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Displaying 19801 to 19900 of 48619 results

Description Object Type NAM Accession Number
Sleeping bag, desert khaki, 1943; used by T G Harvey, Royal Army Medical Corps, 1943-1945 (c); manufactured by O and Company, 1943; associated with World War Two (1939-1945). Equipment, general 2004-01-103
Housewife, 1915-1936; canvas, with red lining and leather stitched to outside; handwritten, 'R J Stratton'; written using stencil: 'R J N'; associated with Richard John Stratton, Royal Army Medical Corps, 1915-1919, World War One (1914-1918). Equipment, general 2004-01-107
Pair of white canvas kitbags, 1939 (c)-1945 (c); used by T G Harvey, Royal Army Medical Corps, 1939 (c)-1945 (c); associated with World War Two (1939-1945). Equipment, general 2004-01-104
Two bottles of 'Airborne Golden Jubilee' ale, unopened, in original packagaing, 1991 (c); produced by Courage Limited, 5 St James Square, London, SW1; specially produced to celebrate the Golden Jubilee (50 years) of Britain's airborne forces, 1991; associated with World War Two (1939-1945). Equipment, general 2004-01-105
Silver plate fork, made 1900 (c); four pronged flatware with yellow bone handle; inscribed, '3RD/ RMF'; associated with the 3rd Bn Royal Munster Fusiliers. Silver 1961-08-41
Horse hoof inkstand, 1879-1880; silver-mounted, maker's mark, 'ROWLAND WARD [and] CO NATURALISTS, 166 PICADILLY' and 'J E' on the silver fittings, hallmarked London 1879-1880; two silver-mounted horse hooves upon an ebonised base, adapted as a paperweight with a lifting ring, and as an inkwell bearing a family crest; on the base, a round cornered plaque bears the inscription, 'MAJOR WIGRAM BATTYE/ Queen's Own Guides/ KILLED NEAR FUTTEHABAD/ AFGHAN CAMPAIGN/ 2nd April 1879'; the paperweight is inscribed, 'IVANHOE/ 2nd April 1879'; the lid of the inkwell is inscribed, 'DUCAT AMOR DEI'; associated with Maj Wigram Battye; relating to the Queen's Own Guides; associated with the 2nd Afghan War (1878-1880). Silver 1961-08-65
Spoon, 1899 (c); pressed steel, maker unknown, 1899 (c); used by Lt Col D S W, the Earl Airlie whilst serving with the 12th (Prince of Wales's Royal) Lancers; associated with the Boer War (1899-1902). Silver 1961-12-725
Statuette, 1930 (c); silver, made by Goldsmiths and Silversmiths Company Limited, hallmarked London, 1929-1930; representing a native soldier standing at ease; on ivory column standing on an ebonised cubic plinth on square stepped base; small ivory elephant at each corner of base; plaque on base inscribed, 'PRESENTED TO/ COLONEL R.A. DE B ROSE, .../ BY...GOLD COAST REGIMENT...'; presented in memory of services rendered during World War One; associated with Col Richard Aubrey de Burgh Rose; relating to the Gold Coast Regiment; associated with World War One, West Africa (1914-1918). Silver 1962-06-24
Photograph album containing 205 photographs compiled by Maj Wilfred Herbert James Sale, MC, 3rd/4th County of London Yeomanry (Sharpshooters), 1943; photographs are of locations in Egypt; with captions from a separate index volume; associated with World War Two, North Africa (1940-1943). Photographs 1975-03-63-9
Silver plated three-branched candelabrum, 1850 (c); fluted baluster stem with two scrolled knops on a fluted scrolled edge foot; with an engraved device of the numeral '94' surmounted by a crown; associated with the 94th Regiment of Foot, the 2nd Bn 88th Regiment of Foot (Connaught Rangers) and the Indian Army. Silver 1962-06-33-1
