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Displaying 1901 to 2000 of 48619 results

Description Object Type NAM Accession Number
Under Orders. Christmas card after a painting by R G Gremmel Hutchinson, RSA, 1882 (c), produced by The Army Benevolent Fund for the Scottish United Services Museum, 1998 (c); depicts soldiers of The Black Watch taking leave of their families at a local inn before embarking for Egypt. Prints 1999-03-59
Wrought iron manacles, key, and arm knife and four spears, 1898 (c); owned by Lt Herbert Pearson Creagh Osbourne, Royal Warwickshire Regiment, and were taken by him from the Dervish Army at the Battle of Omdurman, Second Sudan War 1896-1898. Equipment, general 1959-09-138
Wrought iron manacles, key, and arm knife and four spears, 1898 (c); owned by Lt Herbert Pearson Creagh Osbourne, Royal Warwickshire Regiment, and were taken by him from the Dervish Army at the Battle of Omdurman, Second Sudan War 1896-1898. Edged Weapons 1959-09-138
Wrought iron manacles, key, and arm knife and four spears, 1898 (c); owned by Lt Herbert Pearson Creagh Osbourne, Royal Warwickshire Regiment, and were taken by him from the Dervish Army at the Battle of Omdurman, Second Sudan War 1896-1898. Polearms/Other Weapons 1959-09-138
Steel seal, 4th Bn Manchester Regiment, 1908-1914 (c). Equipment, general 1959-07-181
Gras Model 1874/80 11 mm bolt action rifle; stated by donor to have been the property of dissident Sheik Hussein Bin Hashim Al Tousali and given to the Aden Federal Regular Army in May 1963. Firearms 1978-08-57
Wooden print stamp, 1858 (c); carved with Oriental script within a border, the type face is stained red all over; block is backed with an iron plate and affixed with four screws; belonging to the Commanding Officer of the Chinese Left Bn, Tsin Pae Regiment, captured at North Pei Ho Fort, 20 May 1858. Equipment, general 1959-07-157
Painted wax model on a wire aperture; intended to represent a piper, however the figure has been exposed to heat and is virtually shapeless; mounted on a circular stand within a glass dome; associated with the Seaforth Highlanders (Ross-Shire Buffs, the Duke of Albany's). Models 1959-05-35
Positioning tape, 1918; white undyed tape in a herring bone weave; the tape was used in forming up or positioning troops at Salonika on the 22nd Sep 1918, and was kept by Maj R D F Burnett, 42nd Deoli Regiment. Equipment, general 1959-04-199
Regimental cane, 1890 (c); made from polished malacca with a white metal head bearing the Prince of Wales' feathers, Coronet and motto in relief and the name of the regiment, The Leinster Regiment. Equipment, general 1959-03-8
Webley .455 in Mk II breechloading service revolver, 1894 pattern, 1899. Manufactured by Webley and Scott, Birmingham. Issued to the Army Service Corps in 1899, with War Department marks and Birmingham proof marks. Firearms 1991-08-73
Webley .455 in Mk IV breechloading, service revolver, pattern 1899; issued to MFP in March 1902 and to the Royal Field Artillery in 1910. Firearms 1991-08-75
Half pint beer glass bearing the badge of the Navy, Army and Air Force Institutes (NAAFI), 1970 (c); associated with Maj P R Bateman; maker unknown, made in England, 1970 (c); with handle, glass of traditional dimpled design, bearing printed, 'N' design. Ceramics 1999-03-60
Wine glass for use in a NAAFI, 1970 (c); appropriated from the Navy, Army and Air Force Institutes by Major P Bateman. Ceramics 1999-03-61
Empty tin of custard powder sold by Navy, Army and Air Force Institutes (NAAFI), 1969 (c); purchased in Berlin, 1969. Equipment, general 1999-03-62
Mini-master addressing machine, 1950 (c); used by the Territorial Army for addressing mail; in a damaged box with cards and instruction book; made by Master Addresser Limited. Scientific Instruments 1999-03-63
Mini-master addressing machine, 1950 (c); used by the Territorial Army for addressing mail; in a damaged box with cards and instruction book; made by Master Addresser Limited. Equipment, general 1999-03-63
Bondarette addressing duplicator, 1950 (c); used by the Territorial Army for addressing mail; in a box; made by Block and Anderson Limited, England. Equipment, general 1999-03-64
