Inventory Search
Displaying 83601 to 83700 of 111148 results
Description | Object Type | NAM Accession Number |
Photostat of report of Inter-Departmental Committee on Army School, 1906. | Archives | 2008-04-113-5 |
Magazine: Queen's Courier; magazine, Queen's School, Monchen Gladbach, 1955-1956. | Archives | 2008-04-114-1 |
Magazine: The Cavalier; magazine, Prince Rupert School, Wilhelmshaven, 1951-1952. | Archives | 2008-04-114-2 |
Magazine: Concord; magazine, Windsor Boys' School, 1956, 1957 and 1960. | Archives | 2008-04-114-3 |
Magazine: The Red Dragon; magazine, King Alfred School, Plon, 1953, 1954 and 1957. | Archives | 2008-04-114-4 |
Magazine: Verden, 1962. | Archives | 2008-04-114-5 |
Magazine: Grenville, 1966-1968. | Archives | 2008-04-114-6 |
Magazine: Shackleton Junior, Fallingbostel, 1966. | Archives | 2008-04-114-7 |
Magazine: Charlottenburg, Berlin, 1960. | Archives | 2008-04-114-8 |
Magazine: Wolfenbuttel, 1964. | Archives | 2008-04-114-9 |
Magazine: Cologne, 1964-1965. | Archives | 2008-04-114-10 |
Magazine: Bielefeld, 1959-1960. | Archives | 2008-04-114-11 |
Magazine: Herford, 1959. | Archives | 2008-04-114-12 |
Journal: The Highlander; journal of the Slim School, 1955, 1958 and 1960. | Archives | 2008-04-115-1 |
Magazine, Alexandra Grammar School, 1965. | Archives | 2008-04-115-2 |
Magazine: Mountbatten School, 1965. | Archives | 2008-04-115-3 |
Magazine: BACS Penang, 1967. | Archives | 2008-04-115-4 |
Magazine: BACS Kluang, 1966-1967. | Archives | 2008-04-115-5 |
Magazine: Pasir Panjang Junior School, 1964. | Archives | 2008-04-115-6 |
Magazine, Seremban School, 1967. | Archives | 2008-04-115-7 |
Magazine, BACS Seaview, Malacca, 1964-1966. | Archives | 2008-04-115-8 |
Summit Magazine of St John's School, Singapore, 1968. | Archives | 2008-04-115-9 |
Magazine: The Victorian; magazine, Victoria Junior School, 1960. | Archives | 2008-04-115-10 |
Magazine: The Georgian Chronicle; magazine, St George's Secondary School, 1956-1958. | Archives | 2008-04-115-11 |
Papers relating to statistics on Army Children's Schools, Far East Land Forces, 1968, 1969 and 1970. | Archives | 2008-04-116-1 |
Report, DAEd's Inspectorate, No 129, Far East Land Forces, 1965. | Archives | 2008-04-116-2 |
Magazine: The Highlander; magazine, Slim School, Cameron Highlands, 1950s. | Archives | 2008-04-116-3 |
Magazine: The Victorian; magazine, Victoria Junior School, Hong Kong, 1960s. | Archives | 2008-04-116-4 |
Magazine: The Georgian Chronicle; magazine, St George's School, Hong Kong, 1960s. | Archives | 2008-04-116-5 |
Magazine: King Richard School, Dhekelia, Cyprus, 1963-1964. | Archives | 2008-04-117-1 |
Magazine: St Andrew's School, Malta, 1963. | Archives | 2008-04-117-2 |
Papers relating to Col Salisbury and Egypt, Teachers' Convention, 1950. | Archives | 2008-04-118-1 |
Book list: Army Children's Schools, suggestions for teachers, War Office, AEd4, 1955. | Archives | 2008-04-118-2 |
Lecture: Education of Service Children Overseas; lecture by DDAE to NUT Summer Schools, Aug 1953. | Archives | 2008-04-118-3 |
Magazines: ACS, Park Camp, Jamaica, 1958. | Archives | 2008-04-118-4 |
Magazines: British School, Suez, 1952. | Archives | 2008-04-118-5 |
School Health Booklet, Middle East Land Forces, 1951. | Archives | 2008-04-118-6 |
Booklet: 60 Common Birds of the Nile Delta; booklet, 1944. | Archives | 2008-04-118-7 |
Pamphlet: Secondary Schools in BFES, Admissions, Transfers and Retentions; pamphlet, 1959-1962 and 1966. | Archives | 2008-04-118-8 |
