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Displaying 17401 to 17500 of 48619 results

Description Object Type NAM Accession Number
Two enamelled badges, Queen Mary's Army Auxiliary Corps Old Comrades Association, nd; letters, 'AAC' upon a white enamelled oval, below is a laurel wreath and above is a blue scroll with 'Queen Mary's' inscribed upon it, the badge has a blue enamelled border inscribed with 'Olde Comrades Association'. Badges 2003-05-104
Soldier's Small Book and Parchment Reserve Certificate belonging to Pte William Goodyear, 2nd Bn Duke of Cambridge's Own (Middlesex Regiment), 1900 (c)-1908 (c); associated with the Boer War (1899-1902). Archives 2003-05-164
183 photographs associated with Pte William Harvey Goodyear, 2nd Bn Duke of Cambridge's Own (Middlesex Regiment), 1900-1908; taken in Egypt and Palestine, 1916 (c)-1918 (c), World War One (1914-1918). Photographs 2003-05-165
Collection of uniform items associated with the Army Air Corps, 1942 (c); includes Denison smock and beret. Uniforms 2003-05-166
Colour photograph showing the grave of Leading Seaman William Roberts, HMS Calliope, and Pte Thomas Tuite, 99th Regiment, killed in action in the Battle Hill engagement, 6th Aug 1846; located in Paekakariki, New Zealand; associated with 1st Maori War (1846-1847). Photographs 1986-06-13
Three portrait photographs, including: Royal Munster Fusiliers, 1890 (c); a group; drums of the Royal Munster Fusiliers, South Africa 1901; taken by F Knapp and Company. Photographs 1986-06-14
Two photographs relating to Royal Army Ordnance Corps, collected by Lt H G Barker, Staffordshire Yeomanry, 1919 (c). Photographs 1986-06-36
Photograph showing NCOs standing in front of a horse ambulance, possibly outside the unit's Headquarters at Victoria Road, Dundee, 1914 (c); associated with the Royal Army Medical Corps Territorial Force. Photographs 1986-06-69
Four copy photographs relating to the visit of Gen Sir Claude Auchinleck to the Engineering Training Centre, Sialkot, 1945. Photographs 1986-07-8
Two photographs of L/Cpl Blay, 5th Dragoon Guards attached 7th Armoured Brigade, 1947. Photographs 1986-07-10
Three photographs relating to 7/10th Baluch Regiment, World War Two, Far East (1941-1945). Photographs 1986-07-37
Three photographs relating to the 20th Middlesex Rifle Volunteers, 1878 (c)-1894 (c). Photographs 1986-07-38
Two photographs relating to Army Commandos, No 2 Commando, 1941 (c). Photographs 1986-07-40
73 photographs relating to 13th Frontier Force Rifles, India, including: manoeuvres; views; North West Frontier; sport; transport; group, 1927 (c). Photographs 1986-08-46
Six copy photographs showing activities of the Hampshire Regiment, 1900 (c); collected by Pte J T Sutton; associated with the Boer War (1899-1902). Photographs 1986-08-48
Two copy photographs relating to 9th Foot, Hong Kong, March 1866. Photographs 1986-08-50
Collection of papers of Maj Horace Cave-Browne, 23rd Cavalry (Frontier Force); papers relate to his service in India and Mesopotamia, 1910 (c)-1930 (c); items include notes of a lecture he gave to the Cavalry School, Saugor, India on the effectiveness of dismounted action; associated with World War One, Mesopotamia (1914-1918). Archives 2003-05-168
Collection of papers of Maj Horace Cave-Browne, 23rd Cavalry (Frontier Force); papers relate to his service in India and Mesopotamia, 1910 (c)-1930 (c); items include notes of a lecture he gave to the Cavalry School, Saugor, India on the effectiveness of dismounted action; associated with World War One, Mesopotamia (1914-1918). Photographs 2003-05-168
