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Army Bureau of Current Affairs pamphlet 'War D-Day'', July 1944
Formed in 1941, the Army Bureau of Current Affairs (ABCA) was set up by the War Office to raise morale and to educate British service personnel about current affairs. Soon considered an integral part of Army training, the programme of activities organised by ABCA, such as lectures, film shows, plays and discussions, aimed to empower soldiers with the weapon of knowledge.
ABCA also produced regular booklets about the progress of the war's various campaigns, including this example about D-Day. It also published booklets about contemporary social and political topics like the 'Beveridge Report' (1942), 'Town Planning' (1942), 'Women at War' (1942), 'The Nations' Health' (1943), and 'Social Security' (1943).
NAM Accession Number
NAM. 1995-02-78-6
National Army Museum, London
National Army Museum, Study collection
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