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Message from King George VI to 'Old Comrades', 27 June 1937

It reads: 'I am very pleased to see so many Old Comrades here today. I appreciate your having come, both men and women, in such large numbers many of you from long distances, and I hope that you will take away lasting memories of the great gathering.

I am happy to think that, as Patron, I am in the future to be associated with the work of some of those Bodies which make up the great Brotherhood of Ex-Service Men. Being one of the Brotherhood myself, I have always followed their progress with real interest and sympathy. I have especially welcomed the interchange of visits between the Ex-Service Men of other countries and ourselves. Those of us who have seen War know what a great calamity it is for victors and vanquished alike, and if, with the united weight of our experience, we can convince the world of this fact, then I feel we can render no greater service to the human race.

Some among you have not known the tragedy of War, and, I pray God, never will. For you, too, there is a task to perform. It is not only in times of common danger that we need the fellow-feeling so lavishly outpoured during those dark years. The spirit of unselfishness and sympathy is just as necessary now for the welfare of mankind in our daily life, and it is up to you, and to all of us, to see that this spirit is never allowed to fade. These are not easy tasks, but we must all do our best to carry them out; and by setting this example to our fellow-men we shall win honour and glory for the proud name of Ex-Service Man.

The Queen and I wish every one of you prosperity and happiness. For us this gathering will always remain one of the most outstanding events of our Coronation Year'.

From a collection of papers of Betty Mould MBE (1895-1988), Women's Army Auxiliary Corps and Queen Mary's Army Auxiliary Corps, 1909-1981.

NAM Accession Number

NAM. 1994-01-256-27


National Army Museum, Out of Copyright


National Army Museum, Study Collection

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