Inventory Search
Displaying 101 to 200 of 48619 results
Description | Object Type | NAM Accession Number |
Trooper, Royal Horse Guards, in undress uniform, 1900 (c). Oil on canvas, artist unknown, 1900 (c); head and shoulders to right, gazing downwards; in wood frame. | Oil Paintings | 1956-02-857 |
Lieutenant General Sir Henry Marshman Havelock-Allan Bt VC (later GCB MP) (1830-1897), Royal Irish Regiment, 1897. Oil on canvas, artist unknown, 1897; bust-length, in uniform, with orders and decorations; in gilt wood frame. | Oil Paintings | 1956-04-18 |
Royal Artillery, a field gun team on the march, 1897. Oil on canvas, signed in monogram and dated lower right 'E M H '97', by Edward Matthew Hale (1852-1924), 1897. | Oil Paintings | 1957-04-6 |
16th Lancers, advancing at the gallop, 1898. Oil on canvas, signed in monogram and dated lower right 'E M H '98', by Edward Matthew Hale (1852-1924), 1898. | Oil Paintings | 1957-04-9 |
Royal Horse Artillery and Lancers, waiting to move off, 1898. Oil on canvas, signed in monogram and dated lower right 'E M H 98', by Edward Matthew Hale (1852-1924), 1898. | Oil Paintings | 1957-04-10 |
'Seamus Dealer', Belfast, 1975. Oil on board by Ralph Lillford, 1975; associated with Northern Ireland (1969-2007). | Oil Paintings | 1989-08-32 |
'IRISHMEN AVENGE IRISH DEAD', Londonderry, 1972-75. Oil on hardboard, signed and dated lower right, by Ralph Lillford, 1975; a soldier of The Royal Welch Fusiliers in body armour, by a roadblock and military observation post; associated with Northern Ireland (1969-2007). | Oil Paintings | 1989-08-33 |
'Street Patrol, Belfast', 1976. Oil on board by Ralph Lillford, 1976; associated with Northern Ireland (1969-2007). | Oil Paintings | 1989-08-34 |
'Boot and Bonnet Check Point, Queen's Bridge, Belfast, Royal Regiment of Wales', 1976. Oil on board by Ralph Lillford, 1976; associated with Northern Ireland (1969-2007). | Oil Paintings | 1989-08-35 |
Captain Robert Coney Whiting, 70th Bengal Native Infantry, Canton, 1859. Oil on canvas by Charles Wirgman, 1859. | Oil Paintings | 1989-09-3 |
The Battle of El Alamein, (23rd October - 4 November), 1942. Oil on canvas by Will Longstaff (1879-1953), 1942. British Infantry advancing, supported by a Sherman tank, past a smoking German Panzerkampfwagen Mk III Ausf.L and an 88 mm German anti-tank gun. | Oil Paintings | 1990-06-4 |
Lieutenant Colonel Thomas Lloyd, Colonel of the Leeds Volunteers, 1801. Oil on canvas by John Russell (1745-1806) 1801, signed and dated. Full-length, in regimental uniform, with his right hand resting on a presentation sword, left hand holding his plumed hat . | Oil Paintings | 1990-06-14 |
Troops of the Royal West African Frontier Force in the Arakan, Burma, 1944 (c). Oil on canvas by Hugh Micklem 199, signed and dated lower right. | Oil Paintings | 1991-07-138 |
Battle of Tel-el-Kebir, 1882. Oil on canvas, signed lower right 'h. Dupray', by Henri Louis Dupray (1841-1909), 1900 (c); The Black Watch at the Battle of Tel-el-Kebir, 13 Sep 1882; one of a series of paintings by Dupray commissioned by Charles Letts and Company, London, to illustrate William Maxwell's 'British Battles', published in 1902. | Oil Paintings | 1991-12-106 |
Colonel E R Jeffreys, 88th (Connaught Rangers), 1858 (c). Photograph overpainted with watercolour and gum arabic, on paper laid down on card. | Photographs | 1973-09-36 |
