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Martyn Compton, 2017

Oil on canvas, signed and dated lower right, by Caroline de Peyrecave (born 1986), painted as part of the WARPaint project, 2017.

This bust length portrait is a preliminary study for a life-size double portrait of Martyn Compton and Jaco Van Gass.

Lance Corporal Martyn Compton served in the Household Cavalry. He was serving in Afghanistan in 2006 when the vehicle he was travelling in was blown up by an IED (Improvised Explosive Device) which killed the three other crew members. He was shot at by the Taleban with rocket propelled grenades which blew up the engine and Martyn suffered horrific burns to 75% of his body. He has since undergone over 500 hours of operations and rehabilitation. After he left the Army, Martyn suffered from PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) but found a focus and support from KartForce, a charity linked to Team BRIT which helps injured troops through karting. He has since become a racing driver and in 2020 with another veteran, Warren McKinlay, formed Stand2Motorsport as part of their recovery process.

The WARpaint project aimed to raise awareness of the effects of conflict through art and generated funds for military charities. The project supported serving veterans and serving personnel who were living with the devastating and life-changing effects of conflict.

NAM Accession Number

NAM. 2018-12-12-1


Reproduced courtesy of Caroline de Peyrecave


National Army Museum, Study collection

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