Inventory Search
Displaying 19601 to 19700 of 48619 results
Description | Object Type | NAM Accession Number |
Five uniform items, regimental servants' and officers', Royal Bombay Sappers and Miners, worn by Lt Col C A Swetenham, 1938 (c)-1942. | Uniforms | 1983-03-17 |
Eight uniform and equipment items, United States Army, 1st Infantry Division, 1945 (c). | Uniforms | 1983-02-49 |
Eight uniform and equipment items, United States Army, 1st Infantry Division, 1945 (c). | Equipment, uniform | 1983-02-49 |
Conscription or 600 Days in Malaya - a National Serviceman remembers. Photocopy of a word processed illustrated memoir, nd; written by Pte Tim J Franks, briefly with 1st Bn Royal Warwickshire Regiment service in the United Kingdom and 1st Bn Royal Lincolnshire Regiment service in Malaya (1948-1960), 1956-1958. | Archives | 2003-12-11 |
Word processed memoir, nd; written by Cpl Harry Thomas, Royal Army Service Corps, describing Operation Anvil during the Mau Mau Emergency, April 1954; recalls Cpl Thomas's National Service, Kenya (1952-1960). | Archives | 2003-12-12 |
Portrait of National Servicemean L/Cpl Dennis Meek, Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire Regiment, 1952 (c). Pastel over charcoal drawing by Pte Albany Wiseman, Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire Regiment; made during the artist's National Service; head and shoulders portrait of a national serviceman with brown eyes, wearing green tie and dark blue beret with regimental badge. | Drawings and Watercolours | 2003-12-15 |
Sweetheart brooch or tie pin of the Army Service Corps, with badge, 1910 (c); gilt and enamel, with pin brooch fitting, 1910 (c); seven pointed surrounding a three quarter garland, Garter strap and central overlaid inscription, 'ASC', surmounted by a King's Crown. | Crafts | 2003-12-16 |
Cast aluminium and copper ring, 1918 (c); possibly made commercially in Ypres, Belgium, 1918 (c); with square head, set with inscribed copper band, possibly from the driving band of a cartridge or shell case; head with decorative fleur-de-lys supports; inscribed, 'Ypres'; belonged to Gnr William Haswell, London Scottish Regiment, 1939-1945, World War One, Western Front (1914-1918). | Crafts | 2003-12-18 |
Pencil and watercolour drawing by Kenneth Elwell, 1943; head and shoulders portrait of Capt Harry Oke, 1/25 London (Cyclist) Bn and Singapore State Volunteer Force, 1943; Capt Oke with blue eyes and moustache, wearing a blue field service cap, with bare shoulders, edged with a green border; inscribed lower right, 'F Kenneth Elwell/ Chung Kai/ P.O.W.c./ Thailand/ 43'; associated with World War Two, POWs Far East (1941-1945). | Drawings and Watercolours | 2003-12-20 |
Photocopy letters and postcards sent by Pte Herbert Thomas Mantell, 1st Middlesex Regiment, 7 Aug 1914 to 16 Oct 1914; most of the letters have poignant personal references to his wife and children, but some have a few military details which passed the censor; associated with World War One, Western Front (1914-1918). | Archives | 2003-12-21 |
Photocopy letters and postcards sent by Pte Herbert Thomas Mantell, 1st Middlesex Regiment, 7 Aug 1914 to 16 Oct 1914; most of the letters have poignant personal references to his wife and children, but some have a few military details which passed the censor; associated with World War One, Western Front (1914-1918). | Photographs | 2003-12-21 |
Twenty three uniform items, equipment items and badges, officers', Essex Regiment, worn by Capt P P S Brownless, 1942-1945 (c). | Uniforms | 1983-02-37 |
Twenty three uniform items, equipment items and badges, officers', Essex Regiment, worn by Capt P P S Brownless, 1942-1945 (c). | Equipment, uniform | 1983-02-37 |
Twenty three uniform items, equipment items and badges, officers', Essex Regiment, worn by Capt P P S Brownless, 1942-1945 (c). | Badges | 1983-02-37 |
