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Displaying 19601 to 19700 of 48619 results

Description Object Type NAM Accession Number
Five uniform items, regimental servants' and officers', Royal Bombay Sappers and Miners, worn by Lt Col C A Swetenham, 1938 (c)-1942. Uniforms 1983-03-17
Eight uniform and equipment items, United States Army, 1st Infantry Division, 1945 (c). Uniforms 1983-02-49
Eight uniform and equipment items, United States Army, 1st Infantry Division, 1945 (c). Equipment, uniform 1983-02-49
Conscription or 600 Days in Malaya - a National Serviceman remembers. Photocopy of a word processed illustrated memoir, nd; written by Pte Tim J Franks, briefly with 1st Bn Royal Warwickshire Regiment service in the United Kingdom and 1st Bn Royal Lincolnshire Regiment service in Malaya (1948-1960), 1956-1958. Archives 2003-12-11
Word processed memoir, nd; written by Cpl Harry Thomas, Royal Army Service Corps, describing Operation Anvil during the Mau Mau Emergency, April 1954; recalls Cpl Thomas's National Service, Kenya (1952-1960). Archives 2003-12-12
Portrait of National Servicemean L/Cpl Dennis Meek, Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire Regiment, 1952 (c). Pastel over charcoal drawing by Pte Albany Wiseman, Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire Regiment; made during the artist's National Service; head and shoulders portrait of a national serviceman with brown eyes, wearing green tie and dark blue beret with regimental badge. Drawings and Watercolours 2003-12-15
Sweetheart brooch or tie pin of the Army Service Corps, with badge, 1910 (c); gilt and enamel, with pin brooch fitting, 1910 (c); seven pointed surrounding a three quarter garland, Garter strap and central overlaid inscription, 'ASC', surmounted by a King's Crown. Crafts 2003-12-16
Cast aluminium and copper ring, 1918 (c); possibly made commercially in Ypres, Belgium, 1918 (c); with square head, set with inscribed copper band, possibly from the driving band of a cartridge or shell case; head with decorative fleur-de-lys supports; inscribed, 'Ypres'; belonged to Gnr William Haswell, London Scottish Regiment, 1939-1945, World War One, Western Front (1914-1918). Crafts 2003-12-18
Pencil and watercolour drawing by Kenneth Elwell, 1943; head and shoulders portrait of Capt Harry Oke, 1/25 London (Cyclist) Bn and Singapore State Volunteer Force, 1943; Capt Oke with blue eyes and moustache, wearing a blue field service cap, with bare shoulders, edged with a green border; inscribed lower right, 'F Kenneth Elwell/ Chung Kai/ P.O.W.c./ Thailand/ 43'; associated with World War Two, POWs Far East (1941-1945). Drawings and Watercolours 2003-12-20
Photocopy letters and postcards sent by Pte Herbert Thomas Mantell, 1st Middlesex Regiment, 7 Aug 1914 to 16 Oct 1914; most of the letters have poignant personal references to his wife and children, but some have a few military details which passed the censor; associated with World War One, Western Front (1914-1918). Archives 2003-12-21
Photocopy letters and postcards sent by Pte Herbert Thomas Mantell, 1st Middlesex Regiment, 7 Aug 1914 to 16 Oct 1914; most of the letters have poignant personal references to his wife and children, but some have a few military details which passed the censor; associated with World War One, Western Front (1914-1918). Photographs 2003-12-21
Twenty three uniform items, equipment items and badges, officers', Essex Regiment, worn by Capt P P S Brownless, 1942-1945 (c). Uniforms 1983-02-37
Twenty three uniform items, equipment items and badges, officers', Essex Regiment, worn by Capt P P S Brownless, 1942-1945 (c). Equipment, uniform 1983-02-37
Twenty three uniform items, equipment items and badges, officers', Essex Regiment, worn by Capt P P S Brownless, 1942-1945 (c). Badges 1983-02-37
