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Military General Service Medal 1793-1814, awarded to Lieutenant Daniel Forbes, 95th Rifles
Silver medal with the portrait of Queen Victoria on the obverse, with the inscription, 'Victoria Regina' with the date '1848'. On the reverse the figure of Queen Victoria crowns a kneeling figure of the Duke of Wellington with a wreath, with the inscription, 'To The British Army' and the date range, '1793-1814', with a red and blue ribbon. Six clasps record the battle honours, 'Toulouse', 'Orthes', 'Pyrenees', 'Barossa', 'Nivelle' and 'Nive'.
Lieutenant Daniel Forbes' service in the American War of 1812 is recognised by the unofficial suspension bar which commemorates the Battle of New Orleans.
The Military General Service Medal commemorated the battles of the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars (1793-1815). However, it was not issued until 1847. This was 33 years after the last battle the medal marked. Therefore the numbers issued were fairly small and just over 25,000 were awarded. The next of kin of the dead, unless the veteran had lodged a claim prior to his death, were not eligible to claim the medal.
NAM Accession Number
NAM. 1998-11-131-1
National Army Museum Copyright
National Army Museum, Study Collection
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