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Displaying 1201 to 1300 of 48619 results

Description Object Type NAM Accession Number
Three sound cassette tapes: oral history interview with Mr Austin Brackenbury; he recalls his service as a Private in the East Yorkshire, South Staffordshire and North Staffordshire Regiments, and the Somerset Light Infantry, 1943-1947; in England, Normandy and the advance across Europe to Germany. Interview conducted on 24 November 1997. Sound Recordings 1998-10-335
Typescript memoirs of service by Anna Moira Sloan Emerson, (later Churches), Auxiliary Territorial Service, 1939-46. Archives 1998-10-336
Sound cassette: oral history interview with Anna Moira Sloan Churches; she recalls her experience as a subaltern in the Auxiliary Territorial Service, later attached to the Electrical and Mechanical Engineers, 1939-1946. Interview conducted on 27 November 1997. Sound Recordings 1998-10-337
Collection of papers relating to Pte Thomas Joseph Cannor, including service in the 4th Volunteer Battalion The Queen's Own Regiment, 1907-1908, and 1/25th Battalion London Regiment, 1918-1919. Archives 1998-10-338
Two photographs of Pte Thomas Joseph Cannor: in the 4th Volunteer Battalion The Queen's Own Regiment, 1907-1908, and in the 1/25th Battalion The London Regiment, 1918-1919. Photographs 1998-10-339
British South Africa Police Force Orders. Incomplete collection from Oct 1949 to Dec 1949; collected by John David Mcpherson Fall who served in the BSAP 1949 to 1969. Archives 1998-10-341
Four group photographs with the sitters all named; 10th Bn Hampshire Regiment, 1940 (c); Rhodesian Army, 2 Brigade Staff and Commanding Officers of 2 Brigade Club, 1969; Rhodesian Army, Headquarters 2 Brigade, Staff Officers, 1970; Rhodesian Army, Chaplain's Military Familiarisation Course, 1978. Photographs 1998-10-343
Manuscript notes compiled by Maj H R Gatehouse, BRIXMIS, British Commanders'-in-Chiefs Mission to Soviet Forces in Germany, relating to the 'Spiral Code', a Vehicle Registration Number codification system used by the Soviet Forces, 1946-1959. Archives 1998-10-345
99 photographs of social events involving members of BRIXMIS, British Commanders'-in-Chiefs Mission to Soviet Forces in Germany, and SOXMIS, 1965-1967; with printed ephemera and explanatory notes compiled by the donor. Photographs 1998-10-347
Items from the papers of M W Dennison, including: Airborne Forces Day Cover Jul 1998; order of Tercentenary Service Royal Irish Rangers, and Commemorative Cover Jun 1989; letter from Maj Gen R N Wheeler on the formation of the Royal Irish Regiment, Jun 1992. Archives 1998-10-349
Press releases, brochures and other items relating to the launch of Legion Security, the former Royal British Legion Attendants Company Limited, 1 Oct 1998. Archives 1998-10-340
Promotional video produced by Legion Security PLC to advertise their service; the company changed from the Royal British Legion Attendants Company Limited, 1 Oct 1998. Film and Videos 1998-10-342
Photocopies of papers collected by Capt A R Maddocks, Indian Artillery, 1941-1945, includes: two letters to his aunt and uncle, December 1942 and June 1944; four letters received December 1945 and December 1946. Archives 1998-10-344
Two sound cassettes: oral history interview with Capt Alan Maddocks; two sound cassettes; recalling his service in the Royal Engineers, 1940-1941; the Royal Artillery OCTU 1941; 4th Indian Field Regiment, Indian Artillery, 1941-1945; 123 OCTU Royal Artillery 1945-1946. Sound Recordings 1998-10-346
Six records of the Royal Garhwal Rifles Officers Association, including: attendance register at the reunions, 1924-1949; four dinner menus, 1949, 1952, 1953 and 1954; invitation to Captain and Mrs Peter Cashmore to dinner in the Garhwal's mess, November 1991. Archives 1998-10-348