Collection of five badges relating to Pte Ernest Henry Bryant, 23rd London Regiment, 1914 (c)-1940 (c); associated with World War One (1914-1918) and World War Two (1939-1945). Badges 2003-12-24
Ribbon bar associated with Pte James Cooper, Middlesex Regiment; for 1939-45 Star; France and Germany Star 1944-45; Defence Medal 1939-45; British War Medal 1939-45; Efficiency Medal; associated with World War Two (1939-1945). Medals 2003-12-27
Officer's silver collar badge, Auxiliary Territorial Service, 1938 (c)-1949 (c); inscribed, 'ATS' within a laurel wreath, surmounted by a monarchial crown; with brooch fitting verso; badge numbered 11318; associated with World War Two (1939-1945). Badges 2003-12-28
Protective NBC trousers, No 1, Mk IV, desert, dated Jan 1991; manufactured by Remploy Limited; sealed in plastic wrapping; associated with military training instructor, NBC, Royal Army Ordnance Corps; printed paper label, inside packaging. Equipment, general 2003-12-30
Protective NBC smock, No 1, Mk IV, desert, dated Jan 1991; manufactured by Remploy Limited; sealed in plastic wrapping; associated with military training instructor, NBC, Royal Army Ordnance Corps; printed on paper label inside packaging. Equipment, general 2003-12-31
Altropine Auto-injector, 2 mg, for use in nerve gas poisoning, nd; manufactured by Duphar B.V., Amsterdam, Holland; with use by date of March 1994; sealed in plastic wrapping; associated with military training instructor, NBC, Royal Army Ordnance Corps; printed label on injector. Medical Equipment 2003-12-32
Photocopy of a four page memoir by Maj K P Baxter, 2nd Bn Middlesex Regiment, nd; covers the period 5 Jun 1944 to 6 Jun 1944 and his personal experience of the D-Day landing on Sword Beach; produced for Warren Tute's book 'D-Day' published in 1976; relating to Lt Anthony Milne; associated with D-Day, World War Two, North West Europe (1944). Archives 2003-12-33
Praxlidoxime Chloride Injector, 300 mg, for use in nerve agent poisoning, nd; manufactured by Survival Technology Inc., Bethesda, MD 20814, May 1983; associated with military training instructor, NBC, Royal Army Ordnance Corps; printed label on injector. Medical Equipment 2003-12-39
Waistbelt and sword slings, undress uniform, officers', 2nd Life Guards, 1895 (c). Equipment, uniform 1983-01-125
Thirteen uniform and equipment items, Universal pattern, Scottish Regiments and Unidentified, 1940 (c)-1965 (c). Uniforms 1983-01-121
Collection of teatime creamware china, 1950 (c); each piece bearing the regimental crest of the Middlesex Regiment and inscribed below, '3rd Sergeants' Mess'; consists of eleven tea cups, 17 saucers and 15 side plates each with a dark green band around the edges of the plates and saucers and at the rim of the cups; imprinted on base, 'Hotel Ware/ Wood & Sons/ England/ Made For/ E. Spaull & Co/ Bermondsey S.E.'. Ceramics 2003-12-45
Pattern 1917 bayonet, nd; manufactured in United States of America, 1917 (c); used by the Home Guard during World War Two (1939-1945). Edged Weapons 1988-05-7
Pattern 1917 bayonet, nd; manufactured in United States of America, 1917 (c); used by the Home Guard during World War Two (1939-1945). Equipment, general 1988-05-7
Twelve uniform and equipment items, Dorsetshire Regiment and Unidentified, 1918-1945. Equipment, uniform 1983-01-120
Silver pocket watch, nd; manufactured by J W Benson, London; dated by hallmarks to 1898-1899; belonged to John Ewins, 2nd Bn Rifle Brigade; associated with the Boer War (1899-1902). Scientific Instruments 2003-12-47
Slacks, breeches, cap, boots and shoes, other ranks' and non commissioned officers', Auxiliary Territorial Service and Universal pattern, 1942-1945 (c) Uniforms 1983-01-119
Three photographs of pencil drawings by Louis Kahan, 1944; associated with World War Two, North West Europe (1944-1945). Prints 1991-11-84