Lieutenant William Holford Mitchell, 4th Battalion, East Surrey Regiment, 1917 (c). Oil on canvas by Millicent Etheldreda Gray 1917 (c), signed lower right. Long bust length portrait in service dress, full face. Holford Mitchell was drowned at sea in the Transport Ship 'Arcadian' on 15 April 1917; he was aged 19. | Oil Paintings | 1989-04-131 |
Pte Vernon Spencelayh, West Yorkshire Regiment, 1914 (c). Oil on board by Charles Spencelayh (1865-1958)1914 (c). Long bust-length portrait of the artist's son in service dress and peaked cap, looking to right. | Oil Paintings | 1989-04-137 |
Captain Robert Parker (b 1665 (c)), The Royal Regiment of Ireland, 1720 (c). Oil on canvas, circle of Alexis Simon Belle (1674-1734), 1720 (c). Oval bust-length portrait in armour and bag wig; ornate carved and gilt contemporary frame. | Oil Paintings | 1989-05-21 |
'Recce Lines, Hastings Street, Royal Anglian Regiment, Belfast', 1972. Oil on board by Ralph Lillford, 1972; associated with Northern Ireland (1969-2007). | Oil Paintings | 1989-08-25 |
'YOU ARE NOW ENTERING FREE DERRY', Londonderry, 1973. Oil on board by Ralph Lillford, 1973; associated with Northern Ireland (1969-2007). | Oil Paintings | 1989-08-27 |
'Private R D Laidler, Royal Regiment of Wales, Palace Barracks, Holywood, Belfast', 1974. Mixed media on chipboard and paper by Ralph Lillford, 1974; associated with Northern Ireland (1969-2007). | Oil Paintings | 1989-08-31 |
Unidentified officer, 7th (or The Queen's Own) Regiment of Light Dragoons, 1793. Oil on canvas, signed and dated lower left 'Richard Arnold Pinxt 1793', by Richard Arnold (fl 1788-1791), 1793; full-length, holding one rein of his horse; in gilt wood frame. | Oil Paintings | 1958-07-20 |
Lt Gen James Robertson, 1815 (c). Oil on canvas by unknown artist 1815 (c). Half-length portrait of subject to right, wearing Major General's coat. | Oil Paintings | 1958-12-28 |
Captain L R J C Wilkinson, 5th Royal Inniskilling Dragoon Guards, 1934 (c). Oil on canvas by David Paynter 1934, signed and dated lower right. Three-quarter-length portrait, wearing orders and decorations, leaning against a column, a curtain with Chinese characters behind; gilt wood frame. portrait of subject standing by table with flowers in panelled room; gilt wood frame. | Oil Paintings | 1960-08-100 |
Indian Cavalry Camp, Malta, 1878. Oil on canvas, signed and dated lower right 'G Gianni 78', by Girolamo Gianni (1837-1896 (c), 1878; view across the military lines. | Oil Paintings | 1963-06-42 |
Sowars in the Camel Section, 3rd (Queen's Own) [Bombay] Light Cavalry, 1888 (c). Oil on canvas by Lionel Dalhousie Robertson Edwards (1878-1966), 1930 (c). One mounted sowar, another standing beside his seated camel. | Oil Paintings | 1963-10-248 |
Captain John Clayton Cowell (1762-1819), 1st Battalion, 1st (or the Royal) Regiment of Foot, 1796 (c). Oil on canvas attributed to Sir William Beechey (1753-1839), 1796 (c). Full-length, in a red jacket with dark blue facings and gold lace, reaching for his sword, in 'classical' interior with guardsman behind. | Oil Paintings | 1963-11-133 |
A Pathan sowar, 23rd Cavalry (Frontier Force), 1908 (c). Oil on canvas, by Mrs Williamson, 1908 (c); bust-length, in pugri and poshteen, facing front; in gilt wood frame. | Oil Paintings | 1959-02-24 |
Lieutenant Colonel Eustace Edward Melville Lawford (b 1856), 1st Regiment of Madras Lancers, 1900 (c). Oil on canvas, artist unknown, 1900 (c); half-length, wearing french grey jacket with buff facings and silver lace; with oval slip. | Oil Paintings | 1959-03-183 |
