Inventory Search
Displaying 19201 to 19300 of 48619 results
Description | Object Type | NAM Accession Number |
Papers of Col Roderick Macleod, DSO MC (1891-1894), Royal Artillery, relating to his service in World Wars One and Two, and his work with, and on the life of FM Lord Ironside, 1908-1984. | Archives | 1985-02-32 |
Papers of Lt Col William Holcroft Blood, MVO, (1887-1976), Guides Cavalry, 1907-1936. | Archives | 1985-02-33 |
Newspapers: 'The Guides Infantry Newsletter', September and October 1939, 13 Aug 1947 and 15 Feb 1948; associated with Arthur Rodney Erskine Pollard, OBE (b 1906), Pakistan Guides Infantry. | Archives | 1985-02-34 |
History: 'Notes for Regimental History', 5/12th Frontier Force Regiment; gives brief notes on the battalions movements in the Middle East during World War Two, Middle East (1940-1943). | Archives | 1985-02-35 |
Formation badge, 219th Independent Infantry Brigade, 1942-1945 (c); part of the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 1994-07-139 |
Pamphlet, printed by Harrison and Son, June 1909; associated with the Territorial Army, Windsor. | Archives | 1985-03-1 |
Offprint: 'The Volunteer Movement as an Anti-Revolutionary Force, 1793-1801', by J R Western, 1956; from 'English Historical Review, Ixxi (1956); associated with Volunteer Force, Wars of the French Revolution, Home Defence (1793-1802). | Archives | 1985-03-2 |
Memoir: 'The Inns of Court Regiment 1939-1940 and The Yorkshire Hussars 1939-1941. A Light Hearted Reminiscence', by C G Williamson, 23 Oct 1984; associated with World War Two, Middle East (1939-1945). | Archives | 1985-03-3 |
Memoir: 'I to the hills...', by John Munro Sym (1907-1980), 1970 (c), associated with the Seaforth Highlanders (Ross-shire Buffs, The Duke of Albany's); an account of the climb up Pir Magrum in northern Iraq, by a member of the Military Mission in June 1939. | Archives | 1985-03-4 |
Newspaper: 'Cruasader No 108 Vol 10', 11 Jun 1944; associated with the Royal Signals, World War Two, Italy (1939-1945). | Archives | 1985-03-5 |
Diary of Sir Neill Malcolm (1869-1953), 4 Oct 1903-8 Jun 1904, Princess Louise's (Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders) and Tribal Horse; associated with Somaliland (1901-1904). | Archives | 1985-03-27 |
Three postcards written by Ronald Wykes, 1st Bn 28th London Regiment, 3 Corps, to his father from Lord's Cricket Ground, Sept 1914 to Jan 1916; associated with World War One, Outbreak of War and Western Front (1914-1918). | Archives | 1985-03-31 |
Seven maps of France used by Hugh Sykes, Suffolk Regiment, World War One, Western Regiment (1914-1918). | Maps | 1985-03-33 |
Six forms, 1917-1918 collected by Harold Edward Grey, 3rd Army and Royal Army Service Corps, World War One, Western Front (1914-1918). | Archives | 1985-03-37 |
Patriotic Fund Army Killed [and] Wounded. Record, 1803-1819; associated with the Napoleonic Wars. | Archives | 1985-04-32 |
Letter sent by George V to British prisoners of war sent to Holland for repatriation, December 1917; associated with Cpl Francis Herbert Edward Wilkins, 1st Bn Queen's West Surrey Regiment, World War One, POW's (1914-1918). | Archives | 1985-04-33 |
Two newspapers: 'Tunis Telegraph', published by Union Jack, British Services Press Unit, 20 Jun 1943 and 'Eighth Army News', published by Psychological Warfare Branch, AFHQ, 3 Jun 1944; associated with World War Two, Middle East and Italy (1939-1945). | Archives | 1985-04-34 |
