Inventory Search
Displaying 15101 to 15200 of 48619 results
Description | Object Type | NAM Accession Number |
Panorama from Cathcart's Hill, August 20th 1855. Watercolour by Henry John Wilkinson, 1850-1855, 1st Bn 9th (The East Norfolk) Regiment of Foot; associated with the Crimean War. | Drawings and Watercolours | 1972-07-6-27 |
The Burning of Sebastopol September 3rd 1855. Watercolour by Henry John Wilkinson, 1850-1855, 1st Bn 9th (The East Norfolk) Regiment of Foot; associated with the Crimean War. | Drawings and Watercolours | 1972-07-6-28 |
Encampment October 15th 1855. Pencil sketch by Henry John Wilkinson 1850-1855, 1st Bn 9th (The East Norfolk) Regiment of Foot; associated with the Crimean War. | Drawings and Watercolours | 1972-07-6-29 |
Transport Camel - Before Sebastopol 20th October, 1855. Watercolour by Henry John Wilkinson 1850-1855, 1st Bn 9th (The East Norfolk) Regiment of Foot; associated with the Crimean War. | Drawings and Watercolours | 1972-07-6-31 |
Soldiers off Duty, 1855. Watercolour by Henry John Wilkinson 1850-1855, 1st Bn (the East Norfolk) Regiment of Foot; associated with the Crimean War. | Drawings and Watercolours | 1972-07-6-30 |
Sebastopol from Rear of Sailor's Battery Left Attack, 1855. Watercolour by Henry John Wilkinson 1850-1855, 1st Bn 9th (The East Norfolk) Regiment of Foot; associated with the Crimean War. | Drawings and Watercolours | 1972-07-6-32 |
Before Sebastopol 1854-5 Lord Raglan's Head quarters - Rear of Left Attack October 20th, 1855. Pen and ink sketch by Henry John Wilkinson 1850-1855, 1st Bn 9th (The East Norfolk) Regiment of Foot; associated with the Crimean War. | Drawings and Watercolours | 1972-07-6-33 |
Balaclava Harbour October 1855. Watercolour by Henry John Wilkinson 1850-1855, 1st Bn 9th (The East Norfolk) Regiment of Foot; associated with the Crimean War. | Drawings and Watercolours | 1972-07-6-34 |
Entrance to Balaclava Harbour November 3rd 1855. Pencil and watercolour wash by Henry John Wilkinson 1850-1855, 1st Bn 9th (The East Norfolk) Regiment of Foot; associated with the Crimean War. | Drawings and Watercolours | 1972-07-6-35 |
Unfinished View, 1855. Watercolour by Henry John Wilkinson 1850-1855, 1st Bn 9th (The East Norfolk) Regiment of Foot; associated with the Crimean War. | Drawings and Watercolours | 1972-07-6-36 |
Pomp and Circumstances of War District Court Martial, Clonmel, 1853 Showing the King's Dragoon Guards, 1855. Watercolour by Henry John Wilkinson 1850-1855, 1st Bn 9th (The East Norfolk) Regiment of Foot; associated with the Crimean War. | Drawings and Watercolours | 1972-07-6-37 |
Lady Julia Lockwood's Villa (looking to the Quarantine Harbour Malta). Converted temporarily into Officer's Quarters during 1854 when the Expeditionary Force was on its way to the Crimea. Watercolour by Henry John Wilkinson 1850-1855, 1st Bn 9th (The East Norfolk) Regiment of Foot; associated with the Crimean War. | Drawings and Watercolours | 1972-07-6-38 |
The Redan from Gordon's Battery, 1855. Watercolour by Henry John Wilkinson 1850-1855, 1st Bn 9th (The East Norfolk) Regiment of Foot; with a pencil sketch verso, 'The Malakoff from the Left Attack'; associated with the Crimean War. | Drawings and Watercolours | 1972-07-6-39 |
View looking down the Sebastopol Ravine from Camp 9th Regiment, 1855. Watercolour by Henry John Wilkinson 1850-1855, 1st Bn 9th (The East Norfolk) Regiment of Foot; with verso, 'French Picquet House Sebastopol Ravine'; associated with the Crimean War. | Drawings and Watercolours | 1972-07-6-40 |
Views in the Sebastopol Ravine, 1855. Watercolour sketch by Henry John Wilkinson 1850-1855, 1st Bn 9th (The East Norfolk) Regiment of Foot; with watercolour sketch verso, 'Sketch Camp of the ixth Regiment 1855' and a pen and ink sketch 'Tent of Major Baumgartner 28th Regiment'; associated with the Crimean War. | Drawings and Watercolours | 1972-07-6-41 |