Jug, 1895; silver, made by Mappin and Webb, hallmarked London 1895-1896; with bulbous body decorated all over with foliate scrolls and ears of wheat, on the back a device comprising an elephant and inscription; inscribed, 'Duke of Connaught's Cup/ 4th prize/ revolver competition/ won at Alexandria/ 1895'; inscribed, 'SERINGAPATAM, '2ND BATTALION' and 'THE CONNAUGHT RANGERS'; the neck is inscribed with the names of the team, Col Brook, Lt Bytne, Capt Gore, 2/Lt Crockett, Lt and Adj Thomas and 2/Lt Gough; on stepped foot without a stem; relating to the 2nd Bn The Connaught Rangers. Silver 1962-06-33
Mustard pot, 1850 (c); silver plate, made 1850 (c); without a liner, cylindrical with circular hinged lid bearing a device '94' surmounted by a crown, rim is decorated with gadrooning; with handle; associated with the 2nd Bn 94th Regiment of Foot. Silver 1962-06-33
Tankard, 1909; silver with glass base, made by Goldsmiths and Silversmiths Company Limited, hallmarked London 1909-1910; cylindrical, with glass bottom, tapering upwards with plain ovoid handle; front bears inscription; from the Sergeant's mess, 94th Regiment of Foot; relating to Capt H W Worsley-Gough; associated with the 2nd Bn The Connaught Rangers. Silver 1962-06-33
Mustard spoon, 1826 (c); silver, made by Chas Fox, hallmarked London, 1825-1826; with reeded handle and hemispherical bowl, device consisting of '94' surmounted by a crown is engraved on handle; relating to the 94th Regiment of Foot. Silver 1962-06-33
Trophy cup, 1905-1912; silver, made by Goldsmiths and Silversmiths Company Limited, hallmarked London, 1911-1912; upon the front and back are cast applied uninscribed cartouches, with two bifurcated handles; cover adorned with flora and bolted figure of corporal; ebonised plinth bearing silver plaque inscribed, 'VOLUNTEER CAVALRY TENT PEGGING TOURNAMENT/ WON B/ THE PUNJAB LIGHT HORSE/ 1905. 1906. 1908. 1909. 1911'; associated with the Punjab Light Horse. Silver 1962-07-3
Candelabra centrepiece, silver, made 1861 (c); with six branches and separate mirror base; associated with the 1st Bn Royal Munster Fusiliers, 1861 (c). Silver 1962-10-159
Tray, 1922; silver plate, made by Goldsmiths and Silversmiths Company Limited, 1922; circular, upon four feet, with reinforced decorated edge, plain surface bearing the inscription, 'PRESENTED/ TO THE OFFICERS/ TRAINING BATTALION, BOMBAY PIONEERS/ BY THE OFFICERS OF THE/ ORIGINAL STAFF', in upper centre and five devices below; associated with the 2nd Bombay Pioneers. Silver 1962-10-65
Oil lamp, 1876-1877; silver, made by Stephen Smith and Son, hallmarked London, 1876-1877; shaped like an Eastern lamp, with coiled snake forming the handle, and a small stopper on top; inscribed, 'FROM/ CAPTAIN CAULFIELD FRENCH/ ON RETIREMENT/ 20TH APRIL 1877/ TO HIS BROTHER OFFICERS/ OF THE 94TH...'; on circular tray; relating to Capt Caulfield French; associated with the 94th Regiment of Foot. Silver 1962-10-67
Inkstand, 1924-1925; silver, made by Goldsmiths and Silversmiths Company Limited, hallmarked London, 1924-1925; a silver replica drum of the Royal Irish Regiment, set upon a square stepped base bearing plaque inscribed, 'PRESENTED TO/ MAJOR-GENERAL J B FORSTER ME/ THE LAST COLONEL OF/ THE ROYAL IRISH/ BY THE OFFICERS 1924'; with a pen holder on left side; relating to Maj Gen J B Forester; associated with the Royal Irish Regiment. Silver 1962-11-10
Table lighter in the form of an old oil lamp, 1899 (c); silver, made by John Browne, hallmarked London, 1898-1899; with handle in the shape of a snake's head and part of body; the top is engraved with a device comprising the letters 'RI' surmounted by a crown; inscribed, 'PRESENTED BY/ CAPT O'HARA APD'; relating to Capt O'Hara; associated with the Royal Irish Regiment. Silver 1962-11-10
