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Displaying 14301 to 14400 of 48619 results

Description Object Type NAM Accession Number
Five sound cassettes: oral history interview with Dvr Frank Sellars covering his career in the Territorial and Royal Field Artillery 1913-1919, World War One, Western Front (1914-1918). Interview conducted on 31 August 1994.(Transcript Available) Sound Recordings 1994-09-15
Oral history interview with Robert Bethel (1895-1976) conducted by his daughter Monica Leys; Robert Bethel served in the Army Service Corps during World War One, Gallipoli and Egypt and Palestine, although much of the interview deals with his early reminiscences as a slaughterer. Sound Recordings 1994-10-58
Recording of the unveiling ceremony of the memorial to the 26 Auxilairy Territorial Service women killed during an air raid on Great Yarmouth in May 1943; the unveiling took place on 11 May 1994. Sound Recordings 1994-10-61
Three sound cassettes: oral history interview with Mr T G Johnson, who served with 1st Bn Middlesex Regiment, World War Two, North West Europe (1944-1945); Johnson was attached to the Vickers Machine Gun Pln. Interview conducted on 8 November 1994.(Transcript Available) Sound Recordings 1994-11-105
Three sound cassettes: oral history interview with Mrs E M Jones, who served as a techinical storewoman and physical training instructor with the Auxiliary Territorial Service, and briefly in the Women's Royal Army Corps, 1946-1949. Interview conducted on 17 October 1994. Sound Recordings 1994-11-106
Audio recording of Richard Talbot Kelly lecturing his pupils at Rugby School, where he was Art Master, about his experiences in the Great War; recorded 1960 (c). Audio cassette. Associated with Royal Field Artillery, World War One (1914-1918). Sound Recordings 1994-12-114
Two sound cassettes: oral history interview with Capt Terence Rochford, recalling his experiences with the Staffordshire Regiment in the UK 1943-1944, and Palestine 1946, and with the 10th Baluch Regiment in India and the Middle East 1945-1946. Interview conducted on 14 November 1994.(Transcript Available) Sound Recordings 1994-12-127
Two sound cassettes: oral history interview with Capt Kenneth Stacey, recalling his service in the UK with the Royal Army Service Corps 1939-1942 and as a Royal Artillery Cadet 1942; in India and Burma with 8th Mahratta Anti-Tank Regiment 1943-1945 and as Adjutant of the German prisoner of war camp at Vilvorde, Belgium November 1945 to September 1946. Interview conducted on 11 November 1994.(Transcript Available) Sound Recordings 1994-12-128
Reel to reel tape of the reminiscences of Sgt Leonard Walter Gomm, 10th Bn London Regiment, recalling his part in the Battle of the Somme, 1 July 1916. Sound Recordings 1994-12-298
Sound cassette: oral history interview with Mr Richard Barton's, recorded by Shirley Seaton, recalling Barton's recollections of his mother, Chief Commander Blanche Barton, Auxiliary Territorial Service. Sound Recordings 1995-02-68
Pair of cotton Army underpants, 1890 (c); War Office and out of service mark inside. Uniforms 2002-07-355
Honble Grey Neville Cornet. 5th Dragoon Guards, 1850 (c). Stipple engraving, nd; published 1850 (c). Prints 2002-07-335
The Cameron Highlanders taking a stockade, Atbara, 8 April 1898. Photolithograph after Stanley Berkeley, nd; published 1898 (c). Prints 2002-07-348
38 copy photographs relating to 23rd Norfolk Rifle Volunteers, 1857-1898. Photographs 1985-04-94
Two sound cassettes: oral history interview with Maj Ashley Martin Greenwood MC relating to his service with the Royal Artillery and Long Range Desert Group, 1939-1946. Associated with World War Two (1939-1945). Interview conducted on 6 April 1995. Sound Recordings 1995-05-91
