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Displaying 101 to 200 of 3277 results

Description Object Type NAM Accession Number
Lithograph by Gerald Spencer Pryse of the retreat of the 7th Division and the 3rd Cavalry on Ypres, 1914; inscribed 'A157'. Prints 1999-04-130
Infantry officer's sword, pattern 1822, 1830 (c); steel scabbard; 77th (East Middlesex) Regiment of Foot. Edged Weapons 1992-09-235
Wooden sign post; painted on both sides, 'To Headquarters and Balaklava'; brought from the Crimea by Cornet John Gibsone, 17th Regiment of Light Dragoons (Lancers), Crimean War (1854-1856). Equipment, general 1960-08-50
Two model soldier figures, 1881-1902 (c); one represents a fusilier regiment, the other represents an unidentified regiment, possibly 97th or 42nd Regiment of Foot. Models 1999-05-3
Thirteen drums, 1799 (c)-1945 (c); associated with the Middlesex Regiment. Musical Instruments 1993-06-12
Four bass drums, 1850-1970; associated with the Middlesex Regiment. Musical Instruments 1993-06-11
Two side drums converted to coffee tables and two Russian side drums converted to coffee tables, 1850-1950; associated with the Middlesex Regiment. Musical Instruments 1993-06-8
Drum major's staff finial, 1816-1836; silver plated; surmounted by the Prince of Wales Plume with four battle honours: Seringapatam, Ciudad Rodriguez, Badajoz and the Peninsular War; associated with the Middlesex Regiment. Musical Instruments 1993-02-198
Face of bass drum, 1870; carried by the 57th Regiment of Foot until 1870; made by George Potter and Co, Aldershot. Musical Instruments 1992-10-111
Carved wooden mallet, 1896; made from balsa wood and the back has inset carvings or scrimshaw mark; the carvings include crossed regimental colours above the number 47 and above an inscription listing the regiment, 47th Lancashire Regiment and battles from the Peninsular Campaign and the Crimea; made by Ensign Harry Cooper, 47th Lancashire, whilst serving in the West Indies, 1869. Equipment, general 1961-12-30
Bugle, 1855 (c); brass; double loop tube with brass mouthpiece and white metal tonal shank; brass bell with reinforcement binding; bell bears riveted circular cartouche with Imperial Russian Eagle. Musical Instruments 1964-08-90
Bugle, 1854. Used by Trum Maj Henry Joy, 17th Light Dragoons (Lancers), Battle of Balaklava, Crimean War (1854-1856) 1854. Musical Instruments 1963-10-190
Rhinoceros hide walking stick, 1915 (c); curved handle and ivory ferrule; around the girth of the stick are four white metal bands engraved with the name of the user, Capt C R S Pitman, 27th Punjabis, the cypher GRI and royal motto and lists of actions from the campaigns of Northern France, 1915, Mesopotamia 1916-1918 and Palestine 1918-1919. Equipment, general 1962-10-102
Bugle, 1793-1794; silver; possibly used by the 87th (Prince of Wales Irish) Regiment of Foot; single semi circular loop with regular taper from bell to mouthpiece, with bell edge bent back for reinforcement; four bands of matt stipple below bell, below are the Prince of Wales's feathers and a motto; possibly made by Robert Needham. Musical Instruments 1960-07-33
Bass drum, 1920 (c); wood; used by the 2nd Battalion 7th Rajput Regiment; front painted blue and bears decoration including royal arms, regimental name and below this on scrolls, battle honours; inside a paper label bears the maker's name Hawkes and Son, London; all furnishings missing. Musical Instruments 1959-10-116
Duty trumpet, 1914 (c); brass; used by the 27th Punjabis; double loop pipe with brass mouthpiece, now missing; red, yellow and blue wool cords. Musical Instruments 1959-09-189
Trumpet, 1918 (c); brass; acquired by the 27th Punjabis in Baghdad during World War One; single loop pipe with internal missing suspension rings, mouthpiece and chain; reinforced bell edge; upper bell surface bears plain oval cartouche impressed with Turkish arms. Musical Instruments 1959-09-188