Collection of papers of Maj Horace Cave-Browne, 23rd Cavalry (Frontier Force); papers relate to his service in India and Mesopotamia, 1910 (c)-1930 (c); items include notes of a lecture he gave to the Cavalry School, Saugor, India on the effectiveness of dismounted action; associated with World War One, Mesopotamia (1914-1918). Maps 2003-05-168
Two photographs showing officers' bit bosses, 10th and 11th Hussars, 1850 (c)-1902 (c). Photographs 1986-08-51
Two copy photographs relating to the Royal Field Artillery and Capt Charles Boycott, 19th Hussars, Ireland, 1880-1921. Photographs 1986-08-52
Colour photolithographs after Gaynor Morgan, 1984; published by Royal Regiment of Wales, 1985; associated with Northern Ireland (1969-2007). Prints 1985-06-41
Photograph showing men of Army Commando, No 3 Commando, aboard landing craft, 5 Jun 1944; associated with D-Day, Operation OVERLORD, World War Two, North West Europe (1944-1945). Photographs 1986-08-53
Photolithograph after Ken Howard, 1979; published by Royal Army Ordnance Corps, 1980; associated with bomb disposal, Royal Army Ordnance Corps, Northern Ireland (1969-2007). Prints 1981-01-85
Checkpoint at Forkill 1st Battalion the Green Howards in South Armagh. Colour photolithograph after David Shepherd, 1978 (c); published by 1st Bn The Green Howards, 1978 (c); associated with 1st Bn The Green Howards, Northern Ireland (1969-2007). Prints 1979-10-21
Photograph: R E Munsey, sitting fifth from the right, engaged to Audrey Rowse, Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry, 1940. Photographs 1986-08-54
Seven colour photolithographs associated with British Army, Northern Ireland (1969-2007,.after Ken Howard, 1970-1979; published by Ken Howard, 1979 (c); Prints 1980-02-19
Photograph: half-length in uniform as Sirdar of the Egyptian Army, 1889. Photographs 1986-08-82
Five photographs showing exterior and interior views of new museum of Royal Engineers opened 30 Aug 1986; taken by the photographic section of the Royal School of Military Engineering. Photographs 1986-09-1
China India Cape of Good Hop and Vicinity a Series of Thirteen Treble-Tinted Views. Volume of tinted lithographs by Lt Col Sir Harry Darell, Cart, published by Day and Son, W H Mason, 1852. Prints 1971-02-33-488
Photograph showing a battalion, possibly of the Royal Irish Regiment, on parade with the colours, band and regimental transport, in front of barracks buildings, 1920 (c). Photographs 1986-09-3
Series of 16 coloured lithographs by Hutchisson, published by the Asiatic Lithographic Press, Calcutta, 1826; associated with the Siege of Bhurtpore, Bhurtpore (1824-1825). Prints 1971-02-33-484
'Eagle Patrol', Bessbrook Mill, South Armagh. Photolithograph after Ken Howard, 1977; associated with Northern Ireland (1969-2007). Prints 1978-07-61
1st Bn The Worcestershire and Sherwood Foresters Regiment, South Armagh, 14.5.77. Colour photolithograph after Ken Howard, 1977; associated with Northern Ireland (1969-2007). Prints 1978-05-75
Photolithographs after Ken Howard, 1977; associated with King's Own Scottish Borderers, Northern Ireland (1969-2007). Prints 1977-02-3
Copy photograph showing British officers and NCOs with Indian troops and two motor cycles, 630 (MT) Company, Royal Army Service Corps, 1916 (c); associated with World War One, (1914-1918). Photographs 1986-09-39
The Leeson Street Patrol, Northern Ireland, 1971/ 3rd Battalion, The Royal Green Jackets, R Company. Photolithograph after Terence Cuneo, 1973; published by The Royal Green Jackets, 1973; associated with The Royal Green Jackets, Northern Ireland (1969-2007). Prints 1976-11-43
