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Headquarters, 36 Engineer Group, Kabul, 2002

Digital photograph by Corporal Mark Ballantyne, Royal Logistic Corps, February 2002.

British Army vehicles parked outside 36 Engineer Group's headquarters off the Jellalabad Road, in Kabul.

Following the 11 September 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States, Britain deployed troops to Afghanistan with the US and other allies to destroy al-Qaeda, and the Taleban forces that had backed them. In 2001, the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (Nato) created the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF), backed by the United Nations (UN). Their initial role was to secure Kabul, the Afghan capital. By April 2002 there were 1,700 British soldiers deployed on Operation FINGAL, working alongside other NATO allies to assist the interim administration with security and stability.

NAM Accession Number

NAM. 2007-10-8-20-273


Crown Copyright


National Army Museum, Study collection

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