Lieutenant General Henry William Paget, 1st Earl of Uxbridge and Marquess of Anglesey (1768-1854), 1815 (c). Oil on canvas, by Peter Edward Stroehling (1768-1826), 1826 (c), a reduced copy by the artist of his large canvas, exhibited at the Royal Academy in 1826; full-length, equestrian portrait in the uniform of a General Officer of Hussars; gilt frame. | Oil Paintings | 1960-03-57 |
Lieutenant General John Manners, Marquess of Granby (1721-1770), 1760 (c). Oil on canvas, inscribed verso 'The Marquis Granby/ by J Jackson. RA', by John Jackson (1778-1831) after Sir Joshua Reynolds (1723-1792), 1760 (c); half-length, to left; gilt wood frame. | Oil Paintings | 1960-03-123 |
Major (later Lieutenant Colonel) David Henry Drake-Brockman (1868-1960), 39th Garhwal Rifles, 1912 (c). Oil on canvas, probably by William Belvois Parker (1858-1935), 1912 (c); bust-length, in uniform, facing forwards. | Oil Paintings | 1960-02-89 |
A Jemadar of Indian Cavalry, 1938 (c). Oil on canvas by Major David S Barrow, inscribed lower centre. Head and shoulders portrait of an unidentified Jemadar of unknown regiment; gilt wood frame. | Oil Paintings | 1960-04-7 |
Lieutenant The Hon Frederick Hugh Sherston Roberts, (1872-1899), Kings Royal Rifle Corps, 1899 (c). Oil on canvas inscribed lower right, 'Julian Story 1901', by Julian Story (1850-1919), 1901. Three-quarter-length portrait to left, shown wearing his Victoria Cross which was awarded posthumously. | Oil Paintings | 1960-05-320 |
A Picket, 20th (Punjab) Regiment of [Bengal] Native Infantry, North-West Frontier, 1868 (c). Oil on canvas by Brevet Major (later Major General) Walter Fane (1828-1885), 11th (Madras) Native Infantry, 1868 (c). Full-length, of an Officer and an NCO, two Pathan sepoys beyond. | Oil Paintings | 1986-04-78 |
A mounted sowar in drab full dress, Guides Cavalry, 1902 (c). Oil on canvas by James Arthur Pownall, 1902. Mounted trooper holding carbine. | Oil Paintings | 1981-06-12 |
Lieutenant (later Colonel) Walter Fane (1828-1885), Fane's Horse (later 19th Regiment [Bengal] (Lancers)), 1860 (c). Oil on canvas by unknown artist, 1860 (c). Half-length portrait, wearing dark blue kurta with red facings and silver lace and lungi, with British pattern belts, gauntlets and holding grey heavy cavalry style helmet with red plume. | Oil Paintings | 1963-07-22 |
Right about turn Nobby. Oil on canvas by William Barns Wollen (1857-1936), 1910 (c); a private of the 10th (or The Prince of Wales's Own) Regiment of (Light) Dragoons on patrol in the Peninsula, 1809 (c); associated with the Peninsular War (1808-1814). | Oil Paintings | 1967-05-56 |
Subadar Major Judbhir Thapa, 2nd (Prince of Wales's Own) Gurkha (Rifle) (The Sirmoor Rifles), 1893. Oil on canvas, signed and dated lower left 'G E Burrard/ Dec 1893', by Gertrude Ellen Burrard (later Lady Gertrude) (1860-1928), 1893; half-length, in uniform and decorations; gilt wooden frame; one of two paintings of the subject by Burrard in the Collection. | Oil Paintings | 1967-09-40 |
Unidentified sergeant, 92nd Highlanders, 1816 (c). Oil on canvas by unknown artist 1816 (c); sergeant of the 92nd Regiment of Foot wearing red jacket with yellow facings, silver lace and red and yellow sash. | Oil Paintings | 1967-10-77 |
Lieutenant A G Merson, 3rd Battalion, Gordon Highlanders, 1898 (c). Oil on canvas by unknown artist 1900 (c). Subject wearing red jacket with yellow facings. | Oil Paintings | 1967-11-31 |
4th Dragoon Guards in Egypt, 1882. Oil on canvas by Lt Col (Retd) Thomas S Seccombe (fl 1865-1885) 1882. The regiment advancing under fire, Egyptian War (1882). | Oil Paintings | 1968-03-57 |