Twenty uniform and equipment items, all ranks' and other ranks', Universal pattern, Mounted Services and 3rd (Prince of Wales's) Dragoon Guards, 1900 (c) Uniforms 1983-01-118
Twenty uniform and equipment items, all ranks' and other ranks', Universal pattern, Mounted Services and 3rd (Prince of Wales's) Dragoon Guards, 1900 (c) Equipment, uniform 1983-01-118
Album of 90 photographs compiled by Brig Sir Eric Frith; with manuscript diary of events on interleaved sheets; manuscript inscription on flyleaf, 'WITH THE 2ND POLISH CORPS/ ITALY 1944-46/ A ROUGH DIARY OF EVENTS WITH VARIOUS PHOTOGRAPHS'; photograph captions are interspersed among diary entries; associated with World War Two, Italy (1943-1945). (Album dimensions: 22.25 cm x 31 cm x 5 cm). Photographs 1986-12-1
Collection of 137 photographs and negatives relating to the National Service of Pte John Coddington, The Buffs (Royal East Kent Regiment), Aden, 1957-1959. Photographs 2003-12-49
Pair of ear defenders in a hinged metal box, nd; Mallock-Armstrong patent, 1915 pattern; printed on the inside of the box, 'Mallock-Armstrong/ Ear Defender/ 1915 Pattern/ British invention and manufacture/ As Supplied To The British Admiralty'; supplied to the Machine Gun Corps and the British Admiralty, World War One (1914-1918). Equipment, general 2003-12-51
Word processed copy of illustrated memoirs and diary entries of Staff Sgt Colin Turner, Glider Pilot Regiment, 1939-1945; memoir starts with his conscription on 16 Oct 1939 into the Duke of Welllington's Regiment (West Riding), and transfer to the Glider Pilot Regiment, becoming a Glider Pilot; associated with World War Two, Sicily (1943-1945), North Africa (1940-1943), South of France (1944-1945), Balkans (1941-1945). Archives 2003-12-52
Special car numberplate, nd; metal painted black with silver raised lettering spelling, 'WRAC 1'; used for the visit of Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Kent to Singapore and Hong Kong, February 1970. Equipment, general 2003-12-53
Sixteen Drypoints and Etchings a Record of the Great War by Percy Smith. Sixteen uncoloured collotypes of drypoints and etchings by and after Gnr J Percy Smith, Royal Marine Artillery, 1916 (c)-1919 (c); published by The Soncino Press, London, 1930; show scenes of the war-torn landscape of the Somme on the Western Front, a howitzer and prisoners of war; associated with World War One, Western Front (1914-1918) Prints 2003-12-54
Forage cap cover, peaked, waterproofed, all ranks', Corps of Military Police, 1918. Uniforms 1983-01-99
Collection of six photographic portrait pin badges including one lapel badge, 1902 (c); made from plastic coated base metal, possibly of British manufacture, 1902 (c); portrait badges depict Lt Col R S S Badn-Powell, Gen H H Kitchener, Gen Sir G White and Lt Gen Sir J (later Viscount) French; badges are of various sizes; relating to Army Staff and 19th Hussars; associated with the Boer War (1899-1902). Crafts 2003-12-55
French Chasseurs a Cheval charge before a line of French troops, Napoleonic Wars, 1812 (c). Oil on canvas by David Cartwright, 1975 (c)-1976 (c); at the forefront a mounted officer in a green uniform charging with a drawn sword, hussars and infantry follow behind with a French eagle; associated with the Napoleonic Wars (1803-1815). Oil Paintings 2003-12-59
Eight equipment items, officers', Indian Cavalry, 1823-1860 (c). Equipment, uniform 1983-01-70
Sabretache, undress uniform, officers', 21st (Empress of India's) Lancers, 1896 (c). Equipment, uniform 1983-01-69
Medals awarded to and associated with Cpl Albert Stanton, 2nd Life Guards: Bronze Royal Naval, Military & Air Force Tournament Sword vs Sword Medal 1919, 2nd Prize; silver London District Eliminating Military Tournament Sword vs Sword Medal, 1st Prize; bronze London District Military Tournament Dummy Thrusting Medal 1926, 1st and 2nd prize; six Royal Tournament prize Medals, two gilt, two silver and two bronze, uninscribed and undated. Medals 2003-12-62
