Online Collection
Sweetheart Brooch, 59th Scinde Rifles (Frontier Force), 1921 (c)
Brass and enamel brooch on a gilt pin, unmarked, 1921 (c).
Small, jewelled representations of regimental and unit badges of this type were given by serving officers to their wives and girlfriends.
This badge is thought to have been given by Major (later Colonel) Guy Hamilton Russell (1882-1958) to Agnes Joan Portal, whom he was to marry in 1925. On the reorganisation of the Indian infantry in 1922 the 59th became the 6th Royal Battalion (Scinde), 13th Frontier Force Rifles.
NAM Accession Number
NAM. 1995-07-48-1
National Army Museum Copyright
National Army Museum, A Soldier's Life Gallery
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