Uniform box, 1930 (c); green painted wood; associated with Sgt S Walton, Sherwood Foresters. Equipment, general 1999-03-65
German rifle pull through, 1916 (c); found by Sgt James Kain on the Western Front as a relic. Equipment, general 1999-03-85
Pair of yellow tinted eyeshields, German, 1916 (c); found by Sgt James Kain, Army Ordnance Corps, on the Western Front as a relic. Equipment, general 1999-03-86
Regimental cane, Queen's Own Corps of Guides, 1876-1901; brown cane with white metal head; the shaft socket bears the cypher of Queen Victoria, motto and the regimental title. Equipment, general 1959-01-23
Wooden writing box, 1798-1804 (c); polished mahogany with brass corner brackets, key hole and plaque which is engraved with the name and regiment of Lieut. Col Robertson, 92nd Regiment of Foot; green baize writing surface and hinged compartments in the lid and the main body of the box; containing two silver capped ink pots and eight keys. Equipment, general 1958-12-26
Two polished malacca canes with white metal heads; the heads are inscribed with the regiment's name, 16th Punjab Regiment. Equipment, general 1958-11-47
Leather waterbottle, 1915; with a wooden lathe turned stopper secured to the bottle neck by a leather thong; a leather suspension strap with a brass buckle passes through a loop at the neck; decorated with a lozenge pattern; used by the Turkish army and acquired at Gallipoli by Lieut. H Gell, 69th Punjabis Regiment, 1915. Equipment, general 1958-08-9
Four steel and wood knives, 1902 (c); the blades of each have a central ridge and hollow ground on the alternate side; the wooden grips are covered in beading, two in navy blue and turquoise, two in pink and turquoise; each knife has a wooden sheath which is also decorated with bead work; items acquired in Somalia by Capt C Godfrey, 26th (Baluchistan) Regiment of Bombay Infantry, 1902 (c). Edged Weapons 1958-07-46
Brass bed plate, 1881-1922; an impressed line runs all round parallel to the edge; two horizontal lines outline the space intended for the owner's name, which is missing; above this in the regiment's name, The Connaught Rangers, surmounted by a harp; possibly made by J R Gaunt and Company; never issued. Equipment, general 1958-05-10
Cardboard and fabric despatch case, Royal Dublin Fusiliers, 1922 (c); with leather hinges, strap and an iron buckle; printed on the front with the cypher and inscription; inside the front cover is a marbled paper lined pocket; made by Gale and Pole Limited. Equipment, general 1958-02-52
Stuffed cat known as Crimean Tom. Tom was rescued from the devastated city of Sevastopol by Deputy Assistant Commissary William Gair, Field Train Department, who brought Tom back to England as a pet. Tom died on 31 Dec 1856 and his skin was stuffed and mounted and eventually presented to the Royal United Service Institution. Equipment, general 1958-02-27
Forage cap, peaked, No 1 dress, and handbag; Maj Annie Ellison, Women's Royal Army Corps, 1953 (c). Uniforms 1994-03-274
Forage cap, peaked, No 1 dress, and handbag; Maj Annie Ellison, Women's Royal Army Corps, 1953 (c). Equipment, uniform 1994-03-274
Four items captured from Ali Dinar, Sultan of Darfur: leather money belt; leather ammunition belt; leather pistol holster; horse hair fly whisk; associated with Brig Gen P J V Kelly, 3rd (King's Own) Hussars, commander of the expedition, World War One, Darfur (1916). Equipment, general 1957-12-62
Seven items of clothing captured from Ali Dinar, Sultan of Darfur: embroidered coat; silk shirt; three burnous cords; a pair of knee boots; associated with Brig Gen P J V Kelly, 3rd (King's Own) Hussars, commander of the expedition, World War One, Darfur (1916). Uniforms 1957-12-62
Travelling daftor or office, 1878 (c); mahogany with brass fittings; the wings opens to reveal a series of draws, and are locked when closed; owned by Surgeon Major Patrick Francis Bellew, Indian Medical Department; Bellew is recorded as having used this during Major General Sir Francis Roberts' march to Kandahar, 1880. Furniture 1957-12-58