Photograph showing a Chieftain tank at Gallows Hill near Bovington, British Army Equipment Exhibition, associated with 15th/19th Hussars, 23 Jun 1986. Photographs 1986-09-41
2nd Battalion the Rifle Brigade - Sidi Saleh - February 1941. Photolithograph after Terence Cuneo, 1973; published by The Royal Green Jackets, 1973; associated with 2nd Bn The Rifle Brigade, World War Two, Middle East (1940-1943). Prints 1976-11-42
Two photolithographs after Ken Howard, 1976; associated with Staffordshire Regiment. Prints 1976-12-116
Road Bollards, Belfast, Northern Ireland. Oil paint and drawing on paper by Ralph Lillford, 1974; associated with Royal Regiment of Wales (24th /41st Foot), Northern Ireland (1969-2007). Drawings and Watercolours 1989-08-83
The Storming of Ghuznee and Kelat. Volume of 14 coloured lithographs by W Taylor after Lt T Wingate, 2nd Queen's Royal Regiment, 1839 (c); associated with the Battle of Ghuznee, 1st Afghan War (1838-1842), 1839. Prints 1971-02-33-480
54 photographs showing portraits of officers and groups mainly in Burma, 1889; inspections; parade; route marches; barracks, 1876-1913; collected by Hon C G Fortescue. Photographs 1986-09-43
16 photographs showing portraits; groups; drill; elephant battery; Tirah Expedition; relating to the Rifle Brigade, 1895-1900; collected by Capt Ernest Campbell. Photographs 1986-09-44
Bust portrait of Maj Gen Sir A J Lawrence, 1871 (c); cream painted hollow cast slip-moulded plaster, from the bust by Thomas Woolner for Westminster Abbey, 1871 (c); head and shoulders, with printed inscription, 'Lord Lawrence' at base; damaged, with hole in left shoulder. Sculpture 1953-12-16
Buck, Recce Lines, The Royal Anglian Regiment, Hastings Street, Belfast. Carbon drawing by Ralph Lillford, 1972; associated with Northern Ireland (1969-2007). Drawings and Watercolours 1989-08-61
Buck's Love Cup, Royal Anglian Regiment, Hastings Street, Belfast. Graphite drawing by Ralph Lillford, 1972; associated with Northern Ireland (1969-2007). Drawings and Watercolours 1989-08-62
Photograph: 21st Lancers regimental Lancers, Ireland, 1903 (c); taken by Charleton and Sons, 1903 (c). Photographs 1986-10-20
'L/CPL Barnstable', 'L/CPL Kelly' and a colleague, 'Royal Anglian Regt.', Belfast, 26 June 1972. Carbon, graphite and green conté, signed lower right and dated lower left, by Ralph Lillford, 1972. Drawings and Watercolours 1989-08-63
'Recce Lines. Royal Anglian Regt Belfast', 26 June 1972. Graphite, signed lower right and dated lower left, by Ralph Lillford, 1972; associated with Northern Ireland (1969-2007). Drawings and Watercolours 1989-08-64
Recce Lines, The Royal Anglian Regiment, Hastings Street, Belfast. Graphite drawing by Ralph Lillford, 1972; associated with Northern Ireland (1969-2007). Drawings and Watercolours 1989-08-65
Photograph showing C Coy, London Irish Rifles, Bourley Camp, Aldershot, August 1912; photographed by John M Chew. Photographs 1986-10-23
Order of the Bath, Badge and Star of Knight Commander of the Bath (KCB), 1881. Awarded to Gen Sir George Vaughan Maxwell (1881-1892), 88th Regiment of Foot (Connaught Rangers). Medals 1954-10-1
85 copy photographs by Lt Col Frank Graham Marsh, Military Agent on the Caucasus Front, 1915-1917, including: trenches; camps; portraits; groups; artillery; transports; topographical views. Photographs 1986-11-4
Bust of Col K G Henderson, King's Royal Rifle Corps, 1888 (c); cream painted plaster, maker unknown, 1888 (c); in regimental uniform, showing frogging and lace. Sculpture 1960-08-51
An Officer of 29th Foot, 1798 (c). Plaster statuette, maker unknown, nd; full-length figure. Crafts 1961-03-31