Colour photolithograph Christmas greetings card with a photograph after Alfred Crowdy Lovett, 1911 (c); published by Chilcombe-Greywell, Basingstoke, 2003; reproducing a watercolour of King George V at the Delhi Durbar in 1911; with a photograph inside of George V on horseback; card secured by a ribbon in the regimental colours; with regimental insignia; associated with Skinner's Horse. Prints 2004-01-113
Panorama of the Charge of the Light Brigade, the Battle of Balaclava, 1854. Chromolithograph by Val Rosa and Company, after T Poilpot and S Jacobs, nd; published by Val Rosa and Company, 1881; associated with the Battle of Balaklava, Crimean War (1854-1856) 1854. Prints 2004-01-114
Report on Burma War by Col M L Treston: typescript document with five accompanying photographs, 1941-1942. Photographs 1989-08-105
Dish warmer, 1900 (c); silver plate, made by Elkington and Company, 1900 (c); oval stepped ring on four scrolled legs, a spirit burner rests on a wire projection in the centre of the ring; associated with the Royal Irish Regiment. Silver 1962-11-10
Cigar cutter, 1898 (c); silver made by J B, hallmarked London, 1898-1899; rectangular, with two cutting devices at the front, and two hinges at the back, top engraved with device comprising 'RI' surmounted by a crown; inscribed, 'PRESENTED BY/ CAPT O'HARA A.P.D.'; associated with the Royal Irish Regiment. Silver 1962-11-10
Certificate confirming that Adam Stubbs was a soldier in the Royal Regiment of Dragoons and was wounded on service in Ireland, with partial transcription, 1693. Archives 1989-08-107
Pair of paper knives, 1900 (c); silver, made by Barton, Bangalore, 1900 (c); in the form of two crossed swords in their sheaths, joined together at points by a crescent plaque inscribed, 'FROM BAND 2ND BATT. THE ROYAL IRISH', on rectangular wooden base; associated with the 2nd Bn The Royal Irish Regiment. Silver 1962-11-10
Clock, 1868-1870; silver, by J Hamilton and Son, hallmarked Edinburgh, 1869-1870; surmounted by the figure of a lancer riding at the trot, including a separate lance; with cylindrical, ebonized casing; inscribed, 'FROM/ Captain J W Macfarlan/ on appt. as Paymaster/ TO/ Colonel W H Slade/ and/ THE OFFICERS/ 5th Royal Irish Lancers/ 1868'; from the Mess Plate of the 5th (Royal Irish) Lancers; relating Capt J W MacFarlane. Silver 1963-01-48
Clock, 1868-1870; silver, by J Hamilton and Son, hallmarked Edinburgh, 1869-1870; surmounted by the figure of a lancer riding at the trot, including a separate lance; with cylindrical, ebonized casing; inscribed, 'FROM/ Captain J W Macfarlan/ on appt. as Paymaster/ TO/ Colonel W H Slade/ and/ THE OFFICERS/ 5th Royal Irish Lancers/ 1868'; from the Mess Plate of the 5th (Royal Irish) Lancers; relating Capt J W MacFarlane. Crafts 1963-01-48
Commanding officer's certificate of attendance issued to Maj Bateman, 8th (Volunteer) Bn, The Queen's Fusiliers (City of London), confirming his attendance at annual camp, 15-30 Jul 1989. Archives 1989-08-108
89 letters of Capt John Workman, 5th Marahatta Anti Tank Regiment, 16th Indian Reserve Anti Tank Regiment and the 5th Indian Field Regiment in India, Burma and Singapore, 1943-1947; associated with World War Two, India and Far East (1941-1945). Archives 2004-01-118
Silver identity bracelet, used by Fwmn M L Stokes, Queen Mary's Army Auxiliary Corps, 1917-1919 (c); associated with World War One (1914-1918). Silver 2004-01-120
Candlestick, 1911; made by H E and Company, 1911; relating to the Empire day competition; one of a pair with componants; associated with 106th Hazara Pioneers. Silver 1963-01-86
Wooden cigarette box bound with silver, 1896 (c); produced by William Hutton and Sons Limited, hallmarked, 'London 1895-96'; bearing the device of the 21st Regiment of Bombay Infantry (Marine Btn),on the hinged lid; silver device of a fouled anchor within a garter; inscribed in relief, '21st BOMBAY INFANTRY', within two laurel leaves, surmounted by a crown; the two laurel leaves are entwined with an escroll, inscribed, 'PERSIAN GULF/ BENI-BOO-ALI/ BURMAH/ ADEN/ ABYSSINIA/ PUNJAB/ HYDERABAD'; associated with the 21st Regiment of Bombay Infantry (The Marine Btn). Silver 1963-06-63