Glazed fire screen, 4th Royal Irish Dragoon Guards, 1910 (c); made of dark stained oak with a glazed inner edge; the front is in navy blue baize with traces of the glue outlining the shape of five applied devices relating to the regiment. Equipment, general 1957-10-67
Identity disc belonging to Lt Col H A Dunlop, 44th Merrara Infantry, World War One. Equipment, general 1957-10-24
Telescope case associated with the 11th Hussars, 1854 (c). Equipment, general 1957-08-9
Black binocular case, with compass; associated with Col C W Fletcher, Bengal Cavalry. Scientific Instruments 1957-06-20
Two wooden polo sticks, 1911-1915; one was owned by Lt Col Robert Montagu Poore, 7th (Queen's Own) Hussars. Equipment, general 1957-04-70
Pattern 1885 Cavalry Trooper's sword; standard pattern blade, engraved with initials BO and WD acceptance and inspection marks; steel guard pierced with a Maltese Cross, stamped inside the guard with Regimental monograms including that of the 7th Dragoon Guards and possibly Dorsetshire Yeomanry; steel scabbard and white leather sword knot. Edged Weapons 1969-08-45
129 lantern slides of the 78th Division in Tunisia, Sicily and Italy, 1942-1945. British official war photographs relating to the division were given to the 78th Division Battleaxe Club, who then developed slides of them; associated with World War Two (1939-1945). Photographs 1999-03-88
Indian Army Cavalry Trooper's sword, similar to pattern 1908; stamped with maker Wilkinson, London; nickel plated steel guard bearing Indian coat of arms; checkered wood grip; pommel similar to that of 1905 Cavalry Trooper's sword. Edged Weapons 1969-08-16
Cavalry officer's sword, pattern 1896; blade engraved with decoration on inside and outside including motto Pro Rege Pro Lege Pro Patria Conamur, 18 and Hussars and the makers Henry Wilkinson Pall Mall, with cypher of Edward VII; honeysuckle guard with knurled backpiece; leather scabbard with broken frog strap. Edged Weapons 1969-07-9
Nickel plated scabbard. Edged Weapons 1969-07-10
Pattern 1896 Cavalry Officer's sword, 1st (or Royal) Dragoons; straight blade with fullered speared point, engraving on inside includes Royal Dragoons motto and Patent Solid Hilt, Henry Wilkinson, London, engraved on outside with By Warrant; steel honeysuckle guard; Williams patent grip; gold knot with blue chord and acorn; steel scabbard; brown leather sword bag with initials 'MK'. Edged Weapons 1968-07-506
Pattern 1896 Cavalry Officer's sword, 1st (or Royal) Dragoons; straight blade with fullered speared point, engraving on inside includes Royal Dragoons motto and Patent Solid Hilt, Henry Wilkinson, London, engraved on outside with By Warrant; steel honeysuckle guard; Williams patent grip; gold knot with blue chord and acorn; steel scabbard; brown leather sword bag with initials 'MK'. Equipment, general 1968-07-506
Light dragoon officer's sword, pattern 1793; sabre blade with fuller, engraved with decoration on the inside including motto, bust of George III and maker's name Thos Gill, Birmingham, and on outside with decoration and warranty; steel stirrup guard with decoration; checkered ebony chipped grip; steel capped pommel with decoration; steel scabbard with inscribed cartouche and two suspension rings; an identical sword and scabbard is illustrated by Mather Brown in his portrait of Sir John Eamer dressed as a private of the London and Westminster Light Horse Volunteers 1779 (c). Edged Weapons 1968-04-9
General officer's sword; Royal Horse Artillery; spear-point blade, engraved with decoration inside including maker's name Henry Wilkinson, London, and outside with motto and back with memoriam and No 19127; three bar steel guard; fishskin grip bound with wire; steel capped pommel; brown leather scabbard similar to Indian Army pattern, with steel mouthpiece, leather covered metal chape and leather frog. Edged Weapons 1968-01-11
Basket-hilted sword, 1897-1899 (c); rusted blade with two fullers; regimental type nickel plated guard; moulded fish skin grip; basket with red fabric lining and tassel; nickel plated, rusting scabbard. Edged Weapons 1967-11-32