Collection of five badges relating to Pte Ernest Henry Bryant, 23rd London Regiment, 1914 (c)-1940 (c); associated with World War One (1914-1918) and World War Two (1939-1945). | Badges | 2003-12-24 |
Ribbon bar associated with Pte James Cooper, Middlesex Regiment; for 1939-45 Star; France and Germany Star 1944-45; Defence Medal 1939-45; British War Medal 1939-45; Efficiency Medal; associated with World War Two (1939-1945). | Medals | 2003-12-27 |
Officer's silver collar badge, Auxiliary Territorial Service, 1938 (c)-1949 (c); inscribed, 'ATS' within a laurel wreath, surmounted by a monarchial crown; with brooch fitting verso; badge numbered 11318; associated with World War Two (1939-1945). | Badges | 2003-12-28 |
Protective NBC trousers, No 1, Mk IV, desert, dated Jan 1991; manufactured by Remploy Limited; sealed in plastic wrapping; associated with military training instructor, NBC, Royal Army Ordnance Corps; printed paper label, inside packaging. | Equipment, general | 2003-12-30 |
Protective NBC smock, No 1, Mk IV, desert, dated Jan 1991; manufactured by Remploy Limited; sealed in plastic wrapping; associated with military training instructor, NBC, Royal Army Ordnance Corps; printed on paper label inside packaging. | Equipment, general | 2003-12-31 |
Altropine Auto-injector, 2 mg, for use in nerve gas poisoning, nd; manufactured by Duphar B.V., Amsterdam, Holland; with use by date of March 1994; sealed in plastic wrapping; associated with military training instructor, NBC, Royal Army Ordnance Corps; printed label on injector. | Medical Equipment | 2003-12-32 |
Photocopy of a four page memoir by Maj K P Baxter, 2nd Bn Middlesex Regiment, nd; covers the period 5 Jun 1944 to 6 Jun 1944 and his personal experience of the D-Day landing on Sword Beach; produced for Warren Tute's book 'D-Day' published in 1976; relating to Lt Anthony Milne; associated with D-Day, World War Two, North West Europe (1944). | Archives | 2003-12-33 |
Praxlidoxime Chloride Injector, 300 mg, for use in nerve agent poisoning, nd; manufactured by Survival Technology Inc., Bethesda, MD 20814, May 1983; associated with military training instructor, NBC, Royal Army Ordnance Corps; printed label on injector. | Medical Equipment | 2003-12-39 |
Waistbelt and sword slings, undress uniform, officers', 2nd Life Guards, 1895 (c). | Equipment, uniform | 1983-01-125 |
Thirteen uniform and equipment items, Universal pattern, Scottish Regiments and Unidentified, 1940 (c)-1965 (c). | Uniforms | 1983-01-121 |
Collection of teatime creamware china, 1950 (c); each piece bearing the regimental crest of the Middlesex Regiment and inscribed below, '3rd Sergeants' Mess'; consists of eleven tea cups, 17 saucers and 15 side plates each with a dark green band around the edges of the plates and saucers and at the rim of the cups; imprinted on base, 'Hotel Ware/ Wood & Sons/ England/ Made For/ E. Spaull & Co/ Bermondsey S.E.'. | Ceramics | 2003-12-45 |
Pattern 1917 bayonet, nd; manufactured in United States of America, 1917 (c); used by the Home Guard during World War Two (1939-1945). | Edged Weapons | 1988-05-7 |
Pattern 1917 bayonet, nd; manufactured in United States of America, 1917 (c); used by the Home Guard during World War Two (1939-1945). | Equipment, general | 1988-05-7 |
Twelve uniform and equipment items, Dorsetshire Regiment and Unidentified, 1918-1945. | Equipment, uniform | 1983-01-120 |
Silver pocket watch, nd; manufactured by J W Benson, London; dated by hallmarks to 1898-1899; belonged to John Ewins, 2nd Bn Rifle Brigade; associated with the Boer War (1899-1902). | Scientific Instruments | 2003-12-47 |
Slacks, breeches, cap, boots and shoes, other ranks' and non commissioned officers', Auxiliary Territorial Service and Universal pattern, 1942-1945 (c) | Uniforms | 1983-01-119 |
Three photographs of pencil drawings by Louis Kahan, 1944; associated with World War Two, North West Europe (1944-1945). | Prints | 1991-11-84 |