Captain Warner Ottley, 2nd Dragoon Guards, 1880. Oil on canvas by unknown artist 1880. | Oil Paintings | 1968-06-1 |
Major-General John William Ormsby, 1869. Oil on board by unknown artist, 1869. Wood frame. | Oil Paintings | 1968-10-32 |
Colonel F Strange, Royal Horse Artillery, 1869. Oil on canvas by unknown artist, 1869. | Oil Paintings | 1968-10-33 |
A glimpse of the enemy. Oil on canvas by William Barns Wollen (1857-1936), 1910 (c). An officer and a trooper of 16th Light Dragoons (or the Queen's) ride down a hill; the trooper pointing to distance, 1808 (c). | Oil Paintings | 1965-01-2 |
Colonel Frederick William Wodehouse, Bombay Pioneers and Indian Political Service, 1900 (c). Oil on canvas attributed to Henry Van der Weyde, signed lower right, 1900 (c). Bust portrait, facing forwards; civilian dress; gilt wood frame. | Oil Paintings | 1965-03-40 |
Captain F Farquharson of Eastbury Dorset: 7th Hussars, 1836. Oil on canvas by Edmund Thomas Parris (1793-1873)1836, signed lower left. Half-length portrait, facing a quarter to left, with pelisse over shoulder and helmet under right arm. Inscription top left as title. | Oil Paintings | 1964-11-61 |
Piper, 42nd Deoli Regiment, 1914 (c). Oil on canvas by unknown artist 1914 (c). | Oil Paintings | 1966-11-23 |
Jemadar Abdul Hafiz VC, 9th Jat Regiment, 1944. Oil on canvas by Lesley Franklyn 1965, signed lower left. | Oil Paintings | 1966-10-38 |
Colonel Godlieb James van Someren, Madras Infantry, 1889 (c). Oil on canvas by Edward van Someren, 1889 (c). Half-length portrait of subject seated, in mess dress, with waxed moustachios. | Oil Paintings | 1966-08-2 |
The Last Indian Troopship, HMS Malabar, 1881. Oil on canvas, signed and dated lower right 'C Knight 1881', by Charles Parsons Knight (1829-1897), 1881. Troopship under way, seen against an evening sky; gilt wood frame. | Oil Paintings | 1965-05-73 |
King George III and the Prince of Wales Reviewing the 3rd (or The Prince Of Wales's) Regiment of Dragoon Guards and the 10th (Or The Prince Of Wales's Own) Regiment of (Light) Dragoons, 1797 (c). Oil on canvas, attributed to George Beechey (1798-1852), 1830 (c), after his father, Sir William Beechey (1753-1839), 1797-1798 (c). | Oil Paintings | 1971-05-30 |
Cornet Thomas Boothby Parkyns 1755-1800), 15th (or the King's) Regiment of (Light) Dragoons, 1780. Oil on canvas, signed and dated lower left 'J Boultbee, Pinx 1780', by John Boultbee (1753-1812), 1780; full-length, equestrian portrait, to left. | Oil Paintings | 1971-11-35 |
Series of 14 oil paintings depicting various units of the British Army by Henry Joseph 'Harry' Payne (1858-1927), 1905-1911 (c). | Oil Paintings | 1972-05-6 |
Captain James Gorry, 87th Regiment of Foot, or Highland Volunteers, 1760. Oil on canvas by unknown artist, 1760; half-length, in uniform, his right hand on sword hilt. | Oil Paintings | 1962-06-13 |
Colonel Hugh Shaw VC CB (1830-1904) Royal Irish Regiment, 1885 (c). Oil on canvas by unknown artist 'G R H', 1885 (c). | Oil Paintings | 1999-06-146 |
An unidentified officer, 3rd (Prince of Wales's) Dragoon Guards, 1850 (c). Oil on canvas, artist unknown, 1850 (c). Full-length, leaning against a bank beside a tree, holding the reins of his horse; other guardsmen in distance beyond. | Oil Paintings | 1960-12-167 |
