of the Residency at Lucknow and died on 4 July 1857 from wounds received during the siege.
From a photograph album of 100 photographs, 'Officers of the Ordnance Corps 1858-1859', 1858-1859.
NAM Accession Number
NAM. 1984-07-9-19
National Army Museum, Out of Copyright
National Army Museum, Study collection
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