Collection of relics associated with the British Army 1914-1960 (c); pane of stained glass window from Ypres Cathedral, collected by Lt Col J M Rogers Tillstone, 1914; two pulley wheels, 1914 (c); fragment of wood from a Handley Page Aeroplane, 1918; 50 papers badges from various regiments, 1920-60 (c); two woollen dolls, one made by a soldier of the Seaforth Highlanders, 1918 (c); steel mess tin handle, 1916 (c); two boot hooks, 1945 (c); three charitable flag-day token flags, 1918 (c); copper charitable flag-day badge, 1918; aluminium washer, 1918; copper halfpenny coin, 1918 (c); white metal model tank, 1919 (c). Associated with World War One, Western Front (1914-1918). Equipment, general 1963-07-36
Glove and handkerchief, 1815 (c). Blood stained glove and handkerchief of Capt Thomas Wildman, 7th (Queen's Own) Light Dragoons (Hussars), one of Lt Gen Henry Paget. Earl of Uxbridge's aides. Wildman was present at the operation to amputate Uxbridge's leg, following his wounding at the Battle of Waterloo. Equipment, general 1963-09-210
Seal, 1903-1906; sheet brass with a raised device, in reverse, of a stringed bugle horn within a crescent upon a crown crossed pattee, inscribed, 'AFGHANISTAN 1878-80, DELHI, ABYSSINIA, BURMA 1885-1887, BRITISH EAST AFRICA 1897-98, 127TH BALUCH LIGHT INFANTRY.'; made by Knights and Cottrell. Equipment, general 1963-10-30
Kettledrum, 1860 (c); copper; used by the 17th (Duke of Cambridge's Own) Lancers; hemispherical body with straight sides; shell tensioning handle on side impressed with maker's mark above, Henry Potter and Co, London. Musical Instruments 1951-03-14
Kettledrum, 1855-1865 (c); copper; used by the 17th (Duke of Cambridge's Own) Lancers; hemispherical body with straight sides; shell tensioning handle on side impressed with maker's mark above, Henry Potter and Co, London. Musical Instruments 1951-03-14
Three regimental canes: one with a black painted staff and white metal head bearing the number one surmounted by crossed Kukris, 1910 (c); one of the Rifle Brigade, 1910 (c), with a black painted staff and white metal head bearing the device of the regiment; one of the 17th Bengal Infantry, 1885-1901, with a tan malacca cane and Indian silver head which bears the regimental name and number with battle honours. Equipment, general 1964-10-83
17 picture postcards and two photographs relating to the 16th (Service) Battalion (Church Lads Brigade) of the Kings Royal Rifle Corps, mostly collected by Rifleman Jack Howgeo. Photographs 1999-06-28
17 picture postcards and two photographs relating to the 16th (Service) Battalion (Church Lads Brigade) of the Kings Royal Rifle Corps, mostly collected by Rifleman Jack Howgeo. Archives 1999-06-28
Mess tin, 1917; made of steel; the bowl has a convex bottom and two inward folding wire handles attached to a hinged; lid is fitted to the bowl and two apertures in the side allow the insertion of cutlery; containing: salt and pepper pots, two semi circular food containers with lids and one desert spoon; used by Lt Charles Grey Yule Skipwith, 17th Cavalry. Equipment, general 1967-11-14
Writing case, 1855 (c); wooden box covered in brown leather; hinged lid which is secured by a leather strap coming from the front bottom and fastening by a brass lock; inside are six compartments separated by wooden dividers; the remains of a label indicate that the box may have been used by a hospital sergeant of the 97th (Earl of Ulster's) Regiment. Equipment, general 1968-12-23
Photographs of Edward Roper, 17th London Tower Hamlets Rifles, 1915-1918, William Roper, Middlesex Regiment and Alfred Roper, South Lancashire Regiment; all are the donor's uncles. Photographs 1996-11-23
