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Dedication of the British Korean Veterans Association Surrey West Branch Standard at the Royal Garrison Church of All Saints, Aldershot, 20 October 1996
Oil on canvas by Roger Phelps, 1998.
The Reverend R A Owen (Chaplain of the Forces, Deputy Assistant Chaplain General, Aldershot District) reading prayers; the standard is held by K Briant CBE (Colonel, REME), with G Elcombe (Corporal, Royal Fusiliers), G Smith (Private, Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders) and A Guy (Staff Sergeant, RAMC) accompanying him.
During the service of dedication of the standard, the Chaplain asked the congregation to remember ' those who gave their lives in Korea in the cause of freedom. We also remember those who still suffer as a result of their service in Korea, and those who are bereaved. At the same time we recollect all those of the Korean nation who were afflicted by the ravages of war in their country, praying that, in peace, unity can be achieved.'
The Surrey Branch of the British Korean Veterans Association was formed in April 1995 and is one of the largest branches in the country.
NAM Accession Number
NAM. 1999-01-147-1
National Army Museum Copyright
National Army Museum, Study Collection
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