Two sound cassettes: oral history interview with Mrs Joan Nicholls, recalling her service in the Auxiliary Territorial Service as a Special Wireless Operator, No 2 Y Wing, Beaumanor, Leicestershire, Feb 1942 to Feb 1945. Sound Recordings 1995-05-92
Two sound cassettes: oral history interview with Sgt Robin Ollington recalling his service as a National Service NCO with 28 Leader Training Bn, Belfast and 1st Bn Royal Warwickshire Regiment, UK 1948-1949. Interview conducted on 27 April 1995. Sound Recordings 1995-05-93
Two sound cassettes: oral history interview with Sgt Marjorie Ranson recalling her service as an Experimental Assistant, Gunnery, with the Auxiliary Territorial Service in West Wales, 1941-1945. Interview conducted on 4 May 1995. Sound Recordings 1995-05-94
Four sound cassettes: oral history interview with Capt Leslie Graham Williams who served with the Royal Engineers in the UK, India and Burma 1939-1945, and in the Territorial Army 1949-1963. Interview conducted on 16 November 1994. Sound Recordings 1995-06-23
Two copies of the sound disc, 'Ho' Way the Lads!', music by the Band of 15th/19th The King's Royal Hussars, 1981. Sound Recordings 1995-06-24
Two sound cassettes: oral history interview with Mrs Gerda Cavanagh (nee Ungar), who left her native Austria in 1938 because of the persecution of the Jews and fled to England; she enlisted in the Auxiliary Territorial Service in 1941 and, after training at Ripley, Lancashire, served as a cook at Cowley and Northampton and as a waitress at Colchester. Interview conducted on 22 May 1995. Sound Recordings 1995-06-55
Three sound cassettes: oral history interview with Mrs Mary Coomer, later RSM Auxiliary Territorial Service, covering her military service, 1938-1945. Interview conducted on 17 May 1995. Interview covers joining the ATS in 1938, posting to Le Mans, France; evacuation; working as an Experimental Gunnery Assistant at Shoeburyness Ranges; training & promotion to RSM; posting to Carlisle & Lancaster District. Sound Recordings 1995-06-56
Thirteen sound cassettes: oral history interview with Maj Gen James Doiran Lunt, recalling his military career, 1936-1972. Interview conducted during 1994 and 1995.(Transcript Available) Sound Recordings 1995-06-92
Three sound cassettes: oral history interview with Mr W P Winston who in 1939, joined the Johore Volunteer Engineers as a sapper, was commissioned into the Singapore Royal Engineers in Feb 1942 and, after escaping from Singapore, joined the Indian Engineers. Interview conducted on 3 May 1995. Sound Recordings 1995-06-93
Two sound cassettes: oral history interview with Capt Rodney C W Hill, who, after serving in his School Cadet Corps and University OTC, was commissioned into the 4th Durham Survey Regiment, Royal Artillery; he saw action in Greece, Egypt and Crete but was captured in Tobruk. Interview conducted on 12 May 1995. Sound Recordings 1995-07-81
Taped recollections of Lt Col G M Stirling Webb, recalling his early life and military career in the Indian Army, 1919-1947. Sound Recordings 1995-08-49
Six sound cassettes: oral history interview with Maj Gen G de E Collin, who joined the Royal Artillery in 1940, served in the Far East and saw action at Imphal, winning the Military Cross, and Ramra. Interview conducted on 25 August 1995.(Transcript Available) Sound Recordings 1995-09-111
Two sound cassettes: oral history interview with Col Charles Walter Alban Searle, Indian Medical Service, recalling his service in Indian Medical Hospitals in India and on operations on the North West Frontier 1935-1939 and during World War Two, India, Middle East (1941-1943) and Burma. Interview conducted on 11 October 1995. Sound Recordings 1995-11-327
Sound cassette: 'I was there': Birmingham and the Great War; includes extracts from 50 interviews conducted by Birmingham City Museum and the West Midlands Oral History Group for a 1981-1982 exhibition. Sound Recordings 1997-10-68
