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Members of Mortar Platoon, 40 Royal Marine Commando, on patrol, 2004

Digital photograph taken by WO2 Giles Penfound, Army Media Operations, Iraq, Operation BRACKEN, 3 November 2004.

The Royal Marines were photographed carrying out a fire mission with illumination rounds as part of the support and protection to Camp Dogwood, home to 1st Battalion The Black Watch (The Royal Highland Regiment) Battle Group (1 BW BG). The latter formation was authorised by the British Prime Minister to conduct operations in the 24 Marine Expeditionary Unit (United States) area of operations south of Baghdad.

The 1 BW BG consisted of Battle Group Headquarters (HQ), 'A', 'B', 'D' and 'HQ' Company as well as attachments from 40 Commando Royal Marines, 'B' Squadron, Queen's Dragoon Guards, and a variety of Combat Support (Signals, Royal Engineers, Intelligence Corps) and Combat Service Support (Royal Logistic Corps, Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers) elements.

NAM Accession Number

NAM. 2005-01-67-38


Crown Copyright


National Army Museum, Study collection

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