Papers, 1907-1914; associated with Miles Bury Selby Smith (b 1884), Rifle Brigade. | Archives | 1985-04-35 |
Notebook: 'TACTICS', used by Frederick Legh Richmond Munn (1889-1972), 1917; associated with the 46th Punjabis, World War One (1914-1918). | Archives | 1985-04-37 |
Battalion orders: '16th Battalion Royal Fusiliers Orders by Lt Col B McCall Commanding, 16th Battalion Royal Fusiliers', 2 Nov 1942-10 dec 1942; issued whilst the battalion was stationed in Kent during World War Two, Home Front (1914-1918). | Archives | 1985-04-42 |
Battalion orders: '2nd Bn The Lancashire Fusiliers Orders by Lieutenant Colonel T Slingsby M C, Commanding', associated with Henry Buckle Grant Allatt (b 1907), 2nd Bn Lancashire Fusiliers, 1934. | Archives | 1985-04-43 |
Papers of Benjamin Chamney Graves (1845-1905), Bengal Staff Corps 1871-1904; associated with Henry Ekins Ryves (b 1841), 13th Bengal Lancers, Battle of Tel el Kebir, Egyptian War (1882). | Archives | 1985-04-72 |
Two letters sent to Sir Reginald Walter Ralph Barnes, 4th Hussars and 2nd Bn Imperial Yeomanry, 30 Nov 1901; associated with the Boer War (1899-1902). | Archives | 1985-04-96 |
Address book and Comrades Association The Reconnaissance Corps membership card of 2041731 E J Harle, (3 GHQ Liaison Regiment) Reconnaissance Corps, 1945-1947; associated with World War Two (1939-1945). | Archives | 1985-04-97 |
No 7, Mk I knife bayonet for use with the No 4 rifle, 1945 (c); bayonet has a swivelling pommel/ socket locking system to fix the bayonet on the rifle and a grip made of dark orange composition material; with No 5 Mk I metal scabbard, painted black; with RAF webbing frog, of blue grey colour; unmarked. | Equipment, general | 2003-11-10 |
Papers associated with the Wynne Family, 1694-1854: 13 commissions; five warrants; court martial verdict; five letters; receipt; petition; five plans; account book; notes; two lists. | Archives | 1985-04-39 |
Discharge certificate of Pte James Reid (b 1792), 29th (The Worcestershire) Regiment of Foot, 1818; on the reverse is the certificate of employment during the war of 29937 Pte David Reid Alexander, 11th Bn 1st (or the Royal Scots) Regiment of Foot. | Archives | 1985-12-33 |
Four diaries of Maj J Q Henriques (b 1880), 16th Bn London Regiment, World War One, Western Front (1914-1918); associated with the Battle of Cambrai and 109th Brigade. | Archives | 1989-01-105 |
Papers associated with the Vivian Family, 1862-1922; collected by Meynell and Pemberton, solicitors of Gen Sir Robert John Hussey Vivian and his family. | Archives | 1985-01-23 |
Collection of 17 press cuttings, June to July 1911; probably collected by a member of the Auxiliary Force (India); associated with King George V and the Indian Army. | Archives | 1985-04-102 |
Tailors book, 1897; compiled by Bdr W T Kempson; associated with the Royal Artillery, Army Ordnance Corps and Royal Army Clothing Factory. | Archives | 1985-05-46 |
Laundry list of the Mediterranean Laundry House, based at the Station Laundry, Royal Air Force, Episkopi, 1955 (c); associated with Cyprus (1954-1959). | Archives | 1985-05-47 |
Membership certificate issued to H G W Godfrey, Royal Field Artillery, 1920 (c); to certify that he 'was a Member of the Ypres League of Officers and Men who served in the gallant defence of Ypres'; printed by Bernard Partridge; associated with World War One, Western Front (1914-1918). | Archives | 1985-05-48 |
