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'Advice to Surrender'/ 'To You The English Soldiers!', Japanese propaganda leaflet, 1944

Japanese Army propaganda leaflet issued during the Imphal-Kohima campaign, World War Two, Far East (1941-1945).

One side of the leaflet contains an appeal to the 'Commander-in-Chief of the British Indian Forces in the Imphal area', to surrender to the encircling Japanese forces. The tone of the leaflet is sympathetic and conciliatory, acknowledging the bravery, honour and sacrifice of officers and men of the Fourth Army Corps, but pointing out the perceived hopelessness of their situation. Given the treatment of Allied prisoners by the Japanese during the war in the Far East, the leaflet ends rather chillingly with the statement, 'Here we promise you to give right treatment to your brave soldiers as honourable prisoners'.

On the other side of the leaflet is a more direct appeal to 'English Soldiers'. The text includes the statement, 'You are like fishes caught in a net, without an outlet. The only faith left for you is Death alone'. Again, promises to abide by 'International Law' and to 'never carry on inhuman-like actions' in relation to prisoners are disturbing inclusions. The page ends with instructions on how to surrender to Japanese forces and is signed, 'Nippon Army'.

From a collection of papers belonging to or collected by Major Richard John Drennan Hollins, Royal Deccan Horse, 1944-1947.

NAM Accession Number

NAM. 1996-07-76-5


National Army Museum, Out of Copyright


National Army Museum, Study Collection

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