Battlefield of the Tchernaya Burying the Dead, 1855. Watercolour sketch by Henry John Wilkinson 1850-1855, 1st Bn 9th (The East Norfolk) Regiment of Foot; with two pen and ink sketches verso, 'The Trenches July 1855' and 'Horse and Cart'; associated with the Crimean War. | Drawings and Watercolours | 1972-07-6-42 |
'The Trenches - Left Attack', 1855. One of three watercolour sketches by Henry John Wilkinson, 1st Bn 9th (The East Norfolk) Regiment of Foot, 1855; associated with the Crimean War (1854-1856). | Drawings and Watercolours | 1972-07-6-43 |
The Ovens, 1854. Pencil and ink drawing by Henry John Wilkinson 1850-1855, 1st Bn 9th (The East Norfolk) Regiment of Foot; with two watercolours verso, 'Camel December 23rd 1854' and 'Woronzoff Road from Advanced Cutting'; associated with the Crimean War. | Drawings and Watercolours | 1972-07-6-44 |
Sketch taken in the Malakoff October 1855. Pen and ink drawing by Henry John Wilkinson 1850-1855, 1st Bn 9th (The East Norfolk) Regiment of Foot; associated with the Crimean War. | Drawings and Watercolours | 1972-07-6-45 |
Smyrna November 1855. Watercolour by Henry John Wilkinson 1850-1855, 1st Bn 9th (The East Norfolk) Regiment of Foot; associated with the Crimean War. | Drawings and Watercolours | 1972-07-6-46 |
Sebastopol Pioneering in the Valley of Tchernaya October 1855. Watercolour by Henry John Wilkinson 1850-1855, 1st Bn 9th (The East Norfolk) Regiment of Foot; associated with the Crimean War. | Drawings and Watercolours | 1972-07-6-47 |
Sebastopol, 1855. Watercolour by Henry John Wilkinson 1850-1855, 1st Bn 9th (The East Norfolk) Regiment of Foot; associated with the Crimean War. | Drawings and Watercolours | 1972-07-6-48 |
The French Expedition in Valetta Harbour, 1854. Watercolour by Henry John Wilkinson 1850-1855, 1st Bn 9th (The East Norfolk) Regiment of Foot; associated with the Crimean War. | Drawings and Watercolours | 1972-07-6-49 |
Endeavour..THE CHINDITS SET OUT TO DO A JOB... and they did it! 1945 (c). Poster pasted on black paper, produced 1946 (c); with eleven copy photographs depicting chindits working, Wingate, Maj Fergusson, Wavell, with text about the Chindits and a map of the area. From the Burma Memorial Collection of Maj James Allan. | Prints | 1989-04-116-3182 |
Shield shaped wood and plastic plaque associated with 1st Bn the Staffordshire Regiment, manufactured 1980 (c); raised shield on front embossed with a gold knot and Prince of Wales's feathers on a green ground, gold scroll below inscribed as title. From the Burma Memorial Collection of Maj James Allan. | Crafts | 1989-04-116-3184 |
Shield shaped wood and plastic plaque associated with Chindits Old Comrades Association, manufactured 1980 (c); raised circle on front embossed with a figure of a chinthe (lion) in gold, gold scroll below inscribed as title. From the Burma Memorial Collection of Maj James Allan. | Crafts | 1989-04-116-3185 |
The Mavrogordato Cup, 1928. Silver two handled u-shaped cup, with two C-scroll handles, encircled with a reeded band, on a thick stem with a dome shaped foot and a circular ebonized wooden plinth; hallmarked Birmingham, 1922. | Silver | 2002-10-54 |
Model lion or chinthe, 1950 (c); made of brass with glass, possibly manufactured in 1950 (c); small with markings cut into the brass, decorated with glass beads around legs, chest and eyes. From the Burma Memorial Collection of Maj James Allan. | Crafts | 1989-04-116-3188 |
Tea towel, 1970 (c); printed linen textile produced for the Gurkha Welfare Trust, 1970 (c); depicting regimental crests, badge and colours of the Gurkhas and four Gurkha soldiers in uniform 1815-1970; printed, 'Gurkha Regiments Who Have Given Loyal Service to the Crown Since 1815'. From the Burma Memorial Collection of Maj James Allan. | Crafts | 1989-04-116-3191 |
