'Australian Mounted Rifles just before the taking of Belmont', 1899
Stereoscopic photograph, Boer War, 1899.
Five hundred members of the Queensland Mounted Infantry and the New South Wales Lancers were with the Kimberley Relief Column which captured the Belmont Hills on 22 November 1899. Victory came at a high cost. The British lost 75 men killed and 220 wounded. The majority of the Boers escaped. Their losses were 15 dead, 30 wounded and 36 captured.
From a box of 89 stereoscopic cards entitled, 'South African War through the Stereoscope Pt 2 Vol 1', published by Underwood and Underwood and produced by Works and Sun Sculpture Studios, 1900 (c).
NAM Accession Number
NAM. 1998-01-135--79
National Army Museum, Out of Copyright
National Army Museum, Study Collection
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