Photograph album of 220 photographs with captions, newspaper cuttings and programs, 1896-1921; compiled by Col Norman Margrave Dillon; showing family life in Dillon's childhood and youth, social life during and post World War One, training and service and views in the trenches at Armentieres, 1915; associated with Heavy Branch, Machine Gun Corps, 14th Bn, Northumberland Fusiliers, Royal Navy (Royal Naval Division), 7th Bn Worcestershire Regiment, Tank Corps, World War One (1914-1918). (Album dimensions: 31 x 26 x 3 cm). | Photographs | 1987-01-59 |
Photograph album, of 305 photographs and captions, 1918-1926. Compiled by Col N M Dillon; associated with World War One, Western Front (1914-1918). (Album dimensions: 31 x 26 x 3.5 cm). | Photographs | 1987-01-60 |
Photograph album of 71 photographs with captions; compiled by Col Norman Margrave Dillon MC, 1918-1930; mainly domestic scenes and family life in England, 1920/30s; associated with Tank Corps and Worcestershire Regiment. | Photographs | 1987-01-61 |
Photograph album of 194 photographs with captions, compiled by Col N M Dillon, 1924-1930; mostly taken in India and showing army manoeuvres with armoured vehicles, domestic scenes of Army life, leave in Kashmir and activities including hill climbing and mugger (crocodile) hunting; associated with Royal Tank Corps. (Album dimensions: 25 x 34 x 4 cm). | Photographs | 1987-01-62 |
Album of 468 photographs with captions and 12 post cards, 1926-1932; compiled by Col N M Dillon; showing trials and manoeuvres with armoured cars and carriers, North West Frontier, India, 1926-1930; tank manoeuvres, Catterick and Northumberland, 1930-1939; domestic and social life, including leave in United Kingdom, Europe, Kashmir and India, 1926-1930, including fishing and mugger crocodile shooting; associated with Royal Tank Corps; spine damaged. (Album dimensions: 37.5 x 28 x 4 cm). | Photographs | 1987-01-63 |
Photograph album of 187 photographs with captions compiled by Col N M Dillon, 1931-1936; showing tank manoeuvres in Northumberland, events at Bovington Camp, domestic and personal life in England; associated with Royal Tank Corps. (Album dimensions: 31 x 25 x 2.5 cm). | Photographs | 1987-01-64 |
Photograph album of 210 photographs, compiled by Lt Henry Curtis Gallup during service with the 5th Hampshire Howitzer Battery (TF) in Mesopotamia in 1915 and his subsequent captivity in Turkey after capture at Kut, 1915 (c)-1916 (c); showing arrival at Basra, camps, fortifications, views of Mesopotamia; associated with World War One, Mesopotamia (1914-1918). | Photographs | 1987-01-70 |
Photograph album of 286 photographs compiled by Capt Noel Maurice Anderson, 1931; showing views of Tibet, scenes of Tibetan life, social life, lunch parties, sports, parade of Gyantse Regiment and Gyantse Detachment, 5th Mahratta Light Infantry; associated with the 1st Bn 5th Mahratta Light Infantry. (Album dimensions: 31 x 42 x 5.5 cm). | Photographs | 1987-01-116 |
Papers, diaries and letters of Lt Henry Morris Pryce-Jones (1878-1952), Coldstream Guards and Northern Nigeria Regiment, 1898-1911. | Archives | 1989-01-125 |
Photograph album, 1897-1898; compiled by Lt Col Gronow John Davis DSO, Military Secretary to the Chief Commissioner of the North West Frontier, India; associated with India, North West Frontier. (Album dimensions: 36.5 x 46 x 6.5 cm). | Photographs | 1987-05-11 |