Four black and white photographs relating to the Royal Garhwal Rifles, 1937-1945; reunion dinner; named officers group, 1937; inspection of the Peshawar Brigade by the Commander in Chief, 1937 (c); British Small Arms School, 3rd Mortar Course, Saugar, 1945. Photographs 1998-10-350
Video recording of extract from a BBC2 broadcast of 'From our own Correspondent', 17 May 1997; shows Edward Behr revisiting the Royal Garhwal Rifles Regimental Centre at Lansdowne. Film and Videos 1998-10-352
VHS video with two pieces of recruiting film for the Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers, Engineering Officer Parts 1 & 2: 'REME - A promise of variety', (C8119), and 'Signal Decision', (C8120). Film and Videos 1997-11-147
VHS video: A Career in Action - Territorial Army Officer. Produced by the Services Sound and Vision Corporation; recruiting film for Territorial Army Officers; Catalogue Number C8533. Film and Videos 1997-11-148
VHS video: Dear Miss Jennings. Women's Royal Army Corps recruiting film produced by the Services Sound and Vision Corporation; Catalogue Number C9695. Film and Videos 1997-11-155
Battle Group Attack - Royal Scots Dragoon Guards in Exercise LIONS ROARS '84. VHS video cassette, 1984; Catalogue Number C0421. Film and Videos 1997-11-157
VHS video: The Royal Armoured Corps (soldier recruiting).Produced by the Services Sound and Vision Corporation; Catalogue Number NIV363. Film and Videos 1997-11-159
VHS video: The REME. Recruiting video for the Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers showing career opportunities for other ranks. Produced by the Services Sound and Vision Corporation; 1993; Catalogue Number NIV 439; 11 mins duration. Film and Videos 1997-11-160
VHS video: Directed Enemy Awareness Training. How to deal with Laser, Radio Frequency and Particle Beam weapons. Produced by the Royal Armoured Corps Centre; Catalogue Number RAC 064; 7 mins 30 secs duration. Film and Videos 1997-11-162
VHS video: Territorial Army cinema commercial. Produced by the Services Sound and Vision Corporation; Catalogue Number VR 32. Film and Videos 1997-11-163
VHS video with two pieces of recruiting film for the Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers, Engineering Officer Parts 1 & 2: 'REME - A promise of variety', (C8119), and 'Signal Decision', (C8120). Film and Videos 1997-11-168
VHS video: The Royal Irish Regiment. Army Careers recruiting video. produced by Grosvenor Television on behalf of the Directorate of Army Recruiting. Film and Videos 1997-11-173
Royal Army Ordnance Corps recruiting video, 1989; VHS video cassette. Film and Videos 1997-11-174
Royal Army Ordnance Corps. The Right Choice. Recruiting video, 1988; VHS video cassette. Film and Videos 1997-11-175
Career with a Future. Adjutant General's Corps. VHS video cassette. Film and Videos 1997-11-176
VHS video containing three pieces of recruiting film: 'Have you got what it takes?' (duration 15 mins); 'Royal Military Police at Work' (duration 6 mins) and 'Wilkinson Sword of Peace (duration 6 mins). Produced by the Services Sound and Vision Corporartion. Film and Videos 1997-11-177
Moment of Truth. Queen Alexandra's Royal Army Nursing Corps recruiting video; VHS video cassette. Film and Videos 1997-11-178
TA Challenge- The Great Escape. VHS video cassette. Film and Videos 1997-11-180
Look at Life. Three VHS videos, 1990(c), about a scheme for allowing teenagers to experience life in the Army for short periods of time; Teenagers with the Devon and Dorset Regiments; Students try Army Life; Teenagers at Roussilow Barracks Chichester; produced by RMP Television Unit. Film and Videos 1997-11-190
Programme in Channel Four's television series 'Cutting Edge', on P-Company Depot Parachute Regiment; VHS video cassette. Film and Videos 1997-11-192
