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The 6th (1st Royal Warwickshire) Regiment of Foot on exercise while stationed at Portsmouth, 1843

Oil on canvas by Daniel Cunliffe (fl 1826-1855), 1843.

Unusual for the period, this painting shows a regiment on exercise, demonstrating the procedure for advancing in companies across a narrow bridge. This potentially dangerous manoeuvre when within range of enemy guns means some troops had to remain along the riverbank to give covering fire.

The colonel commanding the 6th Foot, Lieutenant-Colonel John Michel (centre, mounted), went on to have a brilliant military career, seeing active service in the Crimea (1854-1856), in India during the mutiny (1857-1859), and in the 2nd China War (1856-1860), before taking command of the British forces in North America during the Fenian troubles in the 1860s. He was made field marshal in 1885.

NAM Accession Number

NAM. 2008-08-17-1


National Army Museum, Out of Copyright


National Army Museum, Study collection

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