Eight sound cassettes: oral history interview with Maj R J R Everidge, Manchester Regiment, who after joining the Army in 1939, served in France and Belgium, 1940, the UK 1940-1942 and then in India on internal security duties, 1943, and Burma; 1944-1945 he served on the 2nd Division Staff. Interview conducted on 1 December 1995.(Transcript Available) Sound Recordings 1996-01-12
Seven sound cassettes: oral history interview with Lt Col D J Lear recalling their service in 16 Punjab Regiment and King's Own Scottish Borderers, 1941-1988. Sound Recordings 1996-01-85
Sound cassette: oral history interview with Col Noel Edward Hendricks, Indian Electrical and Mechanical Engineers, 1940-1963. Interview conducted on 26 April 1994. Sound Recordings 1996-01-86
Sound cassette: oral history interview with Mr H F A North, recalling his service with the Bombay Light Mortar Patrol 1938-1942 and Royal Indian Navy, 1944-1946. Interview conducted on 6 June 1994. Sound Recordings 1996-01-87
Eight sound cassettes: oral history interview with Capt Jack Fakley, recalling his service in the Buffs (Royal East kent Regiment), 1939-1963. Interview conducted on 14 June and 19 September 1994. Sound Recordings 1996-01-88
Three sound cassettes: oral history interview with Sgt Peter Cole, recalling his service with the Royal Army Service Corps from boy soldier onwards; he served in the UK, Korea and Malaya, 1950-1960. Interview conducted on 5 July 1994. Sound Recordings 1996-01-89
Three sound cassettes: oral history interview with Nursing Officer S G McDermott, Queen Alexandra's Royal Army Nursing Corps, 1939-1946, recalling service in the UK, India and the Arakan. Interview conducted on 11 July 1994. Sound Recordings 1996-01-90
Two sound cassettes: oral history interview with Capt E W Maslen-Jones, recalling his service in the Royal Artillery, with special referrence to 656 Air Observation Port Sqn, Royal Air Force, 1939-1946. Sound Recordings 1996-01-91
Sound cassette: oral history interview with Maj Victor Waddell, recalling his service in 5th Mahratta Light Infantry and Hyderabad Regiment, 1943-1947. Sound Recordings 1996-01-92
Three sound cassettes: oral history interview with Col Eric Adrian Hayes-Newington, recalling his service in the Bombay Grenadiers and 7th Rajput Regiment, 1917-1947. Interview conducted on 29 November 1994.(Transcript Available) Sound Recordings 1996-01-93
Sound cassette: oral history interview with Mrs Eileen Kisby, nee Boardman, recalling her service in the Auxiliary Territorial Service, 1941-1945. Interview conducted on 15 December 1994. Sound Recordings 1996-01-94
Two sound cassettes: oral history interview with L/Cpl Mary Friend, (Lady Crofton), recalling her service with the Auxiliary Territorial Service, 1939-1946. Interview conducted on 19 April 1995. Sound Recordings 1996-01-95
Two sound cassettes: oral history interview with Junior Commander M Marshall, now Mrs V Cooper, recalling her service in the Auxiliary Territorial Service, 1939-1945. Sound Recordings 1996-01-96
Two sound cassettes: oral history interview with Maj Richard Henry Watson Bullock, recalling his service with the Westminster Dragoons, 1940-1947. Interview conducted on 10 July 1994. Sound Recordings 1996-01-97
Two sound cassettes: oral history interview with Maj Thomas Anthony Elliott Prentice, recalling his service in the Royal Warwickshire Regiment and 19th Hyderabad Regiment, 1941-1948. Interview conducted on 11 July 1994. Sound Recordings 1996-01-98
Three sound cassettes; oral history interview with Gunner Henry Hardy, 27 Feb 1991. Served with Royal Artillery in Palestine, Greece and North Africa, 1937-1943. Sound Recordings 1991-02-334
184 photographs compiled by Cpl Joseph Egerton, Shropshire Yeomanry, later 10 Bn King's (Shropshire Light Infantry), relating to his service in Egypt and Palestine, 1916-1918; associated with World War One, Egypt and Palestine (1914-1918). Photographs 2002-05-1