Medal group awarded to Sgt Maj J Motion, 93rd (Sutherland Highlanders) Regiment of Foot : Crimea Medal 1854-56, 3 clasps: Alma, Balaklava and Sebastopol; Turkish Crimea Medal 1855; Indian Mutiny Medal 1857-58, 2 clasps: Relief of Lucknow; Lucknow; Meritorious Service Medal. | Medals | 1990-12-21 |
Commemorative Medallion 1914-1918 issued to the next-of-kin of Tpr Charles McSweeney, 6th (Inniskilling) Dragoons. | Medals | 1991-08-192 |
Scene in the Cafe Du Commerce Valetta. Malta 1854 Showing British and French Officers. Watercolour by Henry John Wilkinson 1850-1855, 1st Bn 9th (The East Norfolk) Regiment of Foot; associated with the Crimean War. | Drawings and Watercolours | 1972-07-6-50 |
Saluting Battery St Angelo August 23rd 1854. Watercolour by Henry John Wilkinson 1850-1855, 1st Bn 9th (The East Norfolk) Regiment of Foot; associated with the Crimean War. | Drawings and Watercolours | 1972-07-6-51 |
Malta San Maison - A Villa on The Quarantine Harbour - Formerly belonged to Lady Julia Lockwood. Watercolour by Henry John Wilkinson 1850-1855, 1st Bn 9th (The East Norfolk) Regiment of Foot; associated with the Crimean War. | Drawings and Watercolours | 1972-07-6-52 |
Camp of the 33rd Regiment near Floriana Valetta - From the Fransiscan Convent, 1854. Watercolour by Henry John Wilkinson 1850-1855, 1st Bn 9th (The East Norfolk) Regiment of Foot; associated with the Crimean War. | Drawings and Watercolours | 1972-07-6-53 |
2nd Bombardment of Sebastopol, 1854. Watercolour by Capt (later Col) Henry John Wilkinson 1850-1855, 1st Bn 9th (The East Norfolk) Regiment of Foot; with an oval pen and watercolour sketch verso, 'Before Sebastopol November 1854. The Sentry'; associated with the Crimean War. | Drawings and Watercolours | 1972-07-6-54 |
Sebastopol, 1854. Pen and ink sketch by Henry John Wilkinson 1850-1855, 1st Bn 9th (The East Norfolk) Regiment of Foot; associated with the Crimean War. | Drawings and Watercolours | 1972-07-6-55 |
Sebastopol and Malakoff April 1855. Watercolour by Henry John Wilkinson 1850-1855, 1st Bn 9th (The East Norfolk) Regiment of Foot; associated with the Crimean War. | Drawings and Watercolours | 1972-07-6-56 |
Cemetery. Cathcart's Hill Nr Sebastopol With 28 named graves. Watercolour by Henry John Wilkinson 1850-1855, 1st Bn 9th (The East Norfolk) Regiment of Foot; with two sketches verso, 'Dead Russians. Battlefield of The Tchernaya' and 'Sketch of a Mule'; associated with the Crimean War. | Drawings and Watercolours | 1972-07-6-57 |
View of Sebastopol from the Quarries - front of 3rd Division Camp. Watercolour by Henry John Wilkinson 1850-1855, 1st Bn 9th (The East Norfolk) Regiment of Foot; associated with the Crimean War. | Drawings and Watercolours | 1972-07-6-58 |
Sebastopol and the Creek from our left attack advanced trench 1855. Watercolour by Henry John Wilkinson 1850-1855, 1st Bn 9th (The East Norfolk) Regiment of Foot; associated with the Crimean War. | Drawings and Watercolours | 1972-07-6-59 |
Before Sebastopol. The Valley of Death - Return from the Trenches. Watercolour by Henry John Wilkinson 1850-1855, 1st Bn 9th (The East Norfolk) Regiment of Foot; associated with the Crimean War. | Drawings and Watercolours | 1972-07-6-60 |
The Royal Ulster Cup, 1934 (c). Silver cup with u-shaped gadrooned lower body and two C-scroll handles, on a short stem with a stepped foot, on a circular, ebonized wooden plinth; with lid bearing knop and gadroons; inscribed, 'Presented By Lt. Col. F. R. W. Graham. D.S.O.M.C. and Officers. W.O'S, N.C.O'S and Men of the 1st Battn. The Royal. Ulster. Rifles'. | Silver | 2002-10-63 |