Regimental cane, 1947 (c); black painted malacca with a white metal head; the head is bears a device of crossed kukris, surmounted by the number 7; owned by Maj P L Leared, and associated with the 7th Gurkha Rifles. Equipment, general 1970-04-6
Letters written by and to Pte Henry Clayton, 17th Regiment, from Ireland, Crimea and Canada, Apr 1854 to Mar 1859. Archives 1996-11-53
Pair of pack animal trunks, 1879 (c); wooden board construction, covered with stitched brown leather and lined with crimson leather; at the back are two heavy iron rings; fastened with a padlock, made by Hobbs and Co; used to transport the baggage of the officers of the 67th (South Hampshire) during the 2nd Afghan War. Equipment, general 1972-06-36
Items owned by Major E B Weston, 117th Mahrattas: regimental cane, malacca with a silver ferrule and head bearing the crest of the 117th Mahrattas, hallmarked Birmingham 1922; pocket lighter, fashioned from a brace nut and buttoned, bearing the crest of the Royal Pioneers. Equipment, general 1974-08-32
Pipe Major's and Piper's No 1 dress doublet, sealed pattern, 1954, 1968, 1969, Royal Irish Rangers 1968-1992, Royal Irish Fusiliers (Princess Victoria's) 1954-1968. Uniforms 1999-06-118
Kilt, sealed pattern, 1968, Royal Irish Rangers, Irish Guards. Uniforms 1999-06-123
Gunner John West, 80th Anti-Tank Regiment Royal Artillery, as a prisoner-of-war in Changi, 1942. Pencil drawing by Gnr Leo Rawlings (1918-1984), 137th Field Regiment Royal Artillery; signed lower right by the artist, 'L. Rawlings 1942 Changi'; head and shoulders portrait wearing a hat and open-necked army shirt. Drawings and Watercolours 1999-06-145
BRIXIA model 35 mortar bomb, used by the Italian Army 1939 (c), possibly earlier. Ammunition 1989-09-12
Equipment associated with Maj Gen 1st Earl of Athlone, 1894-1955 (c): bamboo cane, ferrule hallmarked London 1894, head inscribed with the name, 7th Hussars; swagger stick presented by the German Emperor, William II, 1904, also bears name of the Royal Dragoons; walking stick, 1900 (c), bearing the cypher 'FS'; whitewood coat hanger, 1955 (c), impressed with the letter 'A' surmounted by an Earl's crown. Equipment, general 1976-07-68
Photographs relating to uniforms collected by R G Hollies-Smith. Photographs 1996-12-24
Writing box, 1858 (c); wooden box covered in leather; the lid bears a brass plaque with a hinged handle; brass key hole and key, made by W Leuchars, locksmith; divided into internal compartments; containing a leather book of plotting paper, a pen tray, and two leather boxes, one of which holds an ink pot, an ivory ruler and pen; associated with the Army and Navy Club and owned by G Schaefer, 17th Light Dragoons (Lancers). Equipment, general 1977-12-24
Collection of picture postcards, 1905-1941; pictures include: camps of the Bedford Volunteer Camp, 1905, 3rd Volunteer Bn Hampshire Cyclist, 1907, Territorials, 1910 and 5th Bn Queen's Royal West Surrey Regiment, Royal Artillery; portraits of a L/Cpl of The Buffs, a L/Cpl of the Army Service Corps, an unidentified sitter, 3 of Peter Hoare, Royal Artillery; groups; Australian Army soldier, World War One; World War One memorials, including the Cenotaph, 1920; Royal Navy personnel during World War One; Churchill and Naval personnel during World War Two; Field Marshal H H Kitchener. Photographs 1999-07-23
Photocopy and typescript of a letter written by Sgn Alexander Scott, from Saugor, India, 30 Oct 1823; associated with Bengal Native Infantry and Bengal Medical Service. Archives 1995-02-79
Photocopy of '1st Battalion 7th (Royal Fusiliers) and the Umbeyla Expedition India, 1863, with a Roll of Recipients of the India General Service Medal 1864-1895 with the clasp 'Umbeyla' Cross referenced with the Crimean War Casualty Lists'; compiled by J P Kelleher, 1994. Archives 1995-02-85