Advance of the columns on fort of Mamoo Khail, August 1842. Ink wash over pencil sketch, signed and dated, 'G A Croly March 1843', by George Alfred Croly, 1843; troops advancing amidst gunsmoke on foot and horseback with mountains and fort in the background, reverse contains notes made by the artist; associated with 1st Afghan War (1838-1842). Drawings and Watercolours 1966-10-13
Thirty seven hand coloured lantern slides in a wooden box; associated with Zulu War (1879), 2nd Afghan War (1878-1880), Egyptian War (1882), Boer War (1899-1902). Photographs 1972-03-1
Three pieces of silver: inkstand, arms of the Board of Ordnance, 1696 (c); ashtray, Singapore Society of Rugby Union, 1950 (c); tray, Tanglin Officers Mess, General Headquarters, Far East Land Forces, 1957. Silver 1973-01-87
Cigarette box, inscribed to the officers of Tanglin Mess from Mr and Mrs J.R. Morris, 1951 (c) and inkstand engraved with the arms of the Board of Ordnance, 1754 (c). Silver 1973-01-84
Inkstand comprising a rectangular tray bearing the arms of the Board of Ordnance, 1754 (c). Silver, made by William Shaw and William Priest, hallmarked London 1754-1755. With five sockets on the tray, containing a two pounce pots, two inkwells with six pen holes and central well aperture and one handbell. Silver 1973-01-86
26 copy photographs taken by Pte Derek Lamb, a radio operator with the 1st Bn King's Royal Rifle Corps in West Germany, during his National Service, 1953. Photographs 2003-12-64
Daguerreotype photograph of an officer in undress with shell jacket and peaked forage cap, 99th (Lanarkshire) Regiment of Foot, 1850 (c). Photographs 1978-04-2
Two copy photographs of daguerreotypes; associated with 26th (The Cameronians) and 90th (Perthshire Volunteers) (Light Infantry) Regiment of Foot, 1854 (c). Photographs 1979-08-18
Photograph album of 103 photographs, 1914-1916; associated with World War One, Mesopotamia (1914-1918); subjects include artillery, railway and balloon.Second of three photograph albums compiled by Brig T C Catty, 69th Punjabis and 2nd Bn 2nd Punjab Regiment. (Album dimensions: 27 x 38 x 2.5 cm). Photographs 1979-09-40
Programmes, invitations, press cuttings and short memoir, 1916 (c)-1956 (c); associated with the award of the Victoria Cross to the Rev William Robert Fontaine Addison, Royal Army Chaplains Department, compiled by himself; associated with World War One, Mesopotamia (1914-1918). 15 feet of 35mm microfilm (negative). Archives 1983-07-112
Cup, two-handled, sporting trophy, nd; silver by P Orr and Sons, Madras, 1910; upon an inverted trumpet shaped foot, plain stem with single girdle, harp shaped handles, upon round plinth bearing eighteen shields; associated with the Bihar Light Horse; relating to polo. Silver 1959-07-112
Hand blotter, 1900-1901; silver-mounted by Goldsmiths and Silversmiths, hallmarked London, 1900-1901; silver-topped crescent shaped block of ebonised wood; associated with Maj C C Melvill, 4th Bn Manchester Regiment. Silver 1959-07-179
Silver cup, possibly made by E L, hallmarked London 1899-1900; inscribed: 'TO/ COL CHALONER KNOX AND OFFICERS/ 5TH BN. THE ROYAL IRISH REGT/ FROM Lieut. E J Norwood/ ON HIS TRANSFER TO THE 1ST BN/ DEC 8TH 1899'; inverted trumpet shaped foot with beaded rim, beaded central knob and finial knob on stem, band of repousse acanthus leaves around base of cup; relating to Col R Chaloner Knox; associated with the 5th Bn and the 1st Bn Royal Irish Regiment. Silver 1959-10-117
Frock, with wrist band, constables', War Department Constabulary, 1945 (c). Uniforms 1983-01-3
Tunic, service dress, lieutenants', Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry, 1938 (c). Uniforms 1983-01-1
