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Sepoy Bhandari Ram VC, 6th Battalion 10th Baluch Regiment, 1945

Photograph, World War Two, India (1939-1945), 1945.

Bhandari Ram (1919-2002) was born at Serunia in Bilaspur in what is now Himachal Pradesh. He joined the Indian Army in 1941. The 'London Gazette' of 8 February 1945 described how:

'On the 22nd November 1944, in East Mayu, Arakan, during a Company attack on a strongly held Japanese bunker position, Sepoy Bhandari Ram was in the leading section of one of the Platoons. In order to reach its objective, it was necessary to climb a precipitous slope, by way of a narrow ridge with sheer sides. When fifty yards from the top of the slope, the leading section of the Platoon came under heavy and accurate light machine-gun fire. Three men were wounded, amongst them Sepoy Bhandari Ram, who received a burst of light machine gun fire in his left shoulder and a wound in his leg.

The Platoon was pinned down by intense enemy fire. This Sepoy then crawled up to the Japanese light machine gun, whilst in full view of the enemy, and approached to within fifteen yards of the enemy position. The enemy then hurled grenades at him, seriously wounding him in the face and chest. Undeterred, severely wounded by bullets and grenade splinters and bespattered with blood, this Sepoy, with superhuman courage and determination, crawled up to within five yards of his objective. He then threw a grenade into the position, killing the enemy gunner and two other men, and continued his crawl to the post.

Inspired by his example, the Platoon rushed up and captured the position. It was only after the position had been taken that he lay down and allowed his wounds to be dressed. By his outstanding gallantry, determination to destroy the enemy at all cost, and entire disregard for his personal safety, this young Sepoy enabled his Platoon to capture what he knew to be the key to the whole enemy position'.

Ram was invested with his Victoria Cross by the Viceroy of India, Field Marshal Lord Wavell at the Red Fort, New Delhi, on 3 March 1945. He eventually retired from the post-Independence Indian Army with the rank of honorary captain.

One of 10 photographs of Indian Army VC winners, 1943-1945.

NAM Accession Number

NAM. 1994-11-172-3


National Army Museum, Out of Copyright


National Army Museum, Study collection

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