Pot lid, 1854; earthenware, maker unknown, 1854; circular with convex top applied with a coloured transfer printed scene, depicting a highlander bidding goodbye to his family; inscribed 'Embarking for the East'; associated with the Crimean War. | Ceramics | 1960-12-9 |
Wild flowers gathered in the Light Division Cemetery on the morning that the 'Connaught Rangers' left the Crimea, June 10th 1856. Pressed flowers, 1856 (c); dried and mounted by the Connaught Rangers, 1856 (c); within a glazed wooden frame, mounted on three pieces of paper, three sprays of dried flowers. | Crafts | 1950-10-10 |
Bone china tankard, 1996; commissioned by The Army Benevolent Fund to commemorate the Battle of Balaklava, 1854; white with transfer printed decoration of 'Relief of the Light Brigade' by R Caton Woodville and 'The Thin Red Line' by Robert Gibb; made by Danbury Mint for 'The Great Battles of the British Army' collection, 1996. | Ceramics | 1996-08-279 |
The Ballad of the Royal Irish at Sebastopol. Pen and ink illustrations by Lady Butler, 1890 (c). Six manuscript sheets with manuscript poem by Lt Gen Sir William Butler, decorated with illustrations by the poet's wife; associated with the Crimean War. | Drawings and Watercolours | 1954-07-19 |
Royal Dragoons, 1855. Watercolour by 'MAC', 1876; three officers on reconnaisssance in the Crimea; associated with the Crimean War (1854-1856). | Drawings and Watercolours | 1958-01-18 |
The RAF Aquir Shield, 1933 (c). Wooden shield shaped plaque with silver plated shield attached in the centre with a wooden plinth attached verso; inscribed, 'RAF Aqir [sic] Station Sports Tug-of-War Presented To Palestine Police Depot Jerusalem August 1944'. | Crafts | 2002-10-73 |
Fuentes d'Onor, 1811. Watercolour by G B Campion. Captain Norman Ramsay, Royal Horse Artillery, galloping his troop through the French Army to safety at the Battle of Fuentes d'Onor. | Drawings and Watercolours | 1959-04-192 |
'The 6th Inskilling Dragoons at the Battle of Balaclava 25 October 1854'. Watercolour by Richard Simkin, 1900 (c); depicts the 6th Inniskilling Dragoons at the Battle of Balaclava. | Drawings and Watercolours | 1959-09-80 |
Twenty watercolours and pencil sketches, mainly of Agra, 1850 (c). Includes a drawing, 'Our Camp Balaclava', a pencil sketch by Lt J A Barstow, 89th Regiment of Foot, Crimean War (1854-1856), 1854 (c). | Drawings and Watercolours | 1966-10-50 |
CRESTS of R.A.F SQUADRONS in the FAR EAST December, 1941 to August, 1945. Album of pen drawings produced 1946 (c); with pages relating to each squadron, 29 include painted crests, 15 are incomplete squadron sheets and some are blank. From the Burma Memorial Collection of Maj James Allan. | Drawings and Watercolours | 1989-04-116-3192 |
Medal group awarded to Lt Harold Charles Spencer, Royal Berkshire Regiment, 1942-1947, formerly of the Coldstream Guards: 1939-45 Star; British War Medal 1939-45; Defence Medal 1939-45; Africa Star 1940-43, clasp: 1st Army; medals are contained in the original box of issue; associated with World War Two, North Africa (1940-1943) and World War Two, POWs (1939-1945). | Medals | 2002-10-76 |
Shoulder belt plate, 83rd Regiment of Foot, 1840 (c)-1855 (c); with an oblong plate of frosted gilt, with '83' surrounded by battle honours, 'Talavera/ Salamanca/ Badajoz/ Fuentesdonor/ Busaco/ Orthes/ Nivelle/ Peninsula/ Cape of Good Hope/ Vittoria/ Toulouse/ Ciudad Rodrico', in a wreath surrounded by a crown; retaining leather backing. | Badges | 2002-10-77 |
Medal group awarded to Pte J Skinner, Army Service Corps: 1914-15 Star; Allied Victory Medal 1914-19. | Medals | 2002-10-78 |
Medal group awarded to Pte T A Skinner, Royal Army Medical Corps, 185 Field Ambulance: 1939-45 Star; Africa Star 1940-43; Italy Star 1943-45; Defence Medal 1939-45; British War Medal 1939-45; associated with World War Two, North Africa (1940-1943) and Italy (1943-1945). | Medals | 2002-10-79 |