Programme in the BBC's television series 'First Thursday', on the first women at Sandhurst Royal Military Academy; VHS video cassette; 60 mins duration. Film and Videos 1997-11-193
Bosnia 1998, E Battery 1 RHA, 1998. Watercolour over pencil by Hugh J H L Beattie, 1998, signed; three AS90 155 mm self-propelled guns of E Battery, 1 Royal Horse Artillery, on the ranges above Glamoc, Bosnia, on Operation PALATINE, 5 Oct 1998. Drawings and Watercolours 1998-11-2
One-pint tankard, RIASC School Sports Club, 1934 (c); electro-plated nickel-silver over brass-coloured metal with clear plastic base; maker unknown; circular, tapering downwards with straight sides and flattened ovoid section handle; owned by Richard Spear MBE, emergency commission, Indian Army as 2/Lt, acting Lt Col. Silver 1998-11-3
One-pint tankard, RIASC School Sports Club, 1934 (c); electro-plated nickel-silver over brass with clear plastic base; maker unknown; circular, tapering downwards with straight sides and flattened ovoid section handle; owned by Richard Spear MBE, emergency commission, Indian Army as 2/Lt, acting Lt Col. Silver 1998-11-4
Light Infantry sword, pattern 1803; 82nd (Prince of Wales Volunteers) Regiment; steel scabbard; the exaggerated blade form and scabbard are similar to Pattern 1796 Light Cavalry swords; made by J J Runkel. Edged Weapons 1984-04-128
Infantry officer's sword, pattern 1892, 1905 (c); straight, thrusting blade, which was of a new design, and is engraved with the maker's name, J R Gaunt and Son, and the Regimental device of the Royal Army Medical Corps; 'Gothic' guard; gold knot with crimson worm; nickel plated scabbard. Edged Weapons 1985-02-2
Infantry officers sword, pattern 1895; straight thrusting blade, engraved with the owner's name, Lt Co W C C Ash, 10th Middlesex Regiment; three quarter basket guard. Edged Weapons 1992-08-152
Orders, Queen Mary's Army Auxiliary Corps, Apr 1918 to Dec 1919. Archives 1998-11-5
Three groups of papers relating to the Queen Mary's Army Auxiliary Corps (QMAAC): minutes of a conference between QMAAC, Women's Royal Naval Service (WRNS) and the Ministry of Labour, 14 Jun 1918; 'Steady', a piece dated 22 Dec 1918, addressed to QMAACs with the Allied Expeditionary Force (AEF); letter from Col D L Stone, AEF, to Dame Florence Leach about the transfer of QMAACs from AEF. Archives 1998-11-6
Papers, including a historical account, on the work of the Adjutant General's Department responsible for women in the army (AGX1), 1917-1918. Archives 1998-11-7
Minutes of a succession of conferences held by the Adjutant General's department between 5 Jan and 5 Jul 1917 on the organisation of women employed by the Army. Archives 1998-11-8
Routine orders issued to Queen Mary's Army Auxiliary Corps in France, May 1917 to Dec 1919. Archives 1998-11-9
Papers relating to the Queen Mary's Army Auxiliary Corps detachment at Wimereux, France, 1919. Archives 1998-11-10
Documents relating to the deployment of Queen Mary's Army Auxiliary Corps at Boulogne, France, 1918-1919. Archives 1998-11-11
Documents relating to the deployment of Queen Mary's Army Auxiliary Corps personnel at Etaples; message from OC 23 Infantry Base Depot to his men instructing them to act respectfully towards Women's Army Auxiliary Corps staff; Etaples Military Exchange telephone directory; letter of thanks from the chairman of VAD for assistance of QMAACs at Etaples, 27 Nov 1919. Archives 1998-11-12
Papers relating to the deployment of the Queen Mary's Army Auxiliary Corps at Abbeville, France, 1918-1919. Archives 1998-11-13
List of Women's Army Auxiliary Corps servicewomen bound for Le Havre from Aldershot via Southampton, 20 Nov 1917; leave of absence pass for Forewoman Gummersall to visit Trouville from Le Havre, 21 Sep 1919. Archives 1998-11-14