Seven photographs, some hand painted; showing groups, portraits and Frontier Constabulary, Indian Army taken by the studio of R B Holmes, 1920-1945 (c); with a poster advertising an exhibition of Holmes' work in New Zealand, 1953-1954. Photographs 1992-11-153
Two group photographs of British officers, and British officers and African NCOs, collected by Maj G S Hobbs, Gold Coast Regt RWAFF, 1942 (c). Photographs 1992-11-154
Two photographs of Gurkha recruits, 1941. Photographs 1992-11-163
Twenty photographs collected by Sgt Burgoyne, 10th Bn Gloucestershire Regiment, Burma, 1944 (c). Photographs 1992-11-164
Metal slide rule, 1916; made by J A Nicholls and Co, London; in brown leather case. Scientific Instruments 1966-08-28
Seven copy photographs collected by Pte H T Williams, 15th Bn Hampshire Regiment, World War One, 1914-1918. Photographs 1992-11-172
Photographs of guests at the Second Annual Dinner of the Mesopotamian and Persian Forces, held at the Mayfair Hotel, London, 28 Jun 1929; collected by Lt N Arnold, Devonshire Regiment attached to the Buffs (East Kent Regiment). Photographs 1992-11-175
Two sound cassettes: oral history interview with Lord Weatherill of North East Croydon, recalling his service in the 4/7th Rangers and 19th King George V's Own Lancers 1939-1946. (Transcript Available) Sound Recordings 1996-01-99
Three sound cassettes: oral history interview with Sgt J A Snow, recalling his service with the Royal and Indian Signals, 1935-1946. Interview conducted on 2 November 1995. Sound Recordings 1996-01-100
Sound cassette: oral history interview with Subaltern M Bennett, nee Le Blond, recalling her service with the Auxiliary Territorial Service, 1939-1945. Interview conducted for 7 November 1995. Sound Recordings 1996-01-101
Two sound cassettes: oral history interview with Maj G L Boyagis, recalling his service with the Royal Indian Army Service Corps, 1942-1946. Sound Recordings 1996-01-102
Two sound cassettes: oral history interview with Sgt M H Wall, recalling his service with the Royal and Indian Signals, 1924-1946. Interview conducted on 27 November 1995. Sound Recordings 1996-01-103
Photograph of RSM Howard Wallace Stratton, 6th Dragoon Guards, taken during the Boer War, 1901 (c). Photographs 1992-12-81
Group photograph of 12th Divisional Ammunition Park, 176 Co (MT) ASC, Mobilised for European War, May 1915. Photographs 1992-12-155
41 photographs of the invasion of Shanghai by the Japanese, taken by Pte R Nicholson, Durham Light Infantry, 1938. Photographs 1992-12-158
Group photograph of Royal Bucks Hussars, Nov 1909; associated with David Drukker, who is second from the right, standing. Photographs 1992-12-159
Two sound cassettes: oral history interview with Mrs Eileen K Hall, recalling her service with the Auxiliary Territorial Service in the UK 1942-1946, including a course with Princess Elizabeth. Interview conducted on 25 April 1996. Sound Recordings 1996-04-175
Two sound cassettes: oral history interview with Maj J R M Ffrench recalling his experiences with the Rajputana Rifles in Italy, Jan to Jul 1944 and India Jul 1944 to Feb 1947, and with the Royal Ulster Rifles 1950-1976, including in Korea Sept 1950 to Oct 1951. Interview conducted on 1 May 1996. Sound Recordings 1996-05-27
Pair of binoculars, 1905-1930 (c); made of blackened brass with black leather hand-guards and black leather case; belonged to Guy Massey McCleverty, 2nd King Edward's Own Gurkha Rifles. Scientific Instruments 1965-11-14
Protractor, 1725 (c); possibly owned by F Emerton; set square, brass callipers, 1867(c); alleged to have been brought back from Abyssinia by Lord Fraser in 1867. Scientific Instruments 1965-04-43
Five sound cassettes: oral history interview with Maj D E Arnold MC who joined the Army as a militiaman in Italy 1939, serving first with a searchlight unit before being posted to the 7th Royal Welch Fusiliers in Sept 1939. Sound Recordings 1996-05-123