Pair of formation badges, 1st Army, 1914 (c)-1925; associated with Pte T A Skinner, Royal Army Medical Corps, 1942 (c)-1945 (c); embroidered with an upright sword on a pink silk ribbon stitched onto a white cotton shield; associated with World War Two, North Africa (1940-1943). | Badges | 2002-10-80 |
The Earl of Cardigan at Balaklava. Coloured lithograph engraved by M and N Hanhart after H Barraud, 1855 (c); 9th Earl James Brudenell Cardigan being attacked by two Cossacks; associated with 11th Hussars, Battle of Balaklava, Crimean War (1854-1856). | Prints | 1992-07-240 |
Pair of formation badges, 8th Army, 1914 (c)-1925; associated with Pte T A Skinner, Royal Army Medical Corps, 1942 (c)-1945 (c); embroidered with a gold cross upon a white cotton shield stitched to a dark blue felt rectangle; associated with World War Two, North Africa (1940-1943), Sicily (1943-1945) and Italy (1943-1945). | Badges | 2002-10-81 |
Teaching the Young Idea how to shoot - the Russians. Coloured lithograph after 'THJ', published by Read and Co, London, 1855; a Chelsea Pensioner and a small boy 'shoot' at a drawing on the wall, while a wounded trooper of the 11th Hussars looks on. | Prints | 1983-12-35 |
Two formation badges, American 5th Army, 1942 (c)-1945 (c); associated with Pte T A Skinner, Royal Army Medical Corps; embroidered with the letter 'A' and the number '5' in silver thread on a blue silk ground shaped as a Moorish archway, stitched onto a pink ground; associated with World War Two, North Africa (1940-1943) and Italy (1943-1945). | Badges | 2002-10-83 |
17 photographs relating to Pte Frank Stupple, Queen Victoria's Rifles, King's Royal Rifle Corps, 1915-1917; the majority of the photographs relate to Pte Stupple's time as a convalescent soldier at Felthorpe Hall, Norwich. | Photographs | 2002-10-84 |
A beach scene with fisherman; Two birds perched on rocks. Two watercolours by an anonymous artist; associated with the Crimean War (1854-1856). | Drawings and Watercolours | 1965-01-145 |
Memoir: Stories as I remember them told by my father, Private Frank Stupple, of his service with the Queen Victoria's Rifles in World War One; memoir by Maud Froggatt; with an unused notepad issued to Pte Stupple after his discharge from the Sunnyhill Hospital, Thorpe St Andrew, Norwich; associated with World War One (1914-1918). | Archives | 2002-10-85 |
Reception of Her Majesty's XXXIXth Regiment of Foot, on their arrival in Montreal from the Crimea…on passing under the Triumphal Arch at the Place d'Armes and Bank of Montreal', 28 June 1856. Silk printed with a wood engraving by J Walker after J Duncan, published by Salter and Ross, 1856 (c). Associated with the Crimean War (1854-1856). | Crafts | 1995-01-288 |
Defence Medal 1939-1945, awarded to an unknown recipient; possibly associated with the son of Lt Stanley Thomas William Henshaw, City Imperial Volunteers and London Rifle Brigade, 1900 (c)-1927 (c). | Medals | 2002-10-86 |
British War Medal 1914-20; awarded to Pte W Ayling, Royal Sussex Regiment; impressed around rim, '2422651 PTE. W. Ayling. R.Suss.R.'; associated with World War One (1914-1918). | Medals | 2002-10-88 |
Prisoner of war postcard, 1944 (c); sent by Sub-Conductor Cyril Vivian Ward, Indian Army Ordnance Corps, on attachment from the Royal Artillery from Kuching, Borneo where he was held by the Japanese; Ward was one of the prisoners of war massacred by the Japanese on 10 Jun 1944; associated with World War Two, POWs, Far East (1941-1945). | Archives | 2002-10-89 |
The Charge of the Heavy Brigade, Balaklava, 1854. Watercolour and pen and ink, signed lower right 'Orlando Norie', by Orlando Norie (1832-1901), 1854 (c). | Drawings and Watercolours | 1992-07-268 |
