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Medical instrument set belonging to Surgeon Colonel Sir James Magill, Royal Army Medical Corps and Coldstream Guards, 1875 (c)-1907

Made by Mayer and Meltzer, London.

Case contains: one saw; one pair of forceps; one pair of clippers (lid); spatula; one pair of small forceps; four pairs of scissors; four scalpels; three probes; one box of needles; 14 pins (inner lift out box); one hammer; two pairs of scissors, three bone chisels; one hook.

Magill served with the Coldstream Guards during the Boer War (1899-1902) and held the positions of Officer Commanding the Guards Brigade Field Hospital and Divisional Principal Medical Officer. He retired from service in 1907.

NAM Accession Number

NAM. 1998-06-132-1


National Army Museum Copyright


National Army Museum, A Soldier's Life Gallery

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