Charge of the Heavy Brigade at the Battle of Balaclava, 25 October 1854. Oil on canvas signed and dated lower right 'G D Giles 1897', by Godfrey Douglas Giles (1857-1941), 1897; the first line of the Heavy Brigade crashing into the Russian cavalry, Battle of Balaklava, Crimean War (1854-1856). | Oil Paintings | 1994-05-57 |
Colonel (later Major General) Edmund Smith Brook, Connaught Rangers, in Cairo, 1896. Oil on canvas by R L Kitson 1896, signed and dated lower left. Full-length in service dress, standing and holding the reins of his horse. | Oil Paintings | 1994-07-363 |
Brigadier General John Duncan Wallace, 1875 (c). Oil on canvas by unknown artist, 1875 (c). Bust portrait in the mess dress of the 20th Madras Native Infantry. | Oil Paintings | 1994-07-365 |
Lieutenant-Colonel J D W Pearce Royal Army Medical Corps, 1945. Oil on canvas by Roberto Pane, 1945. Head and shoulders portrait in khaki service dress; Lt Col John Pearce was Adviser in Psychiatry to the Allied Force Headquarters, Central Mediterranean Forces and a member of the Army Psychiatry Advisory Committee. | Oil Paintings | 1994-12-219 |
An attempted suicide by a Japanese Colonel awaiting trial for alleged atrocities among civilians. Oil on board by Major R A Strand, 1st Battalion The Queen's Regiment, 1945, painted in Bangkwang Jail, Bangkok, 1945. Japanese officer lying on a litter, attended by Japanese soldiers and watched over by an Australian guard. | Oil Paintings | 1995-05-26 |
139 Jungle Field Regiment in Burma, 1944 (c). Oil on board by W Harding, signed and dated at lower left. Gunners preparing a 25-pounder gun for action, and handling ammunition, with (inset at top right) the regimental device. | Oil Paintings | 1995-05-98 |
The Soldier's Return, 1861. Oil on board laid down on panel, signed in monogram and dated lower centre 'HON/1861', by Henry Nelson O'Neil (1817-1880), 1861; a Sergeant slumped beside a stile, presumably discharged from Army service due to disability, receiving food from a woman and child. | Oil Paintings | 1995-06-18 |
Lieutenant-Colonel Cynthia de Garis Martin, WRAC, on Boxer, June 1958. Oil on canvas by Anthony King, 1995, signed lower right. Equestrian portrait in an imaginary setting, from a contemporary photograph published in Lioness 1994 No2. Commissioned by the donor in memory of the sitter who died in Poole, Dorset on 21 July 1995. | Oil Paintings | 1995-09-37 |
Brigadier Peter Young DSO, MC, No 3 Commando, 1945. Oil on canvas, signed and dated lower right, by John Worsley, 1945. Seated portrait, half-length in uniform, with picture of 16th Regiment 1740 (c) on the wall behind. | Oil Paintings | 1992-04-100 |
Lieutenant Colonel John Barrow, Paddington Rifles, 1893 (c). Oil on canvas by Stephen Pearce (1819-1904), 1893 (c). Equestrian portrait, in the uniform of the Paddington Rifles. | Oil Paintings | 1992-11-128 |
Holy Island from London North Eastern Railway, 1943. Oil on board by Elizabeth Browning, 1980 (c); as a young Auxiliary Territorial Service Corporal, the artist met the sergeant of the Gordon Highlanders in Edinburgh and they travelled together by train to York on the London and North Eastern Railway; subjects viewing Holy Island from the train corridor; the sergeant was killed the following year, after the D-Day landings; associated with World War Two (1939-1945). | Oil Paintings | 1993-03-222 |
Patient Heroes, a Royal Horse Artillery Gun Team in action, 1882 (c). Oil on canvas, signed in monogram and dated lower right 'EB/ 1882', by Mrs Elizabeth (later Lady) Butler (1846-1933), 1882. | Oil Paintings | 1993-05-232 |