Twenty uniform and equipment items, all ranks' and other ranks', Universal pattern, Mounted Services and 3rd (Prince of Wales's) Dragoon Guards, 1900 (c) | Uniforms | 1983-01-118 |
Twenty uniform and equipment items, all ranks' and other ranks', Universal pattern, Mounted Services and 3rd (Prince of Wales's) Dragoon Guards, 1900 (c) | Equipment, uniform | 1983-01-118 |
Album of 90 photographs compiled by Brig Sir Eric Frith; with manuscript diary of events on interleaved sheets; manuscript inscription on flyleaf, 'WITH THE 2ND POLISH CORPS/ ITALY 1944-46/ A ROUGH DIARY OF EVENTS WITH VARIOUS PHOTOGRAPHS'; photograph captions are interspersed among diary entries; associated with World War Two, Italy (1943-1945). (Album dimensions: 22.25 cm x 31 cm x 5 cm). | Photographs | 1986-12-1 |
Collection of 137 photographs and negatives relating to the National Service of Pte John Coddington, The Buffs (Royal East Kent Regiment), Aden, 1957-1959. | Photographs | 2003-12-49 |
Pair of ear defenders in a hinged metal box, nd; Mallock-Armstrong patent, 1915 pattern; printed on the inside of the box, 'Mallock-Armstrong/ Ear Defender/ 1915 Pattern/ British invention and manufacture/ As Supplied To The British Admiralty'; supplied to the Machine Gun Corps and the British Admiralty, World War One (1914-1918). | Equipment, general | 2003-12-51 |
Word processed copy of illustrated memoirs and diary entries of Staff Sgt Colin Turner, Glider Pilot Regiment, 1939-1945; memoir starts with his conscription on 16 Oct 1939 into the Duke of Welllington's Regiment (West Riding), and transfer to the Glider Pilot Regiment, becoming a Glider Pilot; associated with World War Two, Sicily (1943-1945), North Africa (1940-1943), South of France (1944-1945), Balkans (1941-1945). | Archives | 2003-12-52 |
Special car numberplate, nd; metal painted black with silver raised lettering spelling, 'WRAC 1'; used for the visit of Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Kent to Singapore and Hong Kong, February 1970. | Equipment, general | 2003-12-53 |
Sixteen Drypoints and Etchings a Record of the Great War by Percy Smith. Sixteen uncoloured collotypes of drypoints and etchings by and after Gnr J Percy Smith, Royal Marine Artillery, 1916 (c)-1919 (c); published by The Soncino Press, London, 1930; show scenes of the war-torn landscape of the Somme on the Western Front, a howitzer and prisoners of war; associated with World War One, Western Front (1914-1918) | Prints | 2003-12-54 |
Forage cap cover, peaked, waterproofed, all ranks', Corps of Military Police, 1918. | Uniforms | 1983-01-99 |
Collection of six photographic portrait pin badges including one lapel badge, 1902 (c); made from plastic coated base metal, possibly of British manufacture, 1902 (c); portrait badges depict Lt Col R S S Badn-Powell, Gen H H Kitchener, Gen Sir G White and Lt Gen Sir J (later Viscount) French; badges are of various sizes; relating to Army Staff and 19th Hussars; associated with the Boer War (1899-1902). | Crafts | 2003-12-55 |
French Chasseurs a Cheval charge before a line of French troops, Napoleonic Wars, 1812 (c). Oil on canvas by David Cartwright, 1975 (c)-1976 (c); at the forefront a mounted officer in a green uniform charging with a drawn sword, hussars and infantry follow behind with a French eagle; associated with the Napoleonic Wars (1803-1815). | Oil Paintings | 2003-12-59 |
Eight equipment items, officers', Indian Cavalry, 1823-1860 (c). | Equipment, uniform | 1983-01-70 |
Sabretache, undress uniform, officers', 21st (Empress of India's) Lancers, 1896 (c). | Equipment, uniform | 1983-01-69 |
Medals awarded to and associated with Cpl Albert Stanton, 2nd Life Guards: Bronze Royal Naval, Military & Air Force Tournament Sword vs Sword Medal 1919, 2nd Prize; silver London District Eliminating Military Tournament Sword vs Sword Medal, 1st Prize; bronze London District Military Tournament Dummy Thrusting Medal 1926, 1st and 2nd prize; six Royal Tournament prize Medals, two gilt, two silver and two bronze, uninscribed and undated. | Medals | 2003-12-62 |