Photograph album of 14 photographs showing a visit to 2nd Bn Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders (Princess Louise's) by their Colonel-in-Chief HRH Princess Louise, Duchess of Argyll at Albany Barracks, Parkhurst, Isle of Wight on 12 May to 15 May 1924, with photocopy of a description of the visit from the regimental magazine; photographs taken by Gale and Polden Limited, 12 May to 15 May 1924; boxed, bound in suede leather with gold regimental badge in top left corner of front cover. (Album dimensions: 25.5 x 33 x 3.5cm). | Photographs | 1987-05-34 |
Photograph album, 1900-1901 of 47 photographs with captions compiled by Lt E H Hanks; showing groups, portraits, artillery at drill, scenes on board ship, inspections, troops on the march, camps, transport, topographical views; associated with 2nd Bn Royal Irish Rifles and London Irish Rifles, Boer War (1899-1902). (Album dimensions: 21.25 x 16.5 x 3.25 cm). | Photographs | 1987-07-14 |
Photograph album, 1920 (c); 168 photographs with captions compiled and photographed by Capt L D Whitehead and a printed article describing a visit to the area by the Monmouthshire Regiment; showing views of devastated towns in Belgium and France, including Elverdinghe, Poperinghe, Ypres, Peronne, Pierrefonds, Noyon, cemeteries, portraits, groups; associated with the 3rd Bn Monmouthshire Regiment, World War One, Western Front (1914-1918). (Album dimensions: 30.25 x 40.5 x 3.5 cm). | Photographs | 1987-08-32 |
Photograph album, 1900; 48 photographs with captions taken by H H Mears; showing City Imperial Volunteers, transport, catering, camps, physical training, hygiene, signalling, troops on march; associated with the Boer War (1899-1902). (Album dimensions: 13.75 x 16 x 3 cm). | Photographs | 1987-11-125 |
Photograph album, 1900; 35 photographs taken by H H Mears; showing City Imperial Volunteers, signalling, troops on operations, prisoners of war, catering, views of Pretoria, rifle inspection, foot inspection, transport, camp, hospital, embarking for Britain; associated with the Boer War (1899-1902). (Album dimensions: 13.75 x 16 x 3 cm). | Photographs | 1987-11-126 |
Korea 1951-1952 - some personal impressions. Word processed and illustrated memoir by Lt John Whybrow, MC, 1st Bn King's Shropshire Light Infantry as a National Service officer, May 1951 -April 1952; with appendices illustrated by scanned copies of maps, photographs and cuttings; associated with Korea (1950-1953). | Archives | 2003-11-14 |
Photographs, 1900 (c). Possibly associated with 13th/18th Hussars. | Photographs | 1987-05-27 |
Collection of colour photographs, 1780-1985; associated with the 14th Light Dragoons, 20th Hussars and 23rd Light Dragoons. | Photographs | 1987-12-22 |
National Service papers of Pte John Coddington relating to his service with The Buffs (Royal East Kent Regiment), Aden (1957-1959). | Archives | 2003-11-15 |
Medals awarded to Worker V L Mockett, Queen Mary's Army Auxiliary Corps: British War Medal, 1914-1920; Allied Victory Medal, 1914-1919; inscribed on rim, '35867 Wkr. V. L. Mockett. Q. M. A. A. C.'; associated with World War One (1914-1918). | Medals | 2003-11-19 |
A collection of papers associated with Walter James Upton, Royal Field Artillery, 1902-1952. | Archives | 1984-10-9 |
Catalogue: 'City Imperial Volunteers a List of Material, Photographs and Mementos of the Regiment also a List of Records of the C.I.V Fund', compiled by P W A Cain, 1985; associated with the Boer War (1899-1902). | Archives | 1985-05-50 |