Statuette of a Royal Marine Commando, 1945 (c); bronze painted plaster, signed by Gilbert Ledward Royal Artillery, 1948 (c), a model for the central figure in the memorial in Westminster Abbey; full-length in service dress, boots, trousers, blouse, and beret, with a sten gun, knapsack and entrenching tool. Sculpture 1961-12-46
56 photographs showing war in the Middle East, Italy, North West Europe, Burma and Russia; African troops, ceremonial. portraits, groups, social life, Women's Land Army, 1939-1945; collected by Mr L Simpson; associated with World War Two, (1939-1945). Photographs 1986-11-15
Victoria Cross, 1881 and Army Long Service and Good Conduct Medal awarded to Sgt John Danaher, Connaught Rangers, formerly Trooper, Nourse's Horse, Transvaal War (1880-1881). Medals 1960-07-4
Medals, badges and plume, belonging to Col William Henry Slingsby O'Neill, various regiments, 1881-1963. Medals 1963-07-38
Medals, badges and plume, belonging to Col William Henry Slingsby O'Neill, various regiments, 1881-1963. Uniforms 1963-07-38
Medals, badges and plume, belonging to Col William Henry Slingsby O'Neill, various regiments, 1881-1963. Badges 1963-07-38
Medal group, miniatures and buttons, worn by and awarded to Capt J H Kennedy, Queen's Own (Royal West Kent Regiment): Egyptian Medal 1882-89, with clasp: The Nile 1884-85; Queen's Mediterranean Medal 1899-1902; Khedive's Egyptian Star 1882-91, 1884-188 issue. Medals 1964-06-60
Medal group, miniatures and buttons, worn by and awarded to Capt J H Kennedy, Queen's Own (Royal West Kent Regiment): Egyptian Medal 1882-89, with clasp: The Nile 1884-85; Queen's Mediterranean Medal 1899-1902; Khedive's Egyptian Star 1882-91, 1884-188 issue. Badges 1964-06-60
Collection of medals, various recipients, various regiments, 1877-1952. Medals 1963-07-11
Fifty three uniform, badge, equipment and button items, Universal pattern (Volunteers), 7th Middlesex (London Scottish) Rifle Volunteers, City Imperial Volunteers, Unidentified, believed to have been worn by Sgt L Greig, 1900 (c); Sgt L Greig was a clerk who had seen previous service with the 7th Middlesex (London Scottish) Rifle Volunteers. He enrolled in the City Imperial Volunteers in December 1899. Badges 1979-12-16
Fifty three uniform, badge, equipment and button items, Universal pattern (Volunteers), 7th Middlesex (London Scottish) Rifle Volunteers, City Imperial Volunteers, Unidentified, believed to have been worn by Sgt L Greig, 1900 (c); Sgt L Greig was a clerk who had seen previous service with the 7th Middlesex (London Scottish) Rifle Volunteers. He enrolled in the City Imperial Volunteers in December 1899. Uniforms 1979-12-16
Fifty three uniform, badge, equipment and button items, Universal pattern (Volunteers), 7th Middlesex (London Scottish) Rifle Volunteers, City Imperial Volunteers, Unidentified, believed to have been worn by Sgt L Greig, 1900 (c); Sgt L Greig was a clerk who had seen previous service with the 7th Middlesex (London Scottish) Rifle Volunteers. He enrolled in the City Imperial Volunteers in December 1899. Equipment, uniform 1979-12-16
Queen's South Africa Medal 1899-1902, with clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State. Awarded to Sgt B A Gardner, Army Post Office Corps, Boer War (1899-1902). Medals 1989-03-46
Queen's South Africa Medal 1899-1902, with clasp: Cape Colony, awarded to the donor's great uncle, Pte A W Crowe, Army Post Office Corps, Boer War (1899-1902). Medals 1990-07-11