Album of 57 photographs, two beer labels, currency and a receipt, 1952 (c); compiled by Sgt Dennis Meek, Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire Regiment during National Service in Egypt, 1950-1952; he later took part in training African troops at Abu Sueir, to which some of the images relate; also relating to Cpl Albany Wiseman. Archives 2004-01-2
Album of 57 photographs, two beer labels, currency and a receipt, 1952 (c); compiled by Sgt Dennis Meek, Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire Regiment during National Service in Egypt, 1950-1952; he later took part in training African troops at Abu Sueir, to which some of the images relate; also relating to Cpl Albany Wiseman. Photographs 2004-01-2
Photograph album compiled by Sgt Dennis Meek, Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire Regiment, during National Service in Egypt and Cyprus, 1950-1952. Photographs 2004-01-1
The 10th Lancers near Albu Kemal on the Euphrates, March 7th 1920. Photolithograph after Frank Algernon Stewart, nd; published 1921 (c). Prints 2004-01-11
Join the Lancashier [sic] Fusiliers. Recruiting poster, nd; colour chromolithograph published by Gale and Polden Limited, Aldershot, 1920 (c); reproducing extracts from despatches and conditions of service, surrounded by 18 vignettes showing Victoria Cross winners. Prints 2004-01-18
The Last Parade of the King's Dragoon Guards mounted on Horses Secunderabad 23rd October 1937. Colour photolithograph after 'Snaffles', Charles Payne, 1937 (c); depicts the regiment on parade. Prints 2004-01-19
The 13th Bengal Lancers. Calendar for 1888. Colour chromolithograph, 1887 (c); printed by Forman and Sons, Nottingham, nd; published by Donald McLaren, Dundee, 1887; 13th (Duke of Connaught's) Bengal Cavalry (Lancers) charging towards the viewer; the calendar for the year is printed below. Prints 2004-01-21
Military Cross awarded to 2/Lt Henry Robert Stewart, 8th Bn Duke of Cambridge's Own (Middlesex Regiment), 1916; associated with the Battle of the Somme, World War One (1914-1918), 1916. Medals 2004-01-4
Medal group awarded to Pte R Hawes, Duke of Cambridge's Own (Middlesex Regiment): 1914-15 Star; British War Medal 1914-20; Allied Victory Medal 1914-19; 1939-45 Star; France and Germany Star 1944-45; British War Medal 1939-45; associated with World War One (1914-1918) and World War Two (1939-1945). Medals 2004-01-5
Photograph of the Hornsby Little Caterpillar tractor being driven by an Army Service Corps soldier, 1911 (c); taken by the Graphic Photo Union press. Photographs 2004-01-7
Papers relating to the service and death of Lt Niels Falck at the Battle of Salamanca, 22 July 1812; includes ten letters from Edward Augustus, Duke of Kent and Strathern, Field Marshall, to Falck's mother, 19 Mar 1816 to 6 Jul 1816; associated with the Battle of Salamanca, Peninsular War (1808-1814) 1812. Archives 2004-01-3
Letter from Capt R V D Weight, 17th Dogra Regiment, India, to his parents, 25 Nov 1943; associated with World War Two, Home Front (1939 -1945). From the Burma Memorial Collection of Maj James Allan. Archives 1989-04-116-3169
Photograph album of 74 photographs, 1855 (c)-1890 (c); including portraits of officers, Non Commissioned Officers and Other Ranks of various regiments; with 13 pages bearing chromolithographs of scenes after O Norie; embossed on cover is a scene showing Household Cavalry outside Horse Guards; associated with the British Army. (Album dimensions: 29.5 x 24.5 x 6.5 cm). Photographs 1982-04-413
Panoramic photograph of an unidentified Army Service Corps Company on Salisbury Plain, complete with transport, 1915; taken by the British and Colonial Photograph company, Salisbury; associated with World War One, Home Front (1914-1918). Photographs 2004-01-8