Cavalry officer's sword, pattern 1896; Indian Army; spear point blade, engraved with acanthus pattern and maker's name G Thurkle, London WC; nickel plated 'honeysuckle' guard with checkered backpiece and wire binding; fishskin grip; brown leather scabbard with decorated steel mouthpiece and leather binding for chape; brown leather sword bag. Edged Weapons 1967-10-60
Cavalry officer's sword, pattern 1896; Indian Army; spear point blade, engraved with acanthus pattern and maker's name G Thurkle, London WC; nickel plated 'honeysuckle' guard with checkered backpiece and wire binding; fishskin grip; brown leather scabbard with decorated steel mouthpiece and leather binding for chape; brown leather sword bag. Equipment, general 1967-10-60
Letter to Captain William Lee, 16th Light Dragoons, from his mother; written to him whilst serving with the Duke of York's Army in Flanders; dated Hartwell, 17 Jun 1793; postage of 4d paid to London; associated with Wars of the French Revolution, Netherlands (1793-1795). Archives 1999-03-89
Letter from Cpl James McLeod, 93rd Highlanders, at Montrose, to William Wilson and Son, Bannockburn; he asks for six yards of Tartan material to be sent to him; dated 31 Aug 1838; sent at the soldier's one penny rate and marked to the effect that the postage was prepaid. Archives 1999-03-90
A British Officer of the 1st Punjab Regiment, with a view beyond of the mountains of the North West Frontier, India, 1922 (c). Oil on canvas by Lance Cattermole, 1974; the officer is in full dress uniform with mountains in the background; the Officers of the Indian Army Association commissioned and presented the painting to FM Sir Claude Auchinleck on his ninetieth birthday, 1974; it was lent to the United Service Club and later found at the retailers Wallis and Wallis; later purchased by the 1st Punjab Association and given to Lt Col Holmes in recognition of his service as Association Secretary. Oil Paintings 1999-03-93
Cavalry officer's sword, pattern 1896; 'spear point' blade, engraved with decoration including maker's name, Henry Wilkinson, London and the number 35177; steel 'honeysuckle' guard with part checkered backplate; steel scabbard. Edged Weapons 1967-06-40
Rifle regiment officer's sword, pattern 1834; blade with dumb bell section, engraved with decoration including the initials W E Brinkley; normal guard with checkered backpiece; steel scabbard. Edged Weapons 1967-06-40
The British Army Post Cards The Royal Fusiliers (City of London Regiment), 1914-1918. Set of six photolithograph postcards after Ernest Ibbetson, published by Gale and Porter Limited: Officers on Review Order; The Drums; Marching Through the City of London; In the Trenches; Inspection of Guard; Battle Honours, History and Tradition; in original printed envelope. Prints 1999-03-94
Infantry officer's dress sword, pattern 1895; straight, single edged blade, engraved with decoration including maker's name Henry Wilkinson, London and serial number; nickel plated guard with checkered backpiece, stamped with V R cypher; fishskin grip; white knot; nickel plated scabbard; leather sword bag. Edged Weapons 1967-06-1
Infantry officer's dress sword, pattern 1895; straight, single edged blade, engraved with decoration including maker's name Henry Wilkinson, London and serial number; nickel plated guard with checkered backpiece, stamped with V R cypher; fishskin grip; white knot; nickel plated scabbard; leather sword bag. Equipment, general 1967-06-1
Indian Army cavalry sword, pattern 1856; spear point blade with engraved decoration including VR cypher, the initials JR, serial number and maker's name Henry Wilkinson, London; patent solid hilt with part checkered backpiece; checkered pommel; black leather covered wooden scabbard with steel mouthpiece, frog button and chape. Edged Weapons 1967-02-6
Diary and typed transcript of Lt John Gulliver Howard MC, 17th Bn Middlesex Regiment, later Royal Engineers, 20 Aug 1916 to 17 Sep 1918; 17th Bn Christmas menu, 1916, and laser copied photo of Howard, covering his training and service on the Western Front. Archives 1999-03-95