History: 'The Record of the Court of Inquiry on the Shangani Expedition', 1893; associated with Patrick William Forbes (b 1861) and Pieter Raaff (d 1893), 6th Dragoons, British South Africa Comany Police and Bechuanaland Border Police, 1st Matabele War (1893-1894) | Archives | 1985-05-52 |
Three pamphlets, 1985; associated with the Centenary Celebrations of the Volunteer Medical Staff Corps and Royal Army Medical Corps, 1880-1985, held at the Duke of York's Headquarters, London, 14 April 1985. | Archives | 1985-05-54 |
Medals awarded to Maj Gen Hugh Shaw, 18th (Royal Irish) Regiment of Foot and Royal Irish Regiment: Victoria Cross; New Zealand Campaigns Medal 1845-66; 2nd Afghan War Medal 1878-80; Order of the Bath; Egyptian Campaigns Medal 1882-89; Khedive's Egyptian Star 1882-91. | Medals | 1961-05-1 |
Diary of Lt-Col Hugh Stainton Poyntz DSO, Bedfordshire Regiment, World War One, Western Front (1914-1918). | Archives | 1989-01-132 |
Bound typescript letters and diaries associated with Maj Walter Harold Wilkin (1876-1950), Sherwood Foresters, 1908-1919. | Archives | 1985-05-24 |
Papers associated with L/Cpl Frederick Walter Legge (b 1893), 9th and 10th Reserve Bns The London Regiment and 16th Bn London Regiment, World War One, Western Front (1914-1918). | Archives | 1985-04-40 |
Papers of Capt Derek George Levis, Royal Army Medical Corps, Malaya, June 1941-February 1942. | Archives | 1990-08-224 |
Leaflet: 'Rules of the 'Wellington Club'', 1920 (c); associated with the 6th Bn Duke of Wellington's Regiment. | Archives | 1985-05-78 |
Photograph album of 88 photographs possibly compiled by an NCO or Trooper of 5th Dragoon Guards, 1922-1927; on cover a pen and wash drawing of the crest of the 5th Royal Inniskilling Dragoon Guards; also associated with Northumberland Fusiliers, 21st Lancers, Police and the Punjab Light Horse. (Album dimensions 17 x 24.5 x 1.5 cm). | Photographs | 1986-01-64-1 |
Six diaries and 70 letters written by Hubert Conway Rees (1882-1948), 6 May 1901-14 Dec 1908; associated with the 3rd Bn East Surrey Regiment and 2nd Bn Welch Regiment, Boer War (1899-1902). | Archives | 1985-06-4 |
Photograph album of 53 photographs compiled by an NCO or Trooper, 5th Dragoon Guards, 1920-1928; typescript inscription below photographs; associated with 5th Royal Inniskilling Dragoon Guards, 21st Lancers, 2nd Dragoon Guards. | Photographs | 1986-01-64-2 |
Photograph album of 77 photographs compiled by a Trooper, 5th Dragoon Guards, 1920 (c); associated with Northumberland Fusiliers and Connaught Rangers. | Photographs | 1986-01-64-3 |
Photograph album of 265 photographs, nd; photographs taken by T Nicholls, Army Service Corps, 1915-1923; with modern brochure containing a plan of Salonika; associated with World War One, Egypt and Palestine (1914-1918). (Album dimensions: 19.5 x 24 x 4 cm). | Photographs | 1986-02-41 |
Ten letters written by Pte T Reader, 2nd Bn East Surrey Regiment to a friend in Holloway during service in India and Egypt, 1884-1885; associated with the 1st Sudan War (1884-1885). | Archives | 1985-06-6 |
Leaflet: 'The Weak can be made STRONG', by M Field, 1901 (c); religious tract based on the experiences of Col Sir John Field, Bombay Pioneers, Abyssinia (1867-1868). | Archives | 1985-06-7 |
Order, FM Sir Claude John Eyre Auchinleck, Indian Army, collected by Lt Col John Mildmay Ricketts, 1967. | Archives | 1989-02-197 |
