WO2 Ian Adshead, Adjutant General's Corps, mentors an Afghan National Army officer in basic computer skills, 2006
Digital photograph by Corporal Mike Fletcher, Royal Logistic Corps, Helmand Task Force Photographer, Camp Tombstone, Helmand Province, Afghanistan, 15 May 2006.
The British-run Operational Mentor and Liaison Team (OMLT) mentored members of the Afghan National Army (ANA) at Camp Tombstone in Helmand Province.
WO2 Adshead said of the Afghans: 'They are really good, really enthusiastic and soaking up all that they are given'. The OMLT mentored the ANA on all the skills required to be a soldier in a modern world. This included basic computer skills for those likely to use IT such as officers and store men.
From a CD of 309 images.
NAM Accession Number
NAM. 2006-10-3-99
Crown Copyright
National Army Museum, Study collection
Object URL