Five postcard photographs of A F Love and other members of the Women's Auxiliary Army Corps in Scotland and France, 1917; associated with World War One, Home Front and Western Front (1914-1918). Photographs 2004-01-26
Album of 96 photographs compiled by Lt Frank Allen Hanson, 2nd Bn 61st Pioneers, North West Frontier, 1918-1919. (Album dimensions: 19 x 25 x 3 cm). Photographs 1983-12-4
Photograph album containing 42 photographs compiled by Maj Wilfred Herbert James Sale, MC, 3rd/4th County of London Yeomanry (Sharpshooters), 1941-1943; photographs are of locations in Egypt. Photographs 1975-03-63-12
Other rank's brass waistbelt clasp, 90th (Perthshire Volunteers) (Light Infantry); believed to have been worn in the Crimea (1854-1856). Badges 2004-01-31
Kukri in black velvet scabbard, 1940-1960 (c); supplied by the Military Supply Syndicate, 1918 (c); bearing a metal badge of a shield, including two crowned lions with what looks like a ball between them, and a larger crown above them; light narrow blade with incised geometrical decoration; bone grip, iron ferrule and pommel plate; blade inscribed, 'MILITARY SUPPLY'; handle inscribed, 'SYNDICATE'; the scabbard has a silver chape with floral decoration; karda and chakmak with wooden hilts; associated with the Gurkha Rifles, World War One (1914-1918) and World War Two (1939-1945). Edged Weapons 1986-01-93
Silver plated tureen, no markings, 1885 (c); engraved at front with a harp and inscribed, 'Virtutis Namurcencis Praemium'; with lid and four acanthus-scrolled feet; associated with the Royal Irish Regiment. Silver 1959-11-406
Silver plated wine coaster set, 1900 (c); with three fretted bowls on a wheeled stand with handle; the axle for the front wheels swivels; each bowl unscrews; one bowl bears the regimental crest; associated with the Royal Irish Regiment, 1900 (c). Silver 1959-11-409
Silver plate soup ladle, made by Ed Peacock, 1890 (c); with maker's mark, 'EP'; military shell pattern, inscribed on handle with regimental badge and motto, 'VIRTUTIS NAMURCENSIS PRAEMIUM'; from the Mess Plate of The Royal Irish Regiment, 1890 (c) Silver 1959-11-411
2nd Pattern formation badge, 39th Independent Infantry Brigade, 1946 (c); part of the collection of Maj John Waring. Badges 1994-07-151
Brass inter-company shield, with silver plaques, 1890-1891; on an ebonized wooden mount, with maker's mark, 'W G J L'; in the centre are scenes in relief, of European troops storming a citadel, possibly the 1st Bengal European Fusiliers at the Storming of Delhi; sports trophy of 1st Bn Royal Munster Fusiliers; in Sergeants' Mess, 1890-1922; RUSI 1922-1959; associated with the Indian Mutiny (1857). Silver 1959-12-49
Silver plated and bronze sporting trophy shield, 1908; hallmarked Goldsmiths and Silversmiths Company Limited, 1908; with 18 circular plaques around edge; inscribed, 'CRICKET CHALLENGE SHIELD'; on ebonized plinth; in Sergeant's mess, 1908-1922; Royal United Services Institution 1922-1959; associated with the 1st Bn Royal Munster Fusiliers. Silver 1959-12-51
Silver and bronze sporting trophy shield, 1907; hallmarked Goldsmiths and Silversmiths Company Limited, 1906-1907; inscribed, 'INTER COMPANY 2ND XI HOCKEY CHALLENGE SHIELD'; in Sergeant's Mess, 1907-1922; Royal United Services Institution, 1922-1959. Silver 1959-12-50
Papers relating to Royal Air Force service in the Far East including: manuscript list of vessels in Burmese waters; states of British Pacific and East Indies Fleets Jan 1945; badges and battle honours of warships; account of naval operations, Mayu River Spring 1943 by Lt Cdr Franks, Royal Navy. From the Burma Memorial Collection of Maj James Allan. Archives 1989-04-116-3172
Papers relating to United States Forces 1943-1991 (c). Including: ration books; histories of Merrill's Marauders and Jingpaw Rangers; Kachin language guides; Kachin language newsletters with translations; newspaper cuttings; Airfield Report December 1943; intelligence summaries 1944; association newsletters. From the Burma Memorial Collection of Maj James Allan. Archives 1989-04-116-3173