Army forms, railway tickets and vouchers relating to personnel serving with the Women's Army Auxiliary Corps (later the Queen Mary's Army Auxiliary Corps) in France, 1916-1917, comprising template and blank pro formas for acquittance and nominal rolls, daily orders forms, and leave rosters, together with a completed Field Post Card (August 1916), bread vouchers issued to British Armed Forces in France, and a leave and railway ticket (October 1917); 11 items; associated with World War One (1914-1918). Archives 1998-11-15
Papers on the connection of Queen Mary with the Queen Mary's Army Auxiliary Corps, 1918-1922. Archives 1998-11-16
Papers relating to the Queen Mary's Army Auxiliary Corps uniform, 1917-1952. Archives 1998-11-17
Papers relating to Queen Mary's Army Auxiliary Corps; examination paper; preliminary training summons; Physical Training Tables of Exercises for the Women's Army Auxiliary Corps HQ, Army Gymnastic Staff Nov 1917; Acknowledgement of WAAC training help provided to the Women's Royal Navy Service; Educational Training Scheme issued with the Special Army Order X, 24 Sep 1918. Archives 1998-11-18
Papers relating to Queen Mary's Army Auxiliary Corps trades and employment; including cooks, telephonists, telegraphists and clerks, 1917-1920. Archives 1998-11-19
Recruitment and demobilisation papers, Queen Mary's Army Auxiliary Corps, 1917-1920. Archives 1998-11-20
Papers relating to the Army's use of female cooks supplied by the Women's Legion, 1915-1917. Archives 1998-11-21
Reports of social activities undertaken by four Queen Mary's Army Auxiliary Corps Units; two in London, one in Bushey and one at Esher; in response to an enquiry by Queen Mary, Sep 1918. Archives 1998-11-22
Daily orders Part II of the Women's Army Auxiliary Corps Hostel at the Connaught Club, London, 5 Aug 1917. Archives 1998-11-23
Leave of absence book, Wellington Barracks, Lichfield, 1918. Archives 1998-11-24
Register of Queen Mary's Army Auxiliary Corps members at the School of Instruction, Berkhamstead, 1918. Archives 1998-11-25
Record of awards and medals for the Queen Mary's Army Auxiliary Corps; including expressions of appreciation for their services from both the British Expeditionary Force and Allied Expeditionary Force, 1917-1920. Archives 1998-11-26
Report on the Commission of Enquiry in the Women's Army Auxiliary Corps, 20 Mar 1918; Parliamentary debates of 25 Feb 1918, including reference to the Commission of Enquiry; various documents relating to discipline, May 1917 to Oct 1918. Archives 1998-11-27
Queen Mary's Army Auxiliary Corps papers relating to health and welfare, 1917-1919, includes: rationing, health insurance, dental treatment, medical treatment, accommodation and representations made to Queen Mary on the subject. Archives 1998-11-28
Diary of 102 Group Auxiliary Territorial Service, with the British Expeditionary Force in France, Mar to Jun 1940, by Senior Commandant Margaret Wagstaff. Archives 1998-11-30
Notes for the potential WO1's course held at the School of Military Administration, Brockenhurst, Hampshire, Oct 1941. Archives 1998-11-31
Order of service for the Auxiliary Territorial Services, 1939-1963; including a series held at Christchurch Cathedral, Oxford and Westminster Abbey. Archives 1998-11-32
Reports of examples of Auxiliary Territorial Service bravery, 1940-1941. Archives 1998-11-33
War Diary, in two parts, of the Auxiliary Territorial Service group at the Chilwell Depot, Nottinghamshire, 1940-1944. Archives 1998-11-34
Daily orders, Part II, of the 11th Durham Company Auxiliary Territorial Service, April 1939 to January 1940. Archives 1998-11-35
Records relating to the Museum of the Women's Royal Army Corps, 1947-92. Archives 1998-11-36
Job evaluation of the post of Director Women's Royal Army Corps (DWRAC), 1962-1976. Archives 1998-11-37
Signed proofs, distribution lists and spare covers for 'The Corps Today', nos 1-16, Dec 1983 to Dec 1991. Archives 1998-11-38