Cup, 1906; Indian European silver, made by P Orr and Sons, Madras, 1906; lower bowl of the cup is fluted, upper band is plain with the inscription, 'RANGOON HORSE SHOW/ 1906/ BEST CHARGER MOUNTED CO R.V.R./ 1ST PRIZE/ WON BY/ A Mc Keand's B.W.G. 'CHUM'; upon inverted trumpet shaped foot with beaded edge, stem has central knob; relating to Lt A McKeand; associated with the Rangoon Volunteer Rifles. Silver 1963-09-590
Goblet shaped cup, 1911-1915; silver, made by L and S, hallmarked Birmingham 1911-1912; with three crossed rifles as the supporting stem; inscribed, 'Z Company Reconnaissance Competition/ 1915/ WINNER/ Lt A McKeand'; relating to Lt A McKeand; associated with the Rangoon Volunteer Rifles. Silver 1963-09-590
Cup, 1906-1913; silver, made by William Hutton and Sons Limited, hallmarked Birmingham, 1906-1907; upon stepped inverted trumpet shaped base; stem has central reeded knob, plain surface with one side inscribed, 'THE ORR CUP/ RANGOON VOLUNTEER RIFLES/ 1913/ WON BY/ LT. A.McKEAND'; relating to Lt A McKeand; associated with the Rangoon Volunteer Rifles. Silver 1963-09-590
Tankard, 1905; made by P Orr and Sons, nd; plain with reeded base, square handle and dome lid with a thumb piece; front of tankard is inscribed, 'MOUNTED COMPANY/ R.V.R./ SEASON 1905...'; relating to Lt A McKeand; sports trophy of the Mounted Coy, Rangoon Volunteer Rifles, 1905. Silver 1963-09-590
Teaspoon, 1905 (c); silver by W G and S, 1904-1905; of a military shell pattern, with device engraved on handle consisting of a sheaf of wheat and crowned garter inscribed, 'RANGOON MOUNTED RIFLES'; relating to Burma; associated with the Rangoon Volunteer Rifles. Silver 1963-09-590
Teaspoon, 1907 (c); silver, made by W G and S, hallmarked Sheffield, 1906-1907; plain bearing device on handle; associated with the Rangoon Volunteer Rifles, 1907 (c). Silver 1963-09-590
Cigar cutter, 1892; silver, indistinct markings; rectangular with three cutting apertures; top bears a cast applied device comprising Irish harp, crown and escroll; front of cutter is inscribed, 'PRESENTED TO THE OFFICERS/ 2ND BATTN/ THE CONNAUGHT RANGERS/ BY CT. G.L. HOBBS/ 30TH APRIL 1892'; relating to Lt Col G L Hobbs; associated with the 2nd Bn, The Connaught Rangers. Silver 1963-09-591
Copper ashtray, 1915 (c); piece of dome of Lighthouse on Helles; relating to the 29th Division; associated with World War One, Gallipoli (1915-1916). Crafts 1963-09-596
Random Jottings on Service in the Army in India 1934-39. Notes highlighting the differences between the conditions of service in India and those in garrisons under the direct control of the British War Office. Archives 1989-08-112
Infantry Officer's Pattern 1796 sword; carried by Ens C Simpson, 3rd Regiment of Foot Guards, nd; Ens Simpson was killed at Waterloo, 1815; associated with Hougoumont, Napoleonic Wars, Waterloo (1815). Edged Weapons 2004-01-121
Double-coiled brass bugle associated with Ens C Simpson, 3rd Regiment of Foot Guards, killed at Waterloo, 18 Jun 1815.Associated with Hougoumont, Napoleonic Wars, Waterloo (1815). Musical Instruments 2004-01-122
Spirit flask, 1918; owned by Capt D E Fordyce, Seaforth Highlanders (Ross-Shire Buffs, The Duke of Albany's), World War One (1914-1918). Silver 1963-11-210
Pair of candlesticks, 1904-1922 (c); silver plate, made by Mappin and Webb, 1904-1922 (c); presented to 106th Hazara Pioneers, 1904-1922. Associated with Lt R H Manners. Silver 1963-12-194
