Online Collection
'News'. Horsemen of the New Model Army, 1645 (c)
Oil on canvas by William Barns Wollen (1857-1936), 1910 (c).
Three horsemen of the New Model Army receiving news from a fourth rider, on moorland. Soldiers who fought mounted on horseback were known as cavalry. During the English Civil Wars (1642-1651) they made up a third to a half of most armies. The men depicted in this painting are harquebusiers or light cavalrymen. A fully equipped harquebusier would possess a sword, a pair of pistols, helmet, buff coat, back and breastplate, and a steel gauntlet to cover his bridle hand.
NAM Accession Number
NAM. 1965-05-46-1
National Army Museum, Out of Copyright
National Army Museum, Army At Home gallery
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