Medal group awarded to Capt Alfred Percy Irons, Rand Rifles, formerly 51st Coy 19th Bn Imperial Yeomanry and Prince of Wales's Light Horse: Queen's South Africa Medal 1899-1902, with clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal; King's South Africa Medal 1901-02, with clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902; 1914-15 Star; British War Medal 1914-20; Allied Victory Medal 1914-19; mounted as worn; with set of six miniatures, also including Natal Rebellion Medal 1906. Medals 1963-06-80
Memorial to the Indian Soldier I, 1914 (c)-1918 (c); stained glass window, designed by David Maile and made by G Maile and Sons, 1970; with lettering 'France Flanders 1914-1918' on main panel, commemorating service in World War One, 1914-1918; central detail, a sepoy advancing through a war torn landscape, with shelled tree stumps behind; associated with World War One (1914-1918). Ceramics 2003-05-172
Memorial to the Indian Soldier II, stained glass window, 1919 (c)-1939 (c); designed by David Maile and made by G Maile and Sons, 1970; with lettering 'Afghanistan 1919' on main panel, commemorating service on the North-West Frontier, 1919-1939; central pane, a sepoy standing, facing forwards and holding rifle across his body, with others fighting behind; to right, 'Kurdistan 1923'. Ceramics 2003-05-173
Photograph of a daguerrotype showing a three quarter length portrait of Sydenhm Malthus, 94th Regiment, in full dress, 1852-1855 (c); photographed by A Claudet. Photographs 1986-11-16
Photograph showing mounting guard at Government House, Hong Kong, with the old guard 14th Regiment Royal Artillery on the left saluting the new guard of 1st Bn The Queen's Royal Surrey Regiment, May 1962. Photographs 1986-11-21
37 photographs: portraits; groups; views of forts, Natal; views of Pietermaritzburg, Mauritius and Singapore; collected by Bandmaster James Light. Photographs 1986-12-4
Nine photographs: aerial views of Leicestershire Yeomanry, 28 Jun 1936. Photographs 1986-12-39
Battle dress blouse and skirt, WO2, 1950 (c); bearing the East Anglian Division badge and possibly a Royal Signals diamond shaped patch, white over blue; associated with the Women's Royal Army Corps. Uniforms 1994-04-151
Field service forage cap, 1945 (c), Auxiliary Territorial Service. Uniforms 1994-04-153
Sergeant's service dress tunic, 1942 and lanyard, nd; tunic with formation badges on each sleeve; associated with the Auxiliary Territorial Service. Uniforms 1994-04-154
Sergeant's service dress tunic, 1942 and lanyard, nd; tunic with formation badges on each sleeve; associated with the Auxiliary Territorial Service. Equipment, uniform 1994-04-154
Five documents relating to the award of the Queen's Gallantry Medal to Capt Christopher A D Barber, 1st Bn Royal Regiment of Fusiliers, for service in Northern Ireland, 1973-1974. Archives 1989-05-207
Certificate of service AF B 108, Cpl Steven John Wynne (b 1958), 1st The Queen's Dragoon Guards, Royal Armoured Corps, 1976-1986; associated with Northern Ireland (1969-2007). Archives 1989-07-81
Enamelled badge, Soldiers Sailors and Airmens Families Association, 1945 (c); belonged to the late Miss K M Osman, Auxiliary Territorial Service; inscribed verso, 'Miss K.M. Osman Joined 1945'; brooch fitting on bar. Badges 2003-05-175
Six badges associated with Auxiliary Territorial Service, Women's Royal Army Corps, Royal Regiment of Artillery and Anti-Aircraft Command, 1938 (c)-1949 (c); includes officer's cap badge, two other rank's cap badges, two other rank's cap or collar badges, and two formation badges. Badges 2003-05-176
Officer's bronze rank badge, Assistant Administrator, Queen Mary's Army Auxiliary Corps, 1918 (c)-1921 (c); Tudor rose. Badges 2003-05-177