Pamphlet: How Your Children will be Educated Overseas; pamphlet, 1954. | Archives | 2008-04-118-9 |
Booklet: Parents' Guide to the BFES in Germany; booklet, 1956 and 1957. | Archives | 2008-04-118-10 |
Booklet: Educational Facilities for British Children at SHAPE; booklet, 1950 (c). | Archives | 2008-04-118-11 |
Booklet: Education of Service Children in the UK; booklet, 1956. | Archives | 2008-04-118-12 |
Papers: Education of Service Children in the UK by MOD Standing Committee on the Education of Service Children, 1961. | Archives | 2008-04-119-1 |
Draft of Report of Inter-Departmental Committee on Secondary Education of Service Children, 1953-1954; includes a photostat of the ACI subsequently issued, No 578 of 1955. | Archives | 2008-04-119-2 |
Register of admissions to Pulau Brani Primary School, Singapore, 1950. | Archives | 2008-04-119-3 |
Visitors' books and Headteacher's summary of attendance, Pulau Brani Primary School, 1961-1968. | Archives | 2008-04-119-4 |
Letter for HQ Singapore District to Commandant, Institute of Army Education, 6 Sep 1968; describes the closure of Pulau Brani Primary School in July 1968. | Archives | 2008-04-119-5 |
A History of Pulau Brani Primary School. History, Singapore, nd. | Archives | 2008-04-119-6 |
DAEd's tour notes on children's schools, Oslo, 1961. | Archives | 2008-04-119-7 |
Letters and programmes relating to the opening and closing of Slim School and Bourne School, Far East Land Forces, nd. | Archives | 2008-04-119-8 |
HMIs reports, Far East Land Forces, 1950s. | Archives | 2008-04-119-9 |
History of Seaview BACS, Malacca, Malaya, 1969; prepared by the headmaster of the school which closed in 1969. | Archives | 2008-04-119-10 |
Papers, Last return of BAC Primary School, Johore Bahru, 1969. | Archives | 2008-04-119-11 |
History: A Short History of Slim School, Malaya; written by St J Williams, 1970. | Archives | 2008-04-119-12 |
Pictures and examples of work of German children introduced into BFES All-Age School, Gatow, Berlin, 1968; by Maj G Glaister, Royal Army Education Corps. | Archives | 2008-04-119-13 |
Manual of Army Education, pt XIII, 1956; education of army children overseas and administration of Army Children's Schools. | Archives | 2008-04-120-1 |
Folder containing a series of articles on the effects of turbulence on school children, 1960s. | Archives | 2008-04-120-2 |
Paper, statistics of numbers of children in Army Schools, 1955-1956. | Archives | 2008-04-120-3 |
Draft of Ministry of Defence Working Party final report on the education of service children of secondary age, 1959. | Archives | 2008-04-120-4 |
Regulations for service children's schools, 1956. | Archives | 2008-04-120-5 |
Papers: A Short Guide to Children's Education; produced by 32 Army Education Corps, Lisburn, nd. | Archives | 2008-04-120-6 |
Papers: A Detailed Classification of All Army Children's Schools and Other Service Schools; papers, 1969. | Archives | 2008-04-120-7 |
Reports by HMIs on Army and Air Force Children's School in Malta, Cyrenaica and Tripolitania, 1954. | Archives | 2008-04-120-8 |
SCEA advert in Times Educational Supplement, 19 Jan 1969; containing first SCEA publication of schools appointments to be made for September term. | Archives | 2008-04-120-9 |
Papers, DCIs General 198/68 Establishment of SCEA, nd. | Archives | 2008-04-120-10 |
Papers, DCIs General 184/68 provision of a youth service for British Forces, Germany, nd. | Archives | 2008-04-120-11 |
SCESCO Reports, 1947-1951. | Archives | 2008-04-120-12 |