Captain Reginald James Young (1893-1919), Adjutant of the 2nd Battalion, The Duke of Cambridge's Own (Middlesex Regiment), winning the Military Cross during the Battle of the Somme, 1916. Oil on board, signed lower right 'Stanley L Wood' by Stanley Llewellyn Wood (1866-1928), 1916 (c). | Oil Paintings | 1993-07-98 |
Six oil paintings and a poster paint drawing by various artists, portraits of: Dame Florence Simpson DBE, 1914; Dame Helen Gwynne-Vaughan, 1918; Princess Mary, The Princess Royal, Controller Commandant, Women's Royal Army Corps, 1959; HRH The Princess Royal, 1949; Miss Lithiby, QMAAC, 1946 (c); in addition: 'Penang Kelong', 1971 (c) and '1938 1988 Auxiliary Territorial Service 50th Anniversary ATS'. | Oil Paintings | 1993-11-1-110 |
General Jean (or John) Louis (later Field Marshal, 1st Earl) Ligonier (1680-1770), in the uniform of Col of the Royal Regt of Horse Guards, 1754 (c). Three-quarter-length portrait, to left, a baton in his right hand resting on a cannon, tricorne under left arm; gold painted wood frame. | Oil Paintings | 1964-04-2 |
Lieutenant-Colonel Percy Roberts Innes, in staff frock coat and waistcoat, 1890 (c). Oil on canvas by unknown artist, 1890 (c). Half-length portrait, full face, wearing frock coat and waistcoat, right hand resting on chest; inscribed at top right; gilt wood frame. Innes, formerly 1st Bengal European Fusiliers (retired 1870). | Oil Paintings | 1964-07-51 |
An Officer of the 1st Bengal Irregular Cavalry (Skinner's Horse), 1850 (c). Oil on canvas by Henry Martens (fl 1825-1865), 1850 (c). | Oil Paintings | 1964-10-4 |
Lieutenant-Colonel Edward Napier, 6th Dragoon Guards, 1875. Oil on canvas by T C Porter, 1875. Subject wearing stable dress. | Oil Paintings | 1964-10-7 |
Lieutenant Adam Fife Crawford, Royal Artillery, 1800 (c). Oil on canvas attributed to Sir Henry Raeburn, 1800 (c). Subject wearing dark blue jacket with red facings and gold lace. | Oil Paintings | 1974-03-68 |
Lieutenant George Crawford, Royal Artillery, 1800 (c). Oil on canvas by Sir Henry Raeburn, 1800 (c). | Oil Paintings | 1974-03-67 |
Highland Jessie (an incident during the Siege of Lucknow 26 September 1857), [also called 'The Campbells are coming'], 1857. Oil on canvas, attributed to Frederick Goodall (1822-1904), 1858 (c). Said to be a study for the painting in the Mappin Art Gallery, Sheffield. | Oil Paintings | 1975-02-3 |
Home Sweet Home, 1890 (c). Oil on canvas, signed in monogram lower right 'CMH', by Charles Martin Hodges (1858-1916), 1890 (c); a Corporal of 11th (Prince Albert's Own) Hussars at home with his wife. | Oil Paintings | 1975-08-25 |
Lieutenant-Colonel Alfred Hornsby-Drake (1845-1932), in his old uniform,1st Madras Lancers, 1893. Oil on canvas by William E Miller (fl 1873-1903) 1893 (c), exhibited at the Royal Academy, 1893 (No 52). | Oil Paintings | 1975-10-74 |
Sergeant J Craig, Forfar Volunteer Artillery, 1870 (c). Oil on canvas by unknown artist, 1870 (c). Maplewood frame. | Oil Paintings | 1976-08-18 |
A Trooper of the Royal Horse Guards, in stable dress, 1910 (c). Oil on canvas by William Bruce Ellis Ranken (1881-1941), 1910 (c). | Oil Paintings | 1978-06-15 |
Sepoy, Indian Infantry, 1900 (c). Oil on canvas by unknown artist, 1900 (c). Subject wearing a red jacket with white facings and blue turban. | Oil Paintings | 1978-06-17 |
The Indian Military Academy, Dehra Dun, 1979. Oil on board by unknown artist, 1979. | Oil Paintings | 1988-07-53 |
