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VC awarded to Captain A M C McReady-Diarmid, 17th (Service) Battalion, Duke of Cambridge's Own (Middlesex Regiment)
Allastair Malcom Cluny McReady-Diarmid (1881-1917) was awarded the Victoria Cross (VC) posthumously for his actions in the Moeuvres Sector on the Western Front, on 30 November and 1 December 1917.
According to the 'London Gazette', Captain McReady-Diarmid, on two successive days, led his men under fire against German attacks. On one day the enemy were driven back 300 hundred yards and twenty-seven prisoners were taken; McReady-Diarmid's 'absolute disregard for danger, his cheerfulness and coolness at a most trying time, inspired all who saw him'. McReady-Diarmid's 'bomb-throwing' was commended but he eventually fell victim to an enemy grenade.
McReady-Diarmid's name appears on the Cambrai Memorial at Louveral.
From a medal group including, 1914-15 Star, British War Medal 1914-20 and Allied Victory Medal 1914-19.
NAM Accession Number
NAM. 1992-07-2-1
Presented by the Trustees of the Middlesex Regimental Museum
National Army Museum Copyright
National Army Museum, Study Collection
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