Captain (later Lieutenant-Colonel) Robert Coney Whiting, 70th Bengal Native Infantry, Canton, 1859
Oil on canvas by Charles Wirgman, 1859.
Whiting (1825-1886) served in the 70th Bengal Native Infantry for his entire career, joining as ensign in 1844 and retiring as Lieutenant-Colonel in 1873. The 70th was one of only a handful of Bengal Army regiments not to mutiny in 1857-1859. It was also the first to volunteer for service in China in 1858, during the 2nd China War (1856-1860), where this was painted in July 1859. After retiring from British service in 1873, Whiting commanded the troops of the Raja of Nahan, in what is now Himachal Pradesh, India.
NAM Accession Number
NAM. 1989-09-3-1
National Army Museum, Out of Copyright
National Army Museum, Study Collection
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