Papers of FM Lord Harding of Petherton, consisting chiefly of press cuttings and the texts of speeches, 1943-1986. (Printed finding aid available) Archives 1989-08-144
Two handled cup, 1931; silver, made by W and A, hallmarked Birmingham, 1930-1931; upon inverted trumpet shaped foot, stem has central knob, spherical body and flared neck; relating to Sgt F Combie. Silver 1964-04-102
Collection of nine assorted electro-plated items from 106th Hazara Pioneers, 1910 (c). Silver 1964-04-32
Statuette, 1922-1923; silver, made by F P Baker and Company Limited, hallmarked London, 1922-1923; upon ebonised plinth bearing silver plaque, inscribed, 'MAJOR G N BIGNALL, MC/ Served 24th May 1907 to 30th April 1922/...'; representing a Sikh Havildar standing at attention with a rifle; presented to Maj G N Bignell, 29th Punjabis, 1922. Silver 1964-05-70
Model Vickers Machine gun, 1918 (c); silver plate, made 1918 (c); stands upon a tripod resting on a disc base; belonging to the father of Lt Col S M Rose's father who served with Machine Gun Corps; associated with World War One (1914-1918). Silver 1964-06-8
Four photographs, 1924-1935 (c); associated with Royal Signals, Command Aldershot Signal School; review in India, Signal School course, Soldiers' Home. Photographs 1984-07-18
Copy photograph of Maj J Nicholas OBE, Royal Army Veterinary Corps; portrait depicts Maj Nicholas half length in khaki drill service dress, 1915 (c). Photographs 1983-10-130
18 photographs of paintings and drawings in the Border Regiment Museum, Carlisle, 1983 Photographs 1983-10-131
Printed scroll in original cardboard postal tube, commemorating Pte John Stanley Nurton, 7th Bn Prince Albert's (Somerset Light Infantry), who died during World War One, 1914-1918. Archives 1989-09-19
Photocopy journal kept by 2/Lt William Paterson, 6th Bn Seaforth Highlanders (Ross-shire Buffs, The Duke of Albany's), in France, 1915-1917; associated with World War One, Western Front (1914-1918). Archives 1989-09-20
Photocopy typescript history of 18th (Sohan) Indian Mountain Battery from its formation in 1918 until its absorption into the armies of India and Pakistan in 1947. Archives 1989-09-21
Postcard photograph of the Canadian Forestry Corps Football Team, 1917-1918; associated with World War One (1914-1918). Photographs 1983-10-261
Seven photographs collected by H H Mears, City Imperial Volunteers, South Africa, 1900 (c); associated with the Boer War (1899-1902). Photographs 1983-10-272
Press cutting of the poem 'The Red, Red Road to Hooge', said to have been written by Pte Stephen Hayes, 5th Bn Duke of Edinburgh's (Wiltshire Regiment), killed in action 5 Apr 1916 (c); head and shoulders portrait of Hayes taken 12 Nov 1915; associated with World War One, Mesopotamia (1914-1918). Archives 1989-09-24
Twenty four photographs collected by Patrick John Audley Archdale, Royal Norfolk Regiment; associated with Gen Sir Richard McCreary; Bishop of Norwich; World War Two, North West Europe (1944-1945). Photographs 1980-09-83
Copy photograph, view along the banks of the Seine at Rouen showing the mass of equipment abandoned by the Germans when they retreated, the bridges across the river having been bombed by the RAF, 1944; associated with World War Two, North West Europe (1944-1945). Photographs 1983-07-91
The Service of my Father, Vincent Harold Sykes, in the Territorial Force and in the Great War, 1908-1919. Memoir by R F Sykes. Archives 1989-09-27
Memoir compilation by Gordon Everson, completed Jan 1989 (c).It relates to Sgt Maj Edwin Bezar, Duke of Cambridge's Own (Middlesex Regiment), including photocopy of the book 'Some Reminiscences of the Die-Hards' by Bezar, copy documents, correspondence with various institutions and individuals, including member of the family, magaine entries and photographs. Archives 1989-09-28