Photocopy of 'The Second Afghan War 1878, 1879 and 1880 Medal Roll of the 2nd Battalion 7th Regt (or) Royal Fusiliers'; compiled by J P Kelleher, 1994. Associated with the 2nd Afghan War (1878-1880) Archives 1995-02-86
Letter from Sgt William Simonds of the 7th Hussars at St Nicholas, France to his brother in England, 5 May 1814 and a letter from his brother Richard enquiring after Sgt Simonds after he was believed to go missing. Archives 1997-04-51
Enfield 38 in No 2 Mk I service revolver, 1932; marked to 4th/7th Dragoon Guards 1939-1945. Firearms 1996-08-223
Two regimental canes belonging to the 17th Dogra Regiment, 1922-1947 (c). Equipment, general 1978-10-105
Documents issued to Warrant Officer 1 P O'Conner, 7th Armoured Brigade, while serving with UNPROFOR, the UN Protection Force, during Operation GRAPPLE in Bosnia, 1994. Archives 1995-02-91
38 papers relating to the service of Junior Commander Margot Marshall (later Cooper), Auxiliary Territorial Service, 1941-1945.Marshall led the first ATS party of 18 women into liberated Europe following D-Day on 30 July 1944. A further 482 followed shortly after. She also participated in the Potsdam Conference, 17 July - 2 August 1945 Archives 1995-02-99
Ration biscuit, 1900 (c); square heavy, hardtack biscuit; pierced with holes and the centre has a cross saltire; one corner is cracked; owned by Sgt L G Greig, 1st (7th Middlesex London Scottish RVC) Volunteer Bn, Rifle Brigade (Prince Consort's Own). Equipment, general 1979-12-54
Pipe and two paperweights owned by Captain H Jepson, 7th (Queen's Own) Hussars, 1910 (c). Equipment, general 1980-05-45
Pipe and two paperweights owned by Captain H Jepson, 7th (Queen's Own) Hussars, 1910 (c). Crafts 1980-05-45
Clay pipe bowl, 1870 (c); unglazed china clay body, stem missing; bearing the badge of the 17th (Duke of Cambridge's Own Lancers), skull and crossed bones above the motto, 'DEATH & GLORY'. Crafts 1980-11-115
Papers of Gunner Frederick Horace Brittain, Royal Artillery, UK, 1940-1952. Archives 1995-04-24
Papers of Colonel J McDonnell, Cape Mounted Rifles, 1844-1893, and his family, 1727-1906. Archives 1995-06-22
Photocopy of contemporary copy (?) of a letter from Sergeant R Yeasbley, 67th Regiment of Foot, to his parents, 22 Sept 1854, describing the Battle of the Alma, Crimean War. Archives 1995-06-38
Printed handbill advertising performances of 'Little Toddlekins!' and 'Going to the Derby' at the Theatre Royal of the 4th Division, Sevastopol, 1855. Among the performer was Captain Earle of the 57th Regiment; associated with the Crimean War (1854-1856). Archives 1997-07-29
Papers and correspondence of Maj Thomas Peter Harvey (1837-1873) covering his service with the 77th East Middlesex Regiment in the Crimea and India, including papers relating to the purchase of his commission (1854), ms letters to his father and family (1854-1872), and ms letters from his brother, Lt Col Henry James Harvey (1840-1921) covering his own commission into the King's Own Scottish Borderers (1856-1857), and covering trench experiences at Sevastopol, the Battle of the Chernaya (1855), barrack life, troop morale, and the cholera epidemic at Peshawar. Archives 1997-07-47
Booklet of printed letters sent by Harold Robert Newton (1917-1941) to his family, 1936-1945; Newton attended Sandhurst, January 1936 to October 1937, spent his Unattached List Indian Army year with the North Staffordshire Regiment, October 1937 to October 1938, and served with the 5/7th Rajputs in India October 1938 to September 1940; he then moved with his regiment to Hong Kong and was killed during the Japanese invasion. Archives 1999-07-92