Advance of the columns on fort of Mamoo Khail, August 1842. Ink wash over pencil sketch, signed and dated, 'G A Croly March 1843', by George Alfred Croly, 1843; troops advancing amidst gunsmoke on foot and horseback with mountains and fort in the background, reverse contains notes made by the artist; associated with 1st Afghan War (1838-1842). | Drawings and Watercolours | 1966-10-13 |
Thirty seven hand coloured lantern slides in a wooden box; associated with Zulu War (1879), 2nd Afghan War (1878-1880), Egyptian War (1882), Boer War (1899-1902). | Photographs | 1972-03-1 |
Three pieces of silver: inkstand, arms of the Board of Ordnance, 1696 (c); ashtray, Singapore Society of Rugby Union, 1950 (c); tray, Tanglin Officers Mess, General Headquarters, Far East Land Forces, 1957. | Silver | 1973-01-87 |
Cigarette box, inscribed to the officers of Tanglin Mess from Mr and Mrs J.R. Morris, 1951 (c) and inkstand engraved with the arms of the Board of Ordnance, 1754 (c). | Silver | 1973-01-84 |
Inkstand comprising a rectangular tray bearing the arms of the Board of Ordnance, 1754 (c). Silver, made by William Shaw and William Priest, hallmarked London 1754-1755. With five sockets on the tray, containing a two pounce pots, two inkwells with six pen holes and central well aperture and one handbell. | Silver | 1973-01-86 |
26 copy photographs taken by Pte Derek Lamb, a radio operator with the 1st Bn King's Royal Rifle Corps in West Germany, during his National Service, 1953. | Photographs | 2003-12-64 |
Daguerreotype photograph of an officer in undress with shell jacket and peaked forage cap, 99th (Lanarkshire) Regiment of Foot, 1850 (c). | Photographs | 1978-04-2 |
Two copy photographs of daguerreotypes; associated with 26th (The Cameronians) and 90th (Perthshire Volunteers) (Light Infantry) Regiment of Foot, 1854 (c). | Photographs | 1979-08-18 |
Photograph album of 103 photographs, 1914-1916; associated with World War One, Mesopotamia (1914-1918); subjects include artillery, railway and balloon.Second of three photograph albums compiled by Brig T C Catty, 69th Punjabis and 2nd Bn 2nd Punjab Regiment. (Album dimensions: 27 x 38 x 2.5 cm). | Photographs | 1979-09-40 |
Programmes, invitations, press cuttings and short memoir, 1916 (c)-1956 (c); associated with the award of the Victoria Cross to the Rev William Robert Fontaine Addison, Royal Army Chaplains Department, compiled by himself; associated with World War One, Mesopotamia (1914-1918). 15 feet of 35mm microfilm (negative). | Archives | 1983-07-112 |
Cup, two-handled, sporting trophy, nd; silver by P Orr and Sons, Madras, 1910; upon an inverted trumpet shaped foot, plain stem with single girdle, harp shaped handles, upon round plinth bearing eighteen shields; associated with the Bihar Light Horse; relating to polo. | Silver | 1959-07-112 |
Hand blotter, 1900-1901; silver-mounted by Goldsmiths and Silversmiths, hallmarked London, 1900-1901; silver-topped crescent shaped block of ebonised wood; associated with Maj C C Melvill, 4th Bn Manchester Regiment. | Silver | 1959-07-179 |
Silver cup, possibly made by E L, hallmarked London 1899-1900; inscribed: 'TO/ COL CHALONER KNOX AND OFFICERS/ 5TH BN. THE ROYAL IRISH REGT/ FROM Lieut. E J Norwood/ ON HIS TRANSFER TO THE 1ST BN/ DEC 8TH 1899'; inverted trumpet shaped foot with beaded rim, beaded central knob and finial knob on stem, band of repousse acanthus leaves around base of cup; relating to Col R Chaloner Knox; associated with the 5th Bn and the 1st Bn Royal Irish Regiment. | Silver | 1959-10-117 |
Frock, with wrist band, constables', War Department Constabulary, 1945 (c). | Uniforms | 1983-01-3 |
Tunic, service dress, lieutenants', Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry, 1938 (c). | Uniforms | 1983-01-1 |