Postcard photograph of Civil Service Volunteer Rifle Corps on the march during annual camp, Shorncliffe, 1906. Photographs 1983-10-273
Postcard photograph of Buckinghamshire Yeomanry, grooming horses, Stowe Park, 1913. Photographs 1983-10-274
Four papers collected by J S Miles, Royal Artillery: Christmas card from the King and Queen, 1914; Testimonial written by Brig H J G Gale, 28 Oct 1939; membership card RHA Old ComradesAssociation, 1937 (c); manuscript memoirs by Miles, apparently incomplete, covering his time at the Duke of York's Royal Military School, 1909-1912, joining No 2 Boys' Depot Royal Field Artillery at Athlone November 1912, service as a trumpeter with 27 Bde Royal Field Artillery 1914-1918 during which he served in France, Belgium and Italy; his transfer to the Royal Horse Artillery, promotion and postings to Egypt 1919 and to Ireland 1922. Archives 1989-09-31
Four postcard photographs associated with World War One, Western Front (1914-1918); relating to Indian Army, Belgian Army, French Artillery and Moroccan Army. Photographs 1983-10-275
Papers of Miss G M Jessop, First Aid Nursing Yeomanry, 1941-1953: scroll from Joint Committee of British Red Cross Society and Order of St John in recognition of valuable services rendered, 1914-1919; scroll from British Red Cross Society in recognition that her name has been inscribed upon the Roll of Honourable Service, 15 Oct 1918; pamplet listing officers and setting out objectives and organisation of First Aid Nursing Yeomanry 1933; pamphlet, 'The Women's Reserve: a Question and Answer' by a Reservist, illustrated explanation of the purpose and objectives, 1930 (c); Pamphlet, 'Civilian Drivers' Manual: Policies, Regulations and Procedure Governing Employment of Civilian Drivers by US Forces in United Kingdom', 1945; pamphlet, 'Civil Defence in Britain', April 1957; press cuttings of a visit of Princess Alice to First Aid Nursing Yeomanry Camp at Mychett near Aldershot, 1933 (c); press cutting photographs of Women's Transport Service Corps (FANY) during the manoeuvres at Ridgway Down, 1937; press cutting photographs of FANY camp at Mychett, 1938 - repairing motor vehices, 'bugler' blowin reveille, gas-mask drill, washing up after a meal, chopping wood, map reading instructions; press cutting cartoon 'Number three - chin in, bust out', 1938 (c); Standing Orders for Drivers of Mechanical Vehicles (wheeled) and Motor Cyclists; Syllabus for Women's Reserve Motor Engineering Course Examination Questions, 1934; Women's Reserve Motor Engineering Course Examination Questions, 1934; Examination Questions, I C Driver Class III 1939. Archives 1989-09-32
Papers collected by Maj Cyril A Solomon, Deputy Assistant Director of Graves Registration and Enquiries: Field Service Pocket Book, Parts 1 and 2, 1944; list of regiments and corps administered by officers i/c records, 1944; copies of typescript notes relating to documentation on joining 21st Army Group; typescript notes on tactics, 1943; typescript notes on the organisation of the Royal Army Service Corps, 1943 (c); typescript Standing Orders, Graves Registration, 21st Army Group; typescript notes for Divisional Burial Officers; Graves Registration notes and sample forms; minutes of meetings of members of the Officers' Mess, HQ GR and E, 19 Nov 1947 and 25 Mar 1948; Issue and Receipt Voucher, AF G1033 for revolver, 1945; signed menu dated 13 April; Letter from Solomon to DHSS Blackpool relating to Sgt S Allport, 1968. Archives 1989-09-65
Nine photographs collected by Norman Neil Campbel Lockhart, Royal Army Pay Corps, Sarawak Constabulary, 19 Aug 1952; subjects include the interior of a barrack room and the inspection of boots. Photographs 1983-11-54