Papers collected by Lt Col Herbert Leslie Allsopp, 7th Bn Northamptonshire Home Guard, 1922-1945, Home Front, World War Two (1939-1945).Comprising his commission as 2/Lt TA General List, 18 Nov 1922; loose leaf binder comprising lists of personnel, transport, proficiency test results, requisitioned premises, rifles, ammunition and other information; collection of duplicated orders relating to the immobilization of factories in Bedfordshire, Huntingdonshire and Northamptonshire in the event of a German invasion, October 1941 - September 1942; Eastern Command Operations Instruction No 4, 13 Jul 1942; collection of duplicated papers relating to Home Guard training courses; five sketch maps; correspondence; military identity card; two nominal rolls; two letters; War Ofice Orders; leaflet; Operation Instructions. | Archives | 1989-02-200 |
Papers of Gen Sir Reginald Byng Stephens, 2nd Bn Rifle Brigade (Prince Consort's Own), 1879-1919, comprising letters, diaries and message books, and covering his military training at Sandhurst, his posting with the Rifle Brigade to Ireland (1890-1892), service with the Mounted Infantry during the Mashonaland Campaign (1896-1897), posting to South Africa (1898-1900), his experiences during the Boer War (1900-1902), and on the Western Front and Italy (1914-1915); together with papers relating to his wife and her work with the Comfort Fund (1914-1919). | Archives | 1989-02-201 |
Pair of earrings made from George IV shilling pieces, 1950 (c); possibly made by REME; made from silver coins of the 1825-1827 pattern with silver clip-on clasp attached to the back of one and broken from the back of the other; with faint inscription on the back of the earring retaining the clasp, 'Georgius IV Dei.'. | Crafts | 2003-11-56 |
Memoir written by F E Boone (b 1920), Auxiliary Territorial Service, World War Two, Home Front (1939-1945), 1939-1982. | Archives | 1985-06-9 |
Notebook: 'Experiments for War Office to Hide Guns 1905', compiled by Joseph William Lovibond during camouflage experiments for the War Office, 17-24 Jul 1905. | Archives | 1985-06-10 |
Smiths Empire wrist watch, 1960 (c)-1966 (c); belonged to Dennis Franklin, and worn when he was a National Serviceman in the Royal Army Ordnance Corps; watch was purchased in Lagos, Nigeria for 30/- on the way by troopship to the Cameroons in 1961; the strap is Army issue at the time; clock face reads, 'Smiths/ Empire/ Shockproof/ 5 Jewels'. | Scientific Instruments | 2003-11-46 |
Papers collected by Lt Col William Tyrwhitt Drake (d 1848), Royal Horse Guards, 1802-1821. | Archives | 1985-06-33 |
Two forms: 'Railway Concession Vouchers for Journies Home', printed by M and C Limited, March 1954 and Army Form B.295, printed by K and H Limited, September 1950. | Archives | 1985-06-164 |
Papers associated with Lt Col James McConville (b 1880), Royal Signals, World War One, Mesopotamia (1914-1918), 1917-1969. | Archives | 1985-06-165 |
Pamphlet: 'Armstice Day SUNDAY 11th NOVEMBER 1928 Order of Proceedings AT THE ROYAL EXCHANGE LONDON TROOPS MEMORIAL in Commemoration of the Armistice signed on 11th November 1918 and in Memory of Officers and Men of His Majesty's Forces who lost their lives in The Great War 1914-1918', 1928; associated with London Territorial Units, World War One (1914-1918). | Archives | 1985-06-167 |
Two silk escaping maps of Europe, 1944; owned by John H Money, Special Operations Executive, 1944 (c), World War Two (1939-1945). | Maps | 1985-06-171 |