Album of 57 photographs, two beer labels, currency and a receipt, 1952 (c); compiled by Sgt Dennis Meek, Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire Regiment during National Service in Egypt, 1950-1952; he later took part in training African troops at Abu Sueir, to which some of the images relate; also relating to Cpl Albany Wiseman. | Archives | 2004-01-2 |
Album of 57 photographs, two beer labels, currency and a receipt, 1952 (c); compiled by Sgt Dennis Meek, Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire Regiment during National Service in Egypt, 1950-1952; he later took part in training African troops at Abu Sueir, to which some of the images relate; also relating to Cpl Albany Wiseman. | Photographs | 2004-01-2 |
Photograph album compiled by Sgt Dennis Meek, Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire Regiment, during National Service in Egypt and Cyprus, 1950-1952. | Photographs | 2004-01-1 |
The 10th Lancers near Albu Kemal on the Euphrates, March 7th 1920. Photolithograph after Frank Algernon Stewart, nd; published 1921 (c). | Prints | 2004-01-11 |
Join the Lancashier [sic] Fusiliers. Recruiting poster, nd; colour chromolithograph published by Gale and Polden Limited, Aldershot, 1920 (c); reproducing extracts from despatches and conditions of service, surrounded by 18 vignettes showing Victoria Cross winners. | Prints | 2004-01-18 |
The Last Parade of the King's Dragoon Guards mounted on Horses Secunderabad 23rd October 1937. Colour photolithograph after 'Snaffles', Charles Payne, 1937 (c); depicts the regiment on parade. | Prints | 2004-01-19 |
The 13th Bengal Lancers. Calendar for 1888. Colour chromolithograph, 1887 (c); printed by Forman and Sons, Nottingham, nd; published by Donald McLaren, Dundee, 1887; 13th (Duke of Connaught's) Bengal Cavalry (Lancers) charging towards the viewer; the calendar for the year is printed below. | Prints | 2004-01-21 |
Military Cross awarded to 2/Lt Henry Robert Stewart, 8th Bn Duke of Cambridge's Own (Middlesex Regiment), 1916; associated with the Battle of the Somme, World War One (1914-1918), 1916. | Medals | 2004-01-4 |
Medal group awarded to Pte R Hawes, Duke of Cambridge's Own (Middlesex Regiment): 1914-15 Star; British War Medal 1914-20; Allied Victory Medal 1914-19; 1939-45 Star; France and Germany Star 1944-45; British War Medal 1939-45; associated with World War One (1914-1918) and World War Two (1939-1945). | Medals | 2004-01-5 |
Photograph of the Hornsby Little Caterpillar tractor being driven by an Army Service Corps soldier, 1911 (c); taken by the Graphic Photo Union press. | Photographs | 2004-01-7 |
Papers relating to the service and death of Lt Niels Falck at the Battle of Salamanca, 22 July 1812; includes ten letters from Edward Augustus, Duke of Kent and Strathern, Field Marshall, to Falck's mother, 19 Mar 1816 to 6 Jul 1816; associated with the Battle of Salamanca, Peninsular War (1808-1814) 1812. | Archives | 2004-01-3 |
Letter from Capt R V D Weight, 17th Dogra Regiment, India, to his parents, 25 Nov 1943; associated with World War Two, Home Front (1939 -1945). From the Burma Memorial Collection of Maj James Allan. | Archives | 1989-04-116-3169 |
Photograph album of 74 photographs, 1855 (c)-1890 (c); including portraits of officers, Non Commissioned Officers and Other Ranks of various regiments; with 13 pages bearing chromolithographs of scenes after O Norie; embossed on cover is a scene showing Household Cavalry outside Horse Guards; associated with the British Army. (Album dimensions: 29.5 x 24.5 x 6.5 cm). | Photographs | 1982-04-413 |
Panoramic photograph of an unidentified Army Service Corps Company on Salisbury Plain, complete with transport, 1915; taken by the British and Colonial Photograph company, Salisbury; associated with World War One, Home Front (1914-1918). | Photographs | 2004-01-8 |
