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'Omar Pasha - as he appeared the day he reviewed the force at Devna'

Watercolour by Second Lieutenant William Thomas Markham (1830-1886), 2nd Battalion, Rifle Brigade, 1854 (c).

Omar Pasha commanded the Ottoman forces in the Crimea. Captain Nigel Kingscote, one of Lord Raglan's aides-de-camp, approvingly described him as: 'A fine looking fellow, unlike the Turks, dresses in a plain grey frock coat with Jack boots, and sits well on his horse with an English seat. He does everything himself and must see it done or it is not done, the staff of every kind being the worst part of the Turkish Army'.

From an album of watercolours and sketches by Colonel William Markham, 1820 (c) and Second Lieutenant William Thomas Markham, 1854 (c).

NAM Accession Number

NAM. 1999-02-105--46


Purchased with the assistance of the Society of Friends of the National Army Museum.

Society of Friends of the National Army Museum


National Army Museum, Out of Copyright


National Army Museum, Study collection

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