Orders: 'Southern Command Orders', 1939-1955; associated with the British Army and Southern Command, World War Two, Home Front (1939-1945). | Archives | 1985-07-5 |
History: 'THE HISTORY of THE BRITISH BATTALION (MALAYAN CAMPAIGN of 1941-42', by Chye Kooi Loong, 1984; associated with World War Two, Far East (1941-1945). | Archives | 1985-07-6 |
Army Signalling Scribbling Notebook (AB 119C), used by Lt and Adj Arthur Murray Pirie, 21st Lancers during the 2nd Sudan War (1896-1898), 31 Jul 1898-8 Sept 1898. | Archives | 1985-07-7 |
Diary of Capt Thomas Arthur Cooke (1841-1912), 17th Lancers, 25 Feb 1879 to 17 Jan 1880; associated with the Zulu War (1879). | Archives | 1985-07-8 |
Ledger, 1762-1771; associated with Thomas Fisher (d 1768), 10th Dragoons. | Archives | 1985-07-20 |
Issues 1 to 4 of the newspaper: 'THE RED CIRCLE GAZETTE', 16 Oct 1945 to 14 Dec 1945; printed by Meinders and Elstermann; associated with the C Sqn 1st Regiment Fife and Forfar Yeomanry, British Army of the Rhine. | Archives | 1985-07-47 |
Passport of Edward Essex (b 1847), Gordon Highlanders, 1873. | Archives | 1985-07-49 |
Letters written by Lt H Lee Ellis to 'Peggy', his wife or girlfriend, 6 Feb 1916 to 11 Nov 1918; associated with 11th Bn Yorkshire Regiment and 16th Bn Sherwood Foresters, World War One, Western Front, POW's and Peace (1914-1918). | Archives | 1985-07-69 |
Poem: 'Lines Written to the Memory of the Officers Non Commissioned Officers and Men of the KOYLI who lost their lives in the Shinkamar Pass January 29th 1898', by Pte J Radford, 1898 (c); associated with India, NW Frontier, Tirah Expeditionary Force. | Archives | 1985-07-70 |
Memoir by Sir Samuel James Browne (1824-1901), 1858-1890 (c); associated with the 2nd Punjab Cavalry, Indian Mutiny (1857-1859). | Archives | 1985-07-72 |
Letter from Sgt William Spratt, 2nd Bn The Buffs (East Kent Regiment) to his mother, 1900; associated with the Boer War (1899-1902). | Archives | 1985-07-75 |
Diary of 2963 L/Cpl W A Pye, Prince of Wales's Own (West Yorkshire Regiment), 1899-1900; associated with the Boer War (1899-1902). | Archives | 1985-09-7 |
Photograph, Royal Irish Regiment, World War One, Egypt and Palestine (1914-1918), 1916 (c). | Photographs | 1950-10-28 |
USA machete, 1943; owned by Maj W S Gimber, King's African Rifles during World War Two; the leather sheath is of Canadian manufacture; stamped on blade, 'Legitimus/ Collins/ No 1250/ 1943'; stamped on sheath, 'Robco Ltd/ Montreal/ 1944'; associated with World War Two (1939-1945). | Edged Weapons | 2003-11-62 |
Notebook: 'RECORDINGS MADE DAY BY DAY OF VESSELS ARRIVING AT DOVER DURING THE EVACUATION FROM DUNKIRK MAY/ JUNE 1940', by Capt J W Walker, 1940; associated with the Evacuation from Dunkirk, World War Two, North West Europe (1939-1940). | Archives | 1985-09-9 |
Diary of John Michael Gregson Halsted (b 1920), C Sqn, Queen's Bays (2nd Dragoon Guards), 1941-1942; associated with Wolrd War Two, Middle East (1939-1945). | Archives | 1985-09-10 |
Scrapbook, 1931; contains photographs and press reports on the Royal Signals Motor Cycle Display Team's performance at the 1931 Royal Tournament. | Archives | 1985-09-23 |
Roll: 'REGISTER 10TH DIVNL SIGNAL COY R.E', by Cpl L J S Kerr and Cpl J G Martin, 1915-1918; associated with Royal Engineers (10th Divisional Signal Company), World War One, Gallipoli, Salonika, Egypt and Palestine (1914-1918). 182 pages, microfilm 35 mm. | Archives | 1985-09-24 |