Photograph album containing 241 photographs compiled by Maj Wilfred Herbert James Sale, MC, 3rd/4th County of London Yeomanry (Sharpshooters), 1943-1944; photographs are of locations in Egypt, at sea, in Tripoli and Sicily; with captions taken from a separate index volume. Photographs 1975-03-63-13
Two-handled cup, 1919; silver, made by Shepherd and Company, hallmarked London, 1910-1911; with lid; inscribed, 'Presented by/ Her Majesty The Queen/ as a Trophy to be competed for by/ QMAAC/ WRNS/ WRAF/ won April 7th 1919/ by QMAAC'; for a women's inter-service competition; presented by Queen Mary to the winners, Queen Mary's Army Auxiliary Corps, 1919; also relating to the Women's Royal Army Corps, the Women's Royal Naval Service and the Women's Royal Air Force. Silver 1993-11-1-291
Shooting trophy cup, 1909 (c); silver plated, made by Mappin and Webb, London 1909 (c); associated with Pte Fred C Hopkins the Duke of Cambridge's Own (Middlesex Regiment); inscribed, 'Wood Green Company/ PTE F. C. HOPKINS/ 1909'; cup supported by three crossed rifles; associated with the Duke of Cambridge's Own (Middlesex Regiment). From the Middlesex Regiment Museum Collection. Silver 1994-01-1-205
Three photographs, Burma, 1920s-1930s; including a portrait of Charles Gordon Hunter; associated with the Royal Artillery and the King's Own Royal Regiment (Lancaster). Photographs 1980-10-8
Drawn under fire. The shelling of Hereford Redoubt, held by 1-1st/ Herefords, Battle of Romani. Pencil on paper signed lower right, 'August 4th 1916/ RJLR', by 2/Lt R J Lunt-Roberts, 1916; associated with Lt Col Denis L P S Stuart-Shepherd and 1/1st Bn Herefordshire Regiment, Battle of Romani, World War One, Egypt and Palestine (1914-1918). Drawings and Watercolours 2004-02-3
Lid or stopper, nd; with badge of The Buffs (East Kent Regiment) inset in centre; chromolithograph print under a glass disc, set into a metal screw-top lid, 1900 (c). Crafts 2004-02-7
Camels finished/ Sahib! Pen and ink drawing by Capt George Mark Oswald Davy, 3rd King's Own Hussars, 1933; signed mid-left, 'G. M. O. Davy/ 1933'; associated with Egypt, 1933. Drawings and Watercolours 2004-02-9
Colour photolithograph Christmas card, 2003; reproducing, 'Officers of the Queen's (Royal West Surreys) and East Surreys with their ladies circa 1900' by Bryan Fosten, 2003; published for the Queen's (Royal West Surrey Regiment) and East Surrey Regiment, 2003. Prints 2004-02-22
Colour photolithograph Christmas greetings card, 2003; after the painting, 'The Changing of the Guard, No 6 Post' by Sean Bolan, 2002 (c); published for the Welsh Guards, 2003. Prints 2004-02-23
Colour photolithograph Christmas greetings card, 2003; after a watercolour by Richard Simkin, 1902 (c); published by the Royal Scots Dragoon Guards, 2003; a dismounted Sergeant Major and a mounted Field Officer of the 3rd (Prince of Wales's) Dragoon Guards. Prints 2004-02-30
Colour photolithograph Christmas greetings card, 2003; after the watercolour, 'Winter Cross', by A Witton, 2000 (c); published for The Shropshire Memorial Association, 2003; associated with the King's Shropshire Light Infantry. Prints 2004-02-33
Colour photolithograph Christmas greetings card of the Worcestershire and Sherwood Foresters Regiment (29th and 45th Foot), 2003; published for the Worcestershire and Sherwood Foresters Regiment, 2003; at centre the regimental badge of Worcestershire and Sherwood Foresters Regiment. Prints 2004-02-34
Colour photolithograph Christmas greetings card of the Adjutant General's Corps, 2003; published by the Adjutant General's Corps, 2003. Prints 2004-02-37
