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Coatee, regimental officer, Tetbury and Horseley Volunteers, Gloucestershire, 1803-1808

Scarlet wool cloth with blue facings.

The Tetbury and Horseley Volunteers were raised on 13 August 1803, in the year following the failure of the peace of Amiens. They were based on an amalgamation of the previous separate volunteer units in Tetbury and Horseley, which had been disbanded in 1802. The unit reached battalion size, but was disbanded in 1808, when over 200 men from the unit volunteered to transfer to the Local Militia, which was established in 1808. This coatee is associated with John Scott, the Quartermaster of the Regiment.

NAM Accession Number

NAM. 1997-06-22-1


National Army Museum Copyright


National Army Museum, Study Collection

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