Five postcard photographs of A F Love and other members of the Women's Auxiliary Army Corps in Scotland and France, 1917; associated with World War One, Home Front and Western Front (1914-1918). | Photographs | 2004-01-26 |
Album of 96 photographs compiled by Lt Frank Allen Hanson, 2nd Bn 61st Pioneers, North West Frontier, 1918-1919. (Album dimensions: 19 x 25 x 3 cm). | Photographs | 1983-12-4 |
Photograph album containing 42 photographs compiled by Maj Wilfred Herbert James Sale, MC, 3rd/4th County of London Yeomanry (Sharpshooters), 1941-1943; photographs are of locations in Egypt. | Photographs | 1975-03-63-12 |
Other rank's brass waistbelt clasp, 90th (Perthshire Volunteers) (Light Infantry); believed to have been worn in the Crimea (1854-1856). | Badges | 2004-01-31 |
Kukri in black velvet scabbard, 1940-1960 (c); supplied by the Military Supply Syndicate, 1918 (c); bearing a metal badge of a shield, including two crowned lions with what looks like a ball between them, and a larger crown above them; light narrow blade with incised geometrical decoration; bone grip, iron ferrule and pommel plate; blade inscribed, 'MILITARY SUPPLY'; handle inscribed, 'SYNDICATE'; the scabbard has a silver chape with floral decoration; karda and chakmak with wooden hilts; associated with the Gurkha Rifles, World War One (1914-1918) and World War Two (1939-1945). | Edged Weapons | 1986-01-93 |
Silver plated tureen, no markings, 1885 (c); engraved at front with a harp and inscribed, 'Virtutis Namurcencis Praemium'; with lid and four acanthus-scrolled feet; associated with the Royal Irish Regiment. | Silver | 1959-11-406 |
Silver plated wine coaster set, 1900 (c); with three fretted bowls on a wheeled stand with handle; the axle for the front wheels swivels; each bowl unscrews; one bowl bears the regimental crest; associated with the Royal Irish Regiment, 1900 (c). | Silver | 1959-11-409 |
Silver plate soup ladle, made by Ed Peacock, 1890 (c); with maker's mark, 'EP'; military shell pattern, inscribed on handle with regimental badge and motto, 'VIRTUTIS NAMURCENSIS PRAEMIUM'; from the Mess Plate of The Royal Irish Regiment, 1890 (c) | Silver | 1959-11-411 |
2nd Pattern formation badge, 39th Independent Infantry Brigade, 1946 (c); part of the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 1994-07-151 |
Brass inter-company shield, with silver plaques, 1890-1891; on an ebonized wooden mount, with maker's mark, 'W G J L'; in the centre are scenes in relief, of European troops storming a citadel, possibly the 1st Bengal European Fusiliers at the Storming of Delhi; sports trophy of 1st Bn Royal Munster Fusiliers; in Sergeants' Mess, 1890-1922; RUSI 1922-1959; associated with the Indian Mutiny (1857). | Silver | 1959-12-49 |
Silver plated and bronze sporting trophy shield, 1908; hallmarked Goldsmiths and Silversmiths Company Limited, 1908; with 18 circular plaques around edge; inscribed, 'CRICKET CHALLENGE SHIELD'; on ebonized plinth; in Sergeant's mess, 1908-1922; Royal United Services Institution 1922-1959; associated with the 1st Bn Royal Munster Fusiliers. | Silver | 1959-12-51 |
Silver and bronze sporting trophy shield, 1907; hallmarked Goldsmiths and Silversmiths Company Limited, 1906-1907; inscribed, 'INTER COMPANY 2ND XI HOCKEY CHALLENGE SHIELD'; in Sergeant's Mess, 1907-1922; Royal United Services Institution, 1922-1959. | Silver | 1959-12-50 |
Papers relating to Royal Air Force service in the Far East including: manuscript list of vessels in Burmese waters; states of British Pacific and East Indies Fleets Jan 1945; badges and battle honours of warships; account of naval operations, Mayu River Spring 1943 by Lt Cdr Franks, Royal Navy. From the Burma Memorial Collection of Maj James Allan. | Archives | 1989-04-116-3172 |