Private museum publicity token, 1898-1908 (c); issued by Mr T G Middlebrook and illustrating the bugle used at Balaklava, Crimean War, 1854, by Trumpet Maj Henry Joy, 17th Light Dragons (Lancers), then exhibited in the museum. Equipment, general 1982-03-50
Flintlock trade musket, 1800 (c); commercially manufactured; stock covered in red and black lacquer; barrel 37 in long; lock made at the Tower. Firearms 1952-04-75
Transcript account of the battle of Castella, 1813, by Captain T Molloy, 27th Regiment of Foot. Archives 1995-07-88
33 photographs regarding the Indian Army; collected by Capt A Lerwill. Photographs 1997-08-56
Paget .66 in flintlock cavalry carbine, 1808 (c). Firearms 1979-07-54
The Matabella [sic] War With Col. Whinfields Column, 1896 (c). Pen and ink with wash drawings, some over pencil; artist unknown; illustrated account of the Matabele War on nine sheets of paper, 18 sides. Drawings and Watercolours 1999-08-6
Certificates issued to Corporal John McGuinness, Royal Fusiliers in 1919, for services rendered during World War One 1914-1918. Archives 1995-12-149
Map: The Zulu War 1879; illustrated map relating to the Zulu War (1879); includes portraits of Cetshwayo and Chelmsford as well as vignettes of a harbour, Victoria Cross and spear, Rorke's Drift, Fugitives' Drift, illustrations after C E Fripp's 'The Battle of Isandlwana, 22 Jan 1879', Alphonse de Neuville's 'Saving the Queens Colours at the Battle of Isandhlwana' and the discovery of their bodies by a patrol of the 17th (Duke of Cambridge's Own) Lancers; associated with the Battles of Rorke's Drift and Isandlwana, Zulu War (1879). Maps 1995-07-86
Log book of Flt Lt H R Carmichael, 1st Battalion, Dogra Regiment, attached Royal Air Force, 1942-1944; Carmichael was shot down by Japanese anti-aircraft fire and was captured but later escaped. Archives 1997-10-132
Papers relating to the Dogra Regimental Association Archives 1997-10-133
Five orders and messages issued to troops at the end of the World War Two in Europe, May-June 1945. Archives 1996-01-30
Album of 50 photographs with ephemera, mainly 4th battalion Dogra regiment, 1947-1956. Photographs 1997-10-136
50 photographs collected by the Dogra Regimental Associaton, 1920 (c)-1981. Photographs 1997-10-137
Zulu offset knobkerry recovered on the field of Ulundi, 1879; marked to C J Matthews, 57th Foot. Polearms/Other Weapons 1993-01-102
Centrally fixed Zulu knobkerry, 1879 (c). Polearms/Other Weapons 1992-11-90
Zulu offset knobkerry, 1879 (c). Polearms/Other Weapons 1992-11-89
Photocopied documents relating to the wartime service of Captain (later Lord) Bruce Bernard Weatherill with the 19th Lancers, 1940-1945; includes typescript reminiscences of another officer in the regiment, Louis Curzon, and a photocopy of the 80pp booklet, '19th King George V's Own Lancers War News September 1939 - December 1945'. Archives 1996-03-43
Papers relating to the Garner family, including Samuel Garner, 1st Battalion 10th Regiment and 47th Regiment 1843-1908; and Bandsman H Garner, British South Africa Police, 1900-1921; associated with the Boer War. Archives 1996-04-16
Lance, pattern 1846, Enfield manufacture, 1848, with red and white pennant. Equipment, general 1963-10-164-1
Lance, 1830 (?); double edged hollow ground head with crosspiece; plain steel shoe and ash staff; associated with the 17th Lancers. Polearms/Other Weapons 1963-10-163
Commissions to members of 7th, 8th, 9th and 13th Bns Middlesex Regiment, mostly 1939, but also 1945-1955. Archives 1996-06-145
Typescript transcript of the letter diary of Lt (later Lt Col) Ernest Peake Newman, 47th Regiment of Foot, while serving in the Crimea, Aug to Nov 1855. Archives 1996-07-70
Photocopied typescripts of material relating to the 17th Dogra Regiment, 1887-1971; associated with World War Two, Far East. Archives 1996-08-173