Papers, Introduction of Junior Army Education Certificate Scheme, DCI (A) 1/81, nd. | Archives | 2008-04-121-1 |
DAT paper, Policy Guidelines for the Junior Entry, 1977-1978. | Archives | 2008-04-121-2 |
Report on training of apprentices by Lt Col Edwards and Lt Col Parker-Jones and a team appointed by DAT and DAE, 1964. | Archives | 2008-04-121-3 |
Outline history of the education of boys in the Army by Maj G A Bowyer, Royal Army Education Corps, nd. | Archives | 2008-04-121-4 |
Papers, specimen 'Intermediate' and other tests for Army boys, 1949-1955. | Archives | 2008-04-121-5 |
Proposed Equipment for Junior Leaders' Schools Clubs. Papers, 1959. | Archives | 2008-04-121-6 |
Papers: Scheme of Educational Training, Army Apprenticeship School; papers, Arborfield, 1954. | Archives | 2008-04-121-7 |
The Selection of Army Apprentices; comments on A ORG Report No 10/59, prepared by Maj H L Williams, Institute of Army Education, 1960. | Archives | 2008-04-121-8 |
Papers, Apprentice Tradesmen's Entrance Exam, 1930. | Archives | 2008-04-121-9 |
Scheme of Educational Training. Papers, No 6 (Boys) Training Regiment, Royal Signals, Beverley, 1952. | Archives | 2008-04-121-10 |
Papers: The Cuddon Report; reorganisation of Studies, Army Apprentices Schools, 1948. | Archives | 2008-04-121-11 |
Journal: The Harrogate Apprentice; journal of the Army Apprentice School, Harrogate, 1954-1957. | Archives | 2008-04-122-1 |
Journal: The Robot; journal of the AAC Chepstow, April 1972. | Archives | 2008-04-122-2 |
Journal: The Gate; journal of the AAC Harrogate, 1968-1977. | Archives | 2008-04-122-3 |
Journal: The Robot; journal, odd copies, 1945-1958. | Archives | 2008-04-123-1 |
Journal: The Gate; odd copies, 1966-1967 and 1978-1980. | Archives | 2008-04-123-2 |
Magazine: Manor Review; AAS, Norton Manor Camp, Taunton, 1948. | Archives | 2008-04-123-3 |
Journal: The Arborfield Apprentice Journal; journal, 1952 and 1956-1957. | Archives | 2008-04-123-4 |
Journal: Hadrian's Journal; journal, Army Apprentices School, Carlisle, 1961. | Archives | 2008-04-123-5 |
Papers: The Army Apprentice Scheme; conditions of entry and service, 1958. | Archives | 2008-04-123-6 |
Pamphlet: Apprentice Tradesmen in Her Majesty's Army; pamphlet, 1950. | Archives | 2008-04-123-7 |
Papers: Apprentice Tradesmen Entry Examination; arithmetic paper, 1956. | Archives | 2008-04-123-8 |
Army Apprentice Schools Prospectuses, 1948-1953. | Archives | 2008-04-123-9 |
Pamphlet: A Pioneer of Army Education - The RMA, Chelsea, 1801-21; written by T A Bowyer-Bower. | Archives | 2008-04-124-1 |
Standing orders of Duke of York's Royal Military Asylum, 1874, 1903 and 1924. | Archives | 2008-04-124-2 |
Album of views of Duke of York's Royal Military Asylum, Dover, 1909-1910. | Archives | 2008-04-124-3 |
Extract from Military Enquiry Commissioners, XIXth Report, 1812. | Archives | 2008-04-124-4 |
Subject index of manuscript letters, Volumes 1-9, Duke of York's Royal Military Asylum, Chelsea, nd; the letters themselves are not at Royal Army Education Corps Centre. | Archives | 2008-04-124-5 |
Papers, estimated cost of running the Asylum, 1809-1810. | Archives | 2008-04-124-6 |
Photograph of forty pupil-teachers under training at Duke of York's Royal Military Asylum, 1904. | Photographs | 2008-04-124-7 |
Picture of Duke of York's Royal Military Asylum exterior, 1904, along with a note on the change in designation from 'Asylum' to 'School' in 1892. | Archives | 2008-04-124-8 |
Typed copy of an introduction to a pamphlet on Duke of York's Royal Military Asylum, 1910. | Archives | 2008-04-124-9 |