Home Again, 1858. Oil on canvas signed and dated lower right 'H. O'Neil 1860', by Henry Nelson O'Neil (1817-1880), 1860; soldiers disembarking from a troopship at Gravesend, on their return from the Indian Mutiny (1857-1859). | Oil Paintings | 1988-06-49 |
Inside Pidura Church, December 1944. Oil on board by Robert Nunan (1922-1996), 6th Bn Queen's Own Royal West Kent Regiment, 1970 (c); associated with World War Two, Italy (1943-1945). | Oil Paintings | 1988-03-57 |
An Officer of the Northumberland Fusiliers, c1885. Oil on canvas by Walter Charles Horsley (fl 1875-1904), 1885 (c), signed at lower right; full-length portrait in a greatcoat, making notes in a field pocket book; the identity of the sitter for this portrait in the uniform of the Northumberland Fusiliers is not certain but believed to be Maj (later Lt Col) Charles Hackett; exhibited at the Royal Academy 1889. | Oil Paintings | 1988-02-5 |
Grenadier of a volunteer regiment, 1805 (c). Oil on canvas, by Arthur William Devis (1763-1822), 1805 (c); full-length, in full equipment, holding a musket and a shako. | Oil Paintings | 1980-07-25 |
Lieutenant-Colonel Jack Gannon, 12th Sam Browne's Cavalry, 1930 (c). Oil on canvas by Sqn Ldr Bertram Hammersley Bevan-Petman (1896-1980), 1930 (c); 3/4-length portrait in khaki drill jacket with stock, fawn breeches, holding bamboo cane under right arm. | Oil Paintings | 1983-08-3 |
Medal group 1914-1920, awarded to Pte Philip J L Poole, Army Service Corps: British War Medal 1914-20; Allied Victory Medal 1914-19; commemorative medal, France, 1915 (c); RSPCA Medal.Associated with World War One (1914-1918). | Medals | 1998-01-1 |
Brass paper knife in the form of scimitar, bullet for handle; owned and possibly made by Pte Philip Poole, Army Service Corps, 1916 (c); blade engraved with decorative lines, inscribed on one side 'FRANCE', and on the other 'ROUBAIX'. | Crafts | 1998-01-2 |
Embroidered postcard, textile and paper, made in France, sent by Pte Philip J L Poole, Army Service Corps, to his mother, 1917 (c); double window mount, enclosing an insert sheet printed in blue with message. | Crafts | 1998-01-3 |
Embroidered Birthday postcard in silk on organdie, made in Paris, sent by Pte Philip Poole, Army Service Corps, to his sister, 1917 (c). | Crafts | 1998-01-4 |
Embroidered Christmas postcard in silk on organdie, made in Paris, sent by Pte Philip Poole, Army Service Corps, to his mother, 1917 (c). | Crafts | 1998-01-5 |
Silver frame with presentation document in one side and photograph in other of Sgt J H Eastham, 1st Vol Bn Manchester Regiment; Mappin and Webb, hallmarked London 1902-1903; two sections hinged together, front engraved with regimental crest, inscription and the Arms of the City of Wigan. | Silver | 1998-01-9 |
Tobacco pipe, wood; made by Pte J Broughton, Royal Warwickshire Regiment, 1901 (c); inset with silver coin, carved with inscription and face of Paul Kruger (?) with silver mount (electro-plated ?). | Crafts | 1998-01-10 |
Silver brooch with blue, white and red enamel; commemorating the services of the 6th Bn City of London Regiment; inscription and regimental badge, title and battle honour, 1902 (c). | Crafts | 1998-01-11 |
Silver brooch commemorating the services of the Suffolk Yeomanry in the Boer War, 1900. Hallmarked Birmingham; shield and inscription; associated with the Boer War (1899-1902). | Crafts | 1998-01-12 |
A Commando of No 6 Army Commando, 1943. Oil on canvas by Henry Carr (1894-1970), 1943, signed and dated. Half-length portrait in battle dress holding rifle with fixed bayonet. | Oil Paintings | 1984-05-144 |