Collection of 23 Army recruiting publicity leaflets and pamphlets, 1988-1996. Archives 1996-08-188
Papers of Lt Col Victor Charles Alexander Munckton, 1/6th Hampshire Battery, Royal Field Artillery 1914-1917, 3rd Skinner's Horse 1917-1923 and 1st and 14th Bns Rajput Regiment 1923-1946; includes papers relating to operations at Akyab 1942 and the Bramble Family. Archives 1996-08-202
Papers of Lt Col Victor Charles Alexander Munckton, 1/6th Hampshire Battery, Royal Field Artillery 1914-1917, 3rd Skinner's Horse 1917-1923 and 1st and 14th Bns Rajput Regiment 1923-1946; includes papers relating to operations at Akyab 1942 and the Bramble Family. Maps 1996-08-202
Typescript transcript of the diary of W Simm, 7th Hussars, written during the Mashonaland War, 1896-1897. Archives 1996-08-207
File of miscellaneous printed reports relating to Army Departments during the Boer War 1899-1902. Archives 1996-09-45
Two bamboo lances, Pattern 1868 (FFoulkes); head, staff with leather binding, shoe missing, white and crimson pennant, associated with the 17th Lancers, despite the pattern date reputed to have been used in the Charge of the Light Brigade. Polearms/Other Weapons 1961-10-65
Typescript roll of officers of the 7th Battalion Middlesex Regiment who were killed or died of wounds in World War One 1915-1918 and World War Two 1939-1945. Archives 1994-01-213
Steady the Drums and Fifes, 1811. Colour photolithograph postcard reproducing the oil painting by Lady Butler, No 3 from a series of six of the 'Military Paintings of Lady Elizabeth Butler', Set No 7, published by The Pompadour Gallery, 1987 (c); depicts the Drums and Fifes of the 57th Foot waiting, under fire, to advance at the Battle of Albuera, Peninsular War 1808-1814. Prints 1999-09-63
Service papers and other items relating to WO1 George Keeling, Grenadier Guards 1897 (c) -1920. Archives 1994-01-236
Photograph album containing 112 photographs collected by Capt Charles James Fox (later Hon Maj), 1st Bn Bedfordshire Regiment; associated with the Chitral Expedition, 1895, and the Boer War, 1899-1902. Photographs 1999-09-60
Paper clip, 1880 (c); made of brass; decorated with the number 89 within a garter surmounted by a coronet and cap inscribed with the name, Princess Victoria, and at the bottom is a sphinx; mounted on a spring clip and plain machined back plate; associated with the 87th Royal Irish Fusiliers. Equipment, general 1986-01-10
Collection of 128 newspapers, some incomplete, of the period 1838-1991. Archives 1994-02-1
Collection of ten photographs, 1915-1918: one studio portrait of Major General Walter Delamain; nine copy photographs taken from the original World War One official photographs. Photographs 1999-10-8
AF B50 Soldiers small book of 6637 L/Cpl Alfred Raybould, 7th Hussars 1901-1912. Archives 1994-02-166
Six plaques bearing the badges of formations and regiments associated with Gen Sir Frank Messervy, 1947 (c). Equipment, general 1987-01-16
Series of 34 watercolours of 'types' of the Indian Army executed by Lady Elizabeth Matheson, wife of General Sir Torquhil Matheson Bt (1871-1963), GOC-in-C Western Command, India from 1931-1935. Drawings and Watercolours 1959-12-209
Karachi to Kandahar. The Diary of 1709 Pte Thomas Phillips Lloyd, 2nd Bn, 7th Royal Fusiliers (City of London Regiment), 9 Feb 1880 to 31 Dec 1880 Being a record of his service in the 2nd Afghan War of 1878-1880. Diary typed and edited by his grandson, T M F Taylor, in 1986. Archives 1994-04-86
Papers and diaries of Colonel F T Birdwood OBE, Indian Army, 1915-1947, relating to World War One, Mespotamia and World War Two, Far East. Archives 1994-05-48
Letter written by Pte M Dennison, 7th Regiment, from the British camp near Derna, 21 Jul 1854. Archives 1993-06-51