File of material relating to the Women's Royal Army Corps 40th Anniversary Dinner held at the Guildhall, London, 1 Feb 1989. Archives 1998-11-39
Files on the tours of HM The Queen of the Auxiliary Territorial Service units of South-Eastern Command, 1942, 1943 and 1944. Archives 1998-11-40
File of papers on the HQ Mess reception held at the Banqueting House, Whitehall, 4 Nov 1980. Archives 1998-11-41
File of papers on the Women's Royal Army Corps headdress, 1969-1971. Archives 1998-11-42
File of papers relating to the Women's Royal Army Corps Headquarters Mess, 1975-1978. Archives 1998-11-43
Papers relating to the Women's Royal Army Corps Regimental Dinner in celebration of the 30th anniversary of the corps, held at the Guildhall, London, 12 Jul 1984. Archives 1998-11-46
File of papers on the murder of Pte K V McClung, Women's Royal Army Corps, 24 Jun 1968. Archives 1998-11-47
Women's Royal Army Corps recruitment and personnel selection material, 1956-76. Archives 1998-11-48
Architectural report on the Women's Royal Army Corps School of Instruction, Camberley, 1960. Archives 1998-11-50
Letters and messages of condolence to the Women's Royal Army Corps Centre after the IRA Guildford bombings of 5 Oct 1974 in which two WRAC personnel were killed and others wounded. Archives 1998-11-51
Copy of 'Report on Study into the Long Term Role and Employment of Women in the Army, (The Crawford Report), Mar 198. Includes covering correspondence. Archives 1998-11-52
File of papers on the Women's Army Service Corps farewell parade, Guildford, 25 Mar 1992. Archives 1998-11-53
Agenda for the Director Women's Army Service Corps, formal annual conferences, 1969-1987. Archives 1998-11-54
File of papers relating to the opening of the Women's Army Service Corps Depot and Training Centre at Queen Elizabeth's Barracks, Guildford, 30 Oct 1964. Archives 1998-11-55
Architectural proposal on the reconstruction of Queen Elizabeth Barracks, Guildford, for use as a Women's Army Service Corps Depot and Training Centre, 1960. Archives 1998-11-56
Register of confirmations and baptisms in the Church hut, Auxiliary Territorial Service, Training Centre, Guildford and elsewhere, 1946-48. Archives 1998-11-57
File of papers on the incorporation of a memorial window to officers and members of the Women's Army Auxiliary Corps in Guildford Cathedral, 1955-1957. Archives 1998-11-58
Order of service for the dedication ceremony of the Women's Army Service Corps depot church of St Mark at Guildford, 28 Jul 1957. Archives 1998-11-59
Minute book of the Three Services Committee, formed to co-ordinate the service at Westminster Abbey, on 1 Jun 1967, to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the formation of the three women's services; order of Service for the event. Archives 1998-11-60
Four prayer books from the Women's Army Service Corps Depot Church of St Mark, Guildford, and Huron Camp Chapel, Women's Army Service Corps School of Instruction, Hindhead; Hymn book from the chapel of the Auxiliary Territorial Service Officers School, Windsor. Archives 1998-11-61
Church services register, 1946-55. Archives 1998-11-62
Minutes of the Chapel Committee meetings, 1955-57. Archives 1998-11-63
Infantry Officer's sword, Royal Northumberland Fusiliers, pattern 1897, 1936 (c); blade bears engraved decoration, including the maker's name, Henry Wilkinson; three quarter basket guard inset with the cypher of George VI and the regimental badge; steel scabbard. Edged Weapons 1983-04-99
Scottish Broadsword, 79th Regiment of Foot (Cameron Highlanders), 1806-1808. Made by J J Runkel of Solingen and dates the sword as pre-1808. Edged Weapons 1995-07-60
Basket-hilted Broadsword, 116th Regiment (Perthshire Highlanders), 1795 (c); fullered blade; deep concave basket hilt, inset with the regimental number and motto, thistle, star and crown; grip covered in sharkskin and bound with twisted copper wire. Edged Weapons 1982-04-776