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Letter from Sant Singh Granthi to Colonel G O Turnbull DSO, 14 December 1938

Sant Singh Granthi was the Sikh priest of the 2nd Battalion, 15th Punjab Regiment, and wrote to Turnbull to thank him for his congratulations on succeeding to a position previously held by his father. He was based at Thal Fort in Kohat, North West Frontier Province, when he wrote to Turnbull who had commanded the battalion several years previously.

In his letter he comments on the unrest in another battalion of the regiment that resulted in the death of British and Indian officers when a sepoy ran amok. Sant Singh Granthi berates the sepoy concerned for breaking his oath and contrasts this with the stability of his own battalion that 'remained faithful and true to the Sarkar' despite the political unrest in India during the late 1930s.

NAM Accession Number

NAM. 1998-07-49--1


Crown Copyright


National Army Museum, Study Collection

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