Silver plated and bronze sporting trophy shield, 1905 (c); hallmarked Goldsmiths and Silversmiths Company Limited, 1905; inscribed, 'HOCKEY CHALLENGE SHIELD' on a central plaque depicting two hockey players; with plaques of battle honours and names of winners; in Sergeants' Mess 1905-1922; Royal United Services Institution, 1922-1959. Silver 1959-12-52
Silver sporting trophy shield, 1894-1895; hallmarked Goldsmiths and Silversmiths Company Limited, 1894-1895; inscribed, 'ROYAL MUNSTER FUSILIERS', with, centrally, a plaque depicting a game of football; circular plaques around edge; on ebonized mount; in Sergeant's mess, 1895-1922; Royal United Services Institution, 1922-1959; associated with the 1st Bn Royal Munster Fusiliers. Silver 1959-12-53
Papers relating to the army in India 1939-1945. Including: proclamation of the Indian National Army; printed message to officers of the India Command from Wavell, C-in-C India, about the war against Japan; background information for troops stationed in India; club membership cards; sporting, cinema and theatrical programmes; restaurant menu; tram tickets. From the Burma Memorial Collection of Maj James Allan. Archives 1989-04-116-3177
Papers relating to the war on the Home Front in the United Kingdom, 1939-1945. From the Burma Memorial Collection of Maj James Allan. Archives 1989-04-116-3179
Six miniature medals: Royal Red Cross; 1914-15 Star; British War Medal 1914-20; Allied Victory Medal 1914-19; Defence Medal 1939-45; British War Medal 1939-45; and brooch, worn by Sister Agnes Mary Ahern, Queen Alexandra's Imperial Military Nursing Service, 1914-1945. Medals 1994-08-138
Six miniature medals: Royal Red Cross; 1914-15 Star; British War Medal 1914-20; Allied Victory Medal 1914-19; Defence Medal 1939-45; British War Medal 1939-45; and brooch, worn by Sister Agnes Mary Ahern, Queen Alexandra's Imperial Military Nursing Service, 1914-1945. Badges 1994-08-138
Other rank's brass waistbelt clasp, 90th (Perthshire Volunteers) (Light Infantry) believed to be worn in the Crimean War (1854-1856), 1856 (c). Badges 2004-01-34
Cut throat razor, 1914 (c)-1918 (c); used by William Cutler, 1st Bn Duke of Cambridge's Own (Middlesex Regiment); manufactured by Solingen, nd; associated with World War One (1914-1918). Equipment, general 2004-01-35
Silver and bronze sporting trophy shield, 1907 (c); hallmarked Goldsmiths and Silversmiths Company Limited, 1906-1907; inscribed, 'GYMNASTIC COMPETITION SHIELD'; on an ebonized wooden mount, with plaques of battle honours, and blank plaques for names; in Sergeants' Mess, 1907-1922; Royal United Services Institution, 1922-1959; associated with 1st Bn Royal Munster Fusiliers. Silver 1959-12-54
Silver grenade table lighter, made by R P, hallmarked London, 1910-1911; with applied device of a tiger and an elephant; inscribed verso, 'SOUTH AFRICA 1901-2/ CRETE 1903/ GALLIPOLI 1915/ SERVIA 1915/ MACEDONIA 1916-17 PALESTINE 917-18/ FRANCE 1918'; in form of a sphere surmounted by a hollow tube surrounded by cast silver flames; relating to the Royal Dublin Fusiliers; associated with World War One (1914-1918). Silver 1960-02-16
Account of the Sunderland Flying Boats Jungle Rescue, by R Moffatt, HQ 14th Infantry Brigade, Chindits, Burma, 1944.From the Burma Campaign Collection of R Moffatt. Archives 1989-04-117-303
Plaque, 1907 (c); silver by W [and] S Limited, hallmarked Sheffield, nd; rectangular with border bearing regimental battle honours, at top the crowned crest with tiger below, at bottom the elephant; relating to Arthur, Duke of Connaught and Strathearn; associated with the 1st Bn Royal Dublin Fusiliers. Silver 1952-04-32-2