Typescript account of Walter Wickens's service with 1st Bn Princess Charlotte of Wales's (Royal Berkshire Regiment), World War One, Western Front; manuscript diary transcribed by Wickens great-niece, Mrs Delyse Brown, Mrs Brown has also added biographical notes; account covers the period from August to November 1914; Wickens was injured and hospitalised in November 1914; associated with World War One, Western Front (1914-1918). | Archives | 2002-10-90 |
The Battle of Balaclava, 25 October 1854. The Scots Greys supported by the Enniskillings are coming to the rescue of the 5 Light Cavalry regiments forcing their way through the dense masses of Russian troops. Coloured lithograph by E Walker after Orlando Norie, published by Day and Son, 1855. | Prints | 1971-02-33-47 |
Collection of items relating to Dvr Alfred Herbert Pavey's service with an Independent Company, a precursor to the Commandos, 1940-1941; items include forms and a diary; associated with World War Two (1939-1945). | Archives | 2002-10-92 |
Twelve watercolours by Lt Francis Augustus Grant, 79th Highlanders, 1854; scenes in Turkey, June to July 1854 prior to the Crimean War. | Drawings and Watercolours | 1964-04-19 |
Embarkation of the 93rd Highlanders at Plymouth, March 1st 1854, in the Great Steam Ship 'Himalaya'. Coloured lithograph. No 4 in the series 'Going to the War' published by Read and Company; associated with the Crimean War (1854-1856). | Prints | 1973-11-21 |
Private Sealy, E Troop, 11th Hussars, and the Horse he rode at the Balaklava Charge. Coloured lithograph, 1855 (c), publisher unknown; associated with the Crimean War. | Prints | 1973-11-26 |
Types of the British and French Armies: 93rd Highlanders, 33rd Regiment, 11th Hussars, 13th Light Dragoons, Zouave, Chasseurs d'Afriques, Chasseurs de Vincennes, Colour Sergeant, Dragon. Coloured lithograph pirated from the series "The British Army", by William Sharpe. | Prints | 1974-01-132 |
Papers of Capt C B Norman, 1910-1917, consisting of correspondence with the War Office relating to his historical research and recruiting and propaganda work during World War One (1914-1918). | Archives | 1987-11-118 |
Officer's knapsack, cream coloured canvas with leather straps and a draw string fastening; attached to a metal support frame; associated with 444006 Capt David A Walmsley, Royal Army Medical Corps; Capt Walmsley had a short service commission, National Service, 4 Aug 1955 - May 1959. | Equipment, general | 2002-10-100 |
Manuscript book of standing orders for 2nd Battalion, 1809; associated with Lt John Bramwell, 92nd Regiment of Foot. | Archives | 1961-07-1 |
Leather bound album of 86 watercolours and 1 etching compiled during the Crimean War by Lt Col The Hon Augustus Murray Cathcart, 93rd (Highlanders) Regiment of Foot, 1854-1856. | Prints | 1974-02-130 |
Leather bound album of 86 watercolours and 1 etching compiled during the Crimean War by Lt Col The Hon Augustus Murray Cathcart, 93rd (Highlanders) Regiment of Foot, 1854-1856. | Drawings and Watercolours | 1974-02-130 |
Sabretache, 1854 (c); associated with Gen W C Forrest, 4th (Royal Irish) Dragoon Guards. | Equipment, uniform | 1962-12-31 |
MAJOR GENERAL THE HONORABLE SIR JAMES YORKE SCARLETT. Coloured stipple engraving by Francis Grant after F Bromley, published by S W Fores, 1858; portrait of Maj Gen James Yorke Scarlett, 5th Dragoon Guards. | Prints | 1974-12-17 |
SURPRISE OF THE REDOUBTS NEAR BALAKLAVA BY THE RUSSIANS/ Gallant Resistance of the Scottish Troops. Coloured lithograph by and after Thomas Packer, published by Stannard and Dixon, 1855 (c); associated with the 93rd Highlanders, Battle of Balaklava, Crimean War (1854-1856). | Prints | 1976-06-53 |
The body of Captain Nolan, and the 4th Light Dragoons. The 13th Light Dragoons, 11th Hussars and 17th Lancers. Chromolithograph in two parts, published and engraved by Val Rosa and Co, 1890 (c); panoramic view of the charge of the Light Brigade at Balaklava, Crimean War (1854-1856). | Prints | 1976-07-3 |