Diary and typed transcript of Lt John Gulliver Howard MC, 17th Bn Middlesex Regiment, later Royal Engineers, 20 Aug 1916 to 17 Sep 1918; 17th Bn Christmas menu, 1916, and laser copied photo of Howard, covering his training and service on the Western Front. Photographs 1999-03-95
Other ranks kilt, 1990 (c), Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders; clothing contractor: Thomas Gordon and Sons Limited. Uniforms 1999-03-118
Mess jacket, female officer's (Lieutenant), 1991 (c), Royal Army Educational Corps. Uniforms 1999-03-119
Bandsman's and trumpeter's full dress tunic worn by Musician K Dry (24719082) and Lance Corporal Maher, 1995 (c), Life Guards. Uniforms 1999-03-120
Bugle Major's full dress tunic, NCO, 1997 (c), Band of the Light Division; tailor: Welsh and Jefferies Limited, Savile Row, London W1, 1938 (c); probably made for an officer between the wars. Uniforms 1999-03-121
Other ranks No 2 dress tunic for the eighties, frock serge B, 1979 (c), Royal Army Ordnance Corps. Uniforms 1999-03-124
Other rank's full dress tunic, other ranks cloak and a musicians full dress tunic, 1990 (c), The Blues and Royals (Royal Horse Guards and 1st Dragoons). Uniforms 1999-03-126
Piper's doublet and kilt, 1990 (c), Irish Guards. Uniforms 1999-03-127
Cavalry officer's sword, similar to pattern 1896-1912; 6th Inniskilling Dragoons; straight spear point blade with flat back and fuller, engraved with decoration including regimental name and maker's name, Henry Wilkinson, London; sheet metal half bowl type guard with 'honeysuckle' pattern; knurled horn grip, bound with wire; knurled pommel; steel scabbard with two loose side rings; brown leather bag with buckle with plate engraved with owner's name and regiment; gold knot with red worm. Edged Weapons 1966-09-16
Cavalry officer's sword, similar to pattern 1896-1912; 6th Inniskilling Dragoons; straight spear point blade with flat back and fuller, engraved with decoration including regimental name and maker's name, Henry Wilkinson, London; sheet metal half bowl type guard with 'honeysuckle' pattern; knurled horn grip, bound with wire; knurled pommel; steel scabbard with two loose side rings; brown leather bag with buckle with plate engraved with owner's name and regiment; gold knot with red worm. Equipment, general 1966-09-16
Infantry officer's sword, pattern 1895; Queen's Royal West Surrey Regiment; spear point, straight blade with flat back and fuller, engraved with decoration including coat of arms and maker's name Hill Brother's, London; steel bowl hilt bearing Victoria cypher; black fishskin grip bound with silver wire; plain pommel with spherical tang button; knurled back; knot of gold strap with crimson worm and gold acorn; steel scabbard with two loose side rings; brown leather bag. Edged Weapons 1966-05-4
Infantry officer's sword, pattern 1895; Queen's Royal West Surrey Regiment; spear point, straight blade with flat back and fuller, engraved with decoration including coat of arms and maker's name Hill Brother's, London; steel bowl hilt bearing Victoria cypher; black fishskin grip bound with silver wire; plain pommel with spherical tang button; knurled back; knot of gold strap with crimson worm and gold acorn; steel scabbard with two loose side rings; brown leather bag. Equipment, general 1966-05-4
A Wartime Engagement. Collection of transcribed letters from Captain Charles Neville Overton, MC, 7th Bn The King's Own Royal Lancaster Regiment, to his fiancée Muriel Harpin, Volume One: 20 Sep 1916 to 5 Feb 1918, Volume Two: 1 Feb 1918 to 29 Jun 1918. Archives 1999-03-128
Collection of papers relating to the military service of Forewoman Cook Jane Caple OBE, Queen Mary's Army Auxiliary Corps: Joining instructions, 1917; certificate of employment; discharge certificate, York, 1919; letter of farewell from the Controller in Chief; discharge certificate, 1920; character certificate, 1920; letter, 1920; notification of the award of the OBE, 1920; request for a photograph; acknowledgement of the receipt of the photograph; notes from the Adjutant, Depot of the Welch Regiment, 1920; private letters, 1920; invitation card; Old Comrades' club programme. Archives 1999-03-129