Papers relating to United States Forces 1943-1991 (c). Including: ration books; histories of Merrill's Marauders and Jingpaw Rangers; Kachin language guides; Kachin language newsletters with translations; newspaper cuttings; Airfield Report December 1943; intelligence summaries 1944; association newsletters. From the Burma Memorial Collection of Maj James Allan. | Archives | 1989-04-116-3173 |
Silver plated and bronze sporting trophy shield, 1905 (c); hallmarked Goldsmiths and Silversmiths Company Limited, 1905; inscribed, 'HOCKEY CHALLENGE SHIELD' on a central plaque depicting two hockey players; with plaques of battle honours and names of winners; in Sergeants' Mess 1905-1922; Royal United Services Institution, 1922-1959. | Silver | 1959-12-52 |
Silver sporting trophy shield, 1894-1895; hallmarked Goldsmiths and Silversmiths Company Limited, 1894-1895; inscribed, 'ROYAL MUNSTER FUSILIERS', with, centrally, a plaque depicting a game of football; circular plaques around edge; on ebonized mount; in Sergeant's mess, 1895-1922; Royal United Services Institution, 1922-1959; associated with the 1st Bn Royal Munster Fusiliers. | Silver | 1959-12-53 |
Papers relating to the army in India 1939-1945. Including: proclamation of the Indian National Army; printed message to officers of the India Command from Wavell, C-in-C India, about the war against Japan; background information for troops stationed in India; club membership cards; sporting, cinema and theatrical programmes; restaurant menu; tram tickets. From the Burma Memorial Collection of Maj James Allan. | Archives | 1989-04-116-3177 |
Papers relating to the war on the Home Front in the United Kingdom, 1939-1945. From the Burma Memorial Collection of Maj James Allan. | Archives | 1989-04-116-3179 |
Six miniature medals: Royal Red Cross; 1914-15 Star; British War Medal 1914-20; Allied Victory Medal 1914-19; Defence Medal 1939-45; British War Medal 1939-45; and brooch, worn by Sister Agnes Mary Ahern, Queen Alexandra's Imperial Military Nursing Service, 1914-1945. | Medals | 1994-08-138 |
Six miniature medals: Royal Red Cross; 1914-15 Star; British War Medal 1914-20; Allied Victory Medal 1914-19; Defence Medal 1939-45; British War Medal 1939-45; and brooch, worn by Sister Agnes Mary Ahern, Queen Alexandra's Imperial Military Nursing Service, 1914-1945. | Badges | 1994-08-138 |
Other rank's brass waistbelt clasp, 90th (Perthshire Volunteers) (Light Infantry) believed to be worn in the Crimean War (1854-1856), 1856 (c). | Badges | 2004-01-34 |
Cut throat razor, 1914 (c)-1918 (c); used by William Cutler, 1st Bn Duke of Cambridge's Own (Middlesex Regiment); manufactured by Solingen, nd; associated with World War One (1914-1918). | Equipment, general | 2004-01-35 |
Silver and bronze sporting trophy shield, 1907 (c); hallmarked Goldsmiths and Silversmiths Company Limited, 1906-1907; inscribed, 'GYMNASTIC COMPETITION SHIELD'; on an ebonized wooden mount, with plaques of battle honours, and blank plaques for names; in Sergeants' Mess, 1907-1922; Royal United Services Institution, 1922-1959; associated with 1st Bn Royal Munster Fusiliers. | Silver | 1959-12-54 |
Silver grenade table lighter, made by R P, hallmarked London, 1910-1911; with applied device of a tiger and an elephant; inscribed verso, 'SOUTH AFRICA 1901-2/ CRETE 1903/ GALLIPOLI 1915/ SERVIA 1915/ MACEDONIA 1916-17 PALESTINE 917-18/ FRANCE 1918'; in form of a sphere surmounted by a hollow tube surrounded by cast silver flames; relating to the Royal Dublin Fusiliers; associated with World War One (1914-1918). | Silver | 1960-02-16 |
Account of the Sunderland Flying Boats Jungle Rescue, by R Moffatt, HQ 14th Infantry Brigade, Chindits, Burma, 1944.From the Burma Campaign Collection of R Moffatt. | Archives | 1989-04-117-303 |
Plaque, 1907 (c); silver by W [and] S Limited, hallmarked Sheffield, nd; rectangular with border bearing regimental battle honours, at top the crowned crest with tiger below, at bottom the elephant; relating to Arthur, Duke of Connaught and Strathearn; associated with the 1st Bn Royal Dublin Fusiliers. | Silver | 1952-04-32-2 |