Five sound cassettes: oral history interview with Lt Col Alec Halliley OBE, Royal Leicestershire Regiment, Sherwood Foresters and Royal Garhwal Rifles. Interview conducted on 22 May 1996.(Transcript Available) Sound Recordings 1996-05-124
History: Forgotten Armies: National Servicemen in the Middle East. Typescript of an unpublished work by Adrian Walker, consisting of 16 transcripts of interviews with national servicemen who served in the Middle East, 1947-1948; with floppy disc and CD ROM versions and separate transcript of an interview. Archives 2002-07-358
History: Forgotten Armies: National Servicemen in the Middle East. Typescript of an unpublished work by Adrian Walker, consisting of 16 transcripts of interviews with national servicemen who served in the Middle East, 1947-1948; with floppy disc and CD ROM versions and separate transcript of an interview. Film and Videos 2002-07-358
Telescope, 1815 (c); brass with brown leather hand-grip; probably owned by Maj Gen Sir Alexander George Woodford, 3rd Regiment of Foot Guards; made by Thomas Jones, Charing Cross, London; associated with the Battle of Waterloo. Scientific Instruments 1963-10-213
Military sketching board, 1914 (c), owned by 2/Lt H Caffyn, Royal Engineers; compass, 1914 (c); steel whistle, 1912 (c), made by J Hudson and Company, Birmingham; prismatic compass, 1914 (c); three compass cases, 1914 (c); clinometer, 1914 (c), made by Watkin. Scientific Instruments 1963-10-2
Mahogany angle of sight pointer staff; used by Col Harry Rothney Hugo, 4/12 Indian Army, during World War Two, 1939-1945. Scientific Instruments 1963-09-17
15 transcripts of interviews with national servicemen who served in Malaya, 1948-1960, compiled by Adrian Walker; with a list of the troops who participated in the conflict in Malaya (1948-1960). Archives 2002-07-359
British cuirasses, breast and back, 1850-1900 (c); associated with the Household Cavalry, Royal Horse Guards. Armour 1967-06-40
Photographic postcard, 1930s, showing 3123257 Cpl W B Dearlove, 2nd Bn Royal Scots Fusiliers, relaxing on his bed in a barrack room with a dog. Photographs 2002-07-361
Uniform and equipment worn by the late Lt Col Jackson, Commissioner British and South Africa Police 1958 (c). Uniforms 2002-07-364
Uniform and equipment worn by the late Lt Col Jackson, Commissioner British and South Africa Police 1958 (c). Equipment, uniform 2002-07-364
Cuirass, front and black plates, 1865 (c); part of uniform of FM Lord Hugh Gough, 1st Viscount Colonel of the Royal Horse Guards. Armour 1964-03-32
Telescope, 1859; made of silver and brass with a brown leather casing around most of its length; said to have been used by Lord Wolseley; made by S and B Solomons, London. Scientific Instruments 1962-10-64
Six transcripts of interviews with national servicemen who served in Cyprus, 1955-1960; compiled by Adrian Walker; also a conclusion, glossary, bibliography and list of the troops who participated in the conflict; associated with Cyprus (1954-1959). Archives 2002-07-365
Empty leather compass case and strap, 1909 (c); belonged to Herbert Busteed Holt, 2nd Bn, Royal Munster Fusiliers; made by W Jenkinson and Company. Scientific Instruments 1961-11-68
Collection of uniform items relating to officers, nd; associated with Army Staff, Cavalry, Yorkshire Dragoons, Imperial Yeomanry, West Yorkshire Yeomanry Cavalry, 11th Prince Albert Hussars. Uniforms 2002-07-366
German-made Turkish clinometer, 1914 (c)-1918 (c); captured by 76th Punjabis, Euphrates, 5 July 1915; made of brass and triangular in shape; in wooden case. Scientific Instruments 1961-06-38
Three sound cassettes: oral history interview with Mr Harold Tonks and Mr Stanley Metherell, who fought with the Loyal Regiment in Italy 1944-1945. Interview conducted on 26 January 1996. Sound Recordings 1996-05-126