Photolithograph Christmas greetings card of The Green Howards (Alexandra Princess of Wales's Own Yorkshire Regiment), 2003; published by The Green Howards, 2003. Prints 2004-02-38
Colour photolithograph Christmas greetings card of the Royal Gloucestershire, Berkshire and Wiltshire Regiment, 2003; published by the Royal Gloucestershire, Berkshire, Wiltshire Regiment, 2003. Prints 2004-02-39
Bound volume of 65 aquatints after C Hamilton Smith, 'Costume of the British Army', 1812. Prints 1982-04-203
Guard-Room Tactics; Bugs in Danger; or a Volunteer Corps in Action. Coloured etching published by S W Fores, London, 23 Jul 1798; associated with Wars of the French Revolution, Home Defence (1793-1802). Prints 1968-05-6
Collection of orders and instructions, 1961; issued by Maj John Arthur Gordon Arnot, Durham Light Infantry, seconded to the Nigerian Army, while commanding B Coy 3rd Queen's Own Nigeria Regiment at Mweka in the United Nations Congo operations, 1961; comprising a set of orders issued for the same unit at Kele Station, 26 Jul 1961, with instructions and orders issued at Muo 10 September and platoon duty rosters for 10 Sep-24 Oct 1961. Archives 1988-06-55
Journal of events in Belgium and France, May to June 1940; written by Lt Basil Hall, 12th Royal Lancers (Prince of Wales's), at Long Melford; associated with World War Two, North West Europe (1939-1943). Archives 1989-09-68
Territorial Army and Reservist Instruction Book, Personal Documentation, 10 Feb 1989; issued to WO2 D Langham, Royal Army Ordnance Corps. Archives 1989-09-69
Photocopy newspaper, 'The Daily Mail', 29 Aug 1914; arrival of German prisoners of war in England, return of British wounded, German propaganda photographs, photographs of Indian troops; associated with World War One (1914-1918). Archives 1989-09-70
Papers, 1940-1942; associated with Capt J W Hopkins MC, Royal Horse Artillery, killed in action in Libya; associated with World War Two, Middle East (1940-1943) and North West Europe (1939-1940). Archives 1989-09-75
Pathan pesh-kabz knife and presentation box, 1930 (c); presented to the officers of the 5th Royal Gurkha Rifles (Frontier Force) by Maj J F Marindin in 1937; caption describes how knife was taken by Number eleven piquet, 2/5th Royal Gurkha Rifles at Damdil, 21 Mar 1937; associated with India, North West Frontier (1920-1937). Edged Weapons 1989-05-116
Pathan pesh-kabz knife and presentation box, 1930 (c); presented to the officers of the 5th Royal Gurkha Rifles (Frontier Force) by Maj J F Marindin in 1937; caption describes how knife was taken by Number eleven piquet, 2/5th Royal Gurkha Rifles at Damdil, 21 Mar 1937; associated with India, North West Frontier (1920-1937). Equipment, general 1989-05-116
Ceremonial sword, 1915-1970; presented to the Middlesex Regiment, 1915 (c); associated with the Duke of Cambridge's Own (Middlesex Regiment) and the Middlesex Regiment (Duke of Cambridge's Own); made by Wilkinson Sword Company, 1915 (c). Edged Weapons 1992-11-125
Officer's pattern 1827 sword and scabbard, 1940 (c); associated with Maj M S Gaylard, King's Royal Rifle Corps. Edged Weapons 1994-06-265
Bound volume kept by Pte Albert Edward Christer, A Coy 1st Bn Royal Fusiliers, Lebong, Northern India, containing ms daily diary covering his experiences on the Sikkim Tibet Field Force, May - July 1904; together with ms copies of sentimental poetry and an account of the execution of Pte Patrick O'Hara, 1st Bn Leinster Regiment for murder, April 1894.Associated with Tibet, (1904). Archives 1989-09-92
Equipment, medals and badges, 2nd West India Regiment, 29th (The Worcestershire) Regiment, Unidentified Yeomanry, Royal Welsh Fusiliers, The Royal Fusiliers, worn by Maj J E Bale, Capt C G N Morgan and J Carroll, 1869-1937. Medals 1965-03-62