The Boys Book of British Battles. Book of 18 full page chromolithographs, 1884 (c) and two vignettes depicting battles from 1704-1882; by Richard Simkin, published by George Routledge and Sons, 1884 (c). | Prints | 1977-01-42 |
Jacket, short frogged, Haverill (Essex) Volunteer Cavalry, Hingham (Norfolk) Volunteer Cavalry or Halifax Volunteer Corps, possibly worn by William Edward Ledgard, 1806 (c). | Uniforms | 1969-11-7 |
Two postcard photographs, 1917 (c)-1918 (c); one postcard shows a group of men, including Tpr Robert Caple in a workshop or a factory in France, World War One, the other shows a group of women of Queen Mary's Army Auxiliary Corps, possibly including Jane Caple, associated with York, England; associated with World War One (1914-1918). | Photographs | 2002-10-102 |
Florence Nightingale in the Military Hospital at Scutari, 1855 (c). Coloured lithograph by and after Joseph Austin Benwell (fl 1856-1886), published by Peter Jackson, The Caxton Press, London and Liverpool, 1856 (c). | Prints | 1978-10-57 |
The Powys Society Newsletter No 45, Apr 2002; newsletter containing an article, 'My rich bearded uncle from India', by Stephen Powys Marks relating to his ancestor Maj Littleton Albert Powys; Powys served with the 83rd (County of Dublin) Regiment of Foot, 1858-1878; he was commissioned Major in 1878 with the 59th (2nd Nottinghamshire) Regiment of Foot; associated with 2nd Afghan War (1878-1880). | Archives | 2002-10-105 |
Two notebooks associated with the British South Africa Police, nd, 1950 (c)-2000 (c); one notebook is hard-backed with a British South Africa Police crest, another has one pencil scribble and is printed on the inside cover with BSAP Form No 109, 'Reminders for members investigating motor accidents'. | Archives | 2002-10-106 |
Three watercolours, 1856 (c); associated with the 7th Royal Fusiliers, Crimean War (1854-1856). | Drawings and Watercolours | 1981-10-43 |
Six colour photolithograph postcards after Charles Stadden, 1975 (c); associated with Royal Regiment of Fusiliers. | Prints | 1981-10-89 |
The British Army. Colour photogravure by Hanfstaengl after R Wymer, 1902. | Prints | 1981-10-90 |
Town and harbour of Balaklava from the camp of the 93rd Highlanders. Coloured lithograph, 1854 (c), by Day and Son after Lt Montagu O'Reilly, published by Paul and Dominic Colnaghi, 13 Nov 1854; Highlanders and encampment in the foreground. | Prints | 1961-08-5 |
Medals awarded to Pte H Morris, Bedfordshire Regiment: Queen's South Africa Medal 1899-1902, clasps: Cape Colony, Transvaal and Wittebergen; King's South Africa Medal 1901-02; associated with the Boer War (1899-1902). | Medals | 2002-10-108 |
Medals awarded to Pte H J Morris, Northamptonshire Regiment: British War Medal 1914-20; 1914-15 Star; Allied Victory Medal. | Medals | 2002-10-109 |
Collection of photographs collected by Cpl Ronald Parkin-Ashton, 1st (King's) Dragoon Guards, 1920 (c)-1940 (c); subjects include portraits, groups of 20th and 27th Course Army School of Physical Training, Aldershot, Aldershot Tattoo, Cologne, Blackpool and Dover Pier. | Photographs | 1991-10-108 |
Medals awarded to Maj Gen William George Walker, 4th Gurkha Rifles: Victoria Cross, 1903; Order of the Bath, Companion Badge (Military Division), 1914; India General Service Medal 1854-95, 2 clasps: Samana 1891, Waziristan 1894-95; Africa General Service Medal 1902-56, 2 clasps: Somaliland 1902-04, Jidballi; 1914-15 Star; British War Medal 1914-20; Allied Victory Medal 1914-19; Delhi Durbar Medal 1911; associated with India, North West Frontier, Waziristan Field Force (1894-1895), Somaliland (1901-1904), Delhi Durbar (1911), World War One (1914-1918). | Medals | 1989-05-184 |