Brassard, Carmarthen Voluntary Aid Detachment, 1914 (c)-1918 (c); possibly associated with the British Red Cross; depicts a red cross in felt, attached to a strip of white material, with a fastening with three buttons; on the back is a Carmarthen Voluntary Aid (40) stamp and and Army Medical Service Stamp. Equipment, uniform 2003-05-178
'OFFICER OF WAAC/ 1917'Statuette, 1917; non ferrous metal sculpture by M J Wrightson, 1917; inscribed, 'OFFICER OF WAAC/ 1917'; full-length figure of a female officer in uniform. Sculpture 1993-11-1-517
Statuette of a private, Women's Royal Army Corps, 1957 (c); bronze sculpture, artist unknown, 1957 (c); full-length female figure in battle dress with 1957 pattern webbing. Sculpture 1993-11-1-356
Statuette of a paratrooper, 1969 (c); bronze sculpture, artist unknown, 1969 (c); inscribed, 'Presented by the Parachute Regiment to commemorate the North American Tattoo Tour 1969'; full-length male figure in uniform, on black wooden plinth. Crafts 1993-11-1-355
Bust of Professor Dame Helen Gwynne-Vaughan, 1950 (c); bronze by Miss Julian Phelps Allan OBE FRBS, (1892-1996), 1950 (c); head and shoulders in professorial gown, on marble plinth, with plaque identifying subject and sculptor and their connections with the Women's Royal Army Corps and the Auxiliary Territorial Service. Sculpture 1993-11-1-357
Three circular plaques, 1900 (c); bronze bas relief; associated with FM Lord F S Roberts, Boer War (1899-1902). Medals 1971-01-28-1
At the end of the search. A scene (Kim and the Lama) from the novel 'Kim' by Rudyard Kipling, 1880 (c). Plaster bas relief plaque, signed 'JLK', by John Lockwood Kipling (father of Rudyard), nd, 1880 (c); associated with the Indian Political Service, Indian Army, India and Tibet. Sculpture 1961-12-202
The Sikh Bomber. Bronze statuette on ebonised wooden plinth with four inscribed plaques, after the silver memorial statuette made by the Goldsmiths and Silversmiths Company Limited and presented to the officers of the 14th King George's Own Ferozepore Sikhs, 1925 (c); full-length figure preparing to throw a grenade; inscribed 'Miniature of memorial...'. Sculpture 1965-01-24
Chinese Officer's cigarette holder, soapstone and brass, 1951 (c). Taken by a patrol of the 1st Bn, Middlesex Regiment (Duke of Cambridge's Own) during a patrol in the Imjin River area, Korea, 29 May 1951. From the collection of the former Middlesex Regimental Museum. Crafts 1994-01-1-399
Album of sketches, portraits and maps, mainly of the 2nd China War (1856-1860), 1857-1859, and the Indian Mutiny (1857-1859), 1858-1859, by Bt Maj Henry Hope Crealock, 90th Regiment (Perthshire Volunteers) 1857-1859. Drawings and Watercolours 1971-01-9
The Hook Position - Korea, 1953. Colour photolithograph after Terence Cuneo (1907-1996); published 1960 (c); Royal Engineers in action. Prints 1985-04-91
The Campaign in India 1857-58 from drawings made during the eventful period of the Great Mutiny, illustrating the military operations before Dehli and its neighbourhood. Series of 26 coloured lithographs by W Simpson, E Walker and others, after G F Atkinson, published by Day and Son, 1857-1858; associated with the Indian Mutiny (1857-1859). Other engravers: R M Bryson, J Needham, F Jones, A Laby, G McCulloch and T Picken. (25.5 x 40 cm). Prints 1971-02-33-495
60 drawings in various media by Sgt Ralph Lillford, 121 Supply Platoon, Royal Army Service Corps, made during the artist's National Service in the Suez Canal Zone, Egypt 1953. Drawings and Watercolours 1993-10-256
37 photogravures after sketches of the campaign in India, by Lt Col Henry Hope Crealock; published by J Hogarth, 1861; associated with the Indian Mutiny (1857-1859). Prints 1972-07-7-1