Eleven sound cassettes: oral history interview with Signalman (later Major) F T C Williams, recalling his service in Waziristan, 1936-1937, and in subsequent interviews, the Western Desert and Tunisia, 1942-1943, and in Italy, 1943-1946. Interview conducted on 15 November 1995.(Transcript Available) Sound Recordings 1996-01-13
Three sound cassettes: oral history interview with Lt Philip A Osmond, Royal Artillery and Royal Indian Artillery recalling his service with 19th Middlesex Home Guard, 1941-1943, Royal Artillery training units and OCTU's, UK, 1943-1945 and Indian Mountain Artillery units, 1945-1947. Interview conducted on 29 November 1995. Sound Recordings 1996-01-31
Three sound cassettes: oral history interview with Prof William Frank Gutteridge recalling his experiences at 165 OCTU at Dunbar 1939-1940, and with 2nd Bn Manchester Regiment, UK 1940-1943 and as a Staff Officer HQ 2nd British Division and HQ 33 Indian Corps 1943-1946. Interview conducted on 17 April 1996. Sound Recordings 1996-04-164
Four sound cassettes: oral history interview with Mrs Katherine Mary Cubitt recalling her service in the Auxiliary Territorial Service, 1940-1944, and as an Army wife in Malaya, 1955-1957. Interviews conducted on 8 September 1995 and 30 January 1996. Sound Recordings 1996-06-152
Three sound cassettes: oral history interview with Maj John Kinloch Shepherd recalling his service with the 2nd Royal Berkshire Regiment (Princess Charlotte of Wales's), 1941-1942, OTS Mhow 1942, Royal Garhwal Rifles 1942-1946 on the North West Frontier of India, the Arakan and Malaya. Interview conducted on 7 May 1996. Sound Recordings 1996-06-154
Three sound cassettes: oral history interview with Brig William Morgan Tilson Magan CBE, 1928-1945. Interview conducted on 24 July 1996.(Transcript Available) Sound Recordings 1996-08-185
Two sound cassettes: oral history interview with Mrs Zoe Taylor recalling her service with the Women's Auxiliary Corps (India) 1942-1947. Interview conducted on 8 August 1996. Sound Recordings 1996-08-383
Four sound cassettes: oral history interview with Capt Leonard Owen Worsley, 2/18th Royal Garhwal Rifles, covering his service 1944-1950. Interview conducted on 29 August 1996. Sound Recordings 1996-08-389
Sun compass, 1940 (c); used by the Indian Long Range Desert Squadron during World War Two. Scientific Instruments 1960-10-23
Two sound cassettes: oral history interview with Maj Richard Thomas Hungerford recalling his service with King's Royal Rifle Corps, as an other rank 1934-1938 and as an officer with 2nd Bn, 6th Rajputana Rifles 1938-1947. Interview conducted on 4 September 1996. Sound Recordings 1996-09-73
51 audio cassettes of recordings of oral history interviews conducted by Adrian Walker with national service men who were in active service, 1948-1960. Sound Recordings 1996-09-82
Two sound cassettes: oral history interview with Mrs Diana Matthews recalling her service as a Junior Commander with the Women's Auxiliary Corps (India), 1942-1946. Sound Recordings 1996-10-25
Three sound cassettes: oral history interview with Lt Col Robert John Going covering his service with Duke of Wellington's Regiment, Hyderabad Regiment and Royal Army Ordnance Corps, 1936-1967. Interview conducted on 17 September 1996.(Transcript Available) Sound Recordings 1996-10-31
Three sound cassettes: oral history interview with Capt Peter James Cashmore who served with the Royal Garhwal Rifles between 1943 and 1947 in Burma, Malaya and India. Interview conducted on 25 September 1996.(Transcript Available) Sound Recordings 1996-10-78
Four sound cassette tapes: oral history interview with Lt Col J F Warren who joined the Army in 1931, went through Sandhurst, did his ULIA year with the Durham Light Infantry 1933-1934 and then went to the 3/20 Burma Rifles from 1934-1939. Interview conducted on 9 October 1996.(Transcript Available) Sound Recordings 1996-10-79