Light Cavalry Trooper's (?) sword, 1775-1795 (c); straight, pitted blade with central fuller, stamped inside with Gill and outside with crown over 9; steel guard and knucklebow with curved side bars; globular pommel with riveted tang; wooden, fishskin covered grip with wire indentation. Edged Weapons 1965-10-204-35
Cavalry officer's sword, 1912 (c); 13th Duke of Connaught's Own Lancers; blade engraved with G R and royal arms; leather scabbard. Edged Weapons 1965-06-5
Indian Army light cavalry officer's sword, pattern 1822; 36th Jacobs Horse regiment; spear point blade, with decorated engraving including serial number, crown over G R, regimental name and maker's name Henry Wilkinson, London; plated three bar guard; checkered back piece and pommel; black fishskin grip bound with wire; two chrome plated scabbards with leather and chrome fittings and two top rings. Edged Weapons 1965-05-53
Two booklets: regimental history of the 191st (Hertfordshire and Essex Yeomanry) Field Regiment, Royal Artillery, Dec 1942 to Dec 1944; Army Officers' Mess Rules and Customs, 1st Bn The Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire Regiment Territorial Army. Archives 1999-03-131
Four photographs: Hertfordshire Yeomanry Cavalry trooper, 1890 (c); group photograph of D Company, 7th Service battalion, Bedfordshire Regiment, 1916 (c); 6 pdr anti-tank gun of the Hertfordshire Territorial Army, 1950 (c); General Denning and Brigadier Longmore inspecting the 1st Hertfordshire Regiment, 1950 (c). Photographs 1999-03-132
Irish cavalry officer's sword, 1750 (c); double edged blade with diamond cross section, with decorated engraving; brass eschallop hilt; lion headed pommel and quillon; leather covered grip with brass studs; missing knuckle bow. Edged Weapons 1965-05-37
An Explorer's War. Draft article written by Mr Robin Ashcroft; deals with the use of adventurers in Special Forces during World War Two; includes correspondence of the author with Gen Jim Gavin and Col Andrew Croft. Archives 1999-03-133
Collection of papers associated with L/Bdr George Reginald Stephens; includes personal and official letters, records and certificates relating to his service during World War Two, his enlistment and transfer to the reserve forces; also includes some papers relating to Fred Streeter and Lt D J L Curties. Archives 1999-03-134
Infantry officer's sword, pattern 1822; blade engraved with decoration including Queen Victoria cypher and maker's name Jones, London; gilt copper 'gothic' guard with cartouche engraved with decoration including Victoria cypher; stepped pommel; disc shaped tang button; grey fishskin covered grip bound with copper wire; gold strap knot with crimson worm and gold acorn; gilt plated scabbard with two loose side rings. Edged Weapons 1965-01-184-4
Pattern 1827 Russian Pioneer Sword and scabbard, 1827 (c). The weapon was brought home by Capt (later Lt Col) Nathaniel Steevens, 88th Regiment of Foot (Connaught Rangers), who was appointed a town major after the fall of Sevastopol; associated with the Crimean War (1854-1856). Edged Weapons 1965-01-184-1
Journal of a Voyage to Madras. Photocopy of the journal written by Lt Richard Rose, 96th Regiment of Foot, 1761. Archives 1999-03-136
Two pamphlets: Order of service for the parish church at Wrexham for the unveiling of the monument to those of the Royal Welch Fusiliers who died in South Africa and China, by the Prince of Wales, 8 May 1903; Yeomanry's Epitaph, typescript, humorous work on the conversion of the Devonshire Yeomanry from horses to bicycles, Jul 1916. Archives 1999-03-137
Discharge and character certificate of Pte Frederick Owen Hodgins, Royal Munster Fusiliers; Hodgins enlisted 2 Feb 1915, served on the Western Front and was discharged on account of his wounds, 14 Oct 1916. Archives 1999-03-140
Memoir of Bandmaster Stebbing: 'Incidents in the life of Edwin Robert Stebbing written on the 29th June 1929, his 70th Regimental (or Army) birthday'; Stebbing was a musician with the 11th Foot Regiment, 1859-1880, bandmaster of the 1st Bn 6th Foot Regiment, and conductor of the 2nd Volunteer Bn, The Royal Warwickshire Regiment. Archives 1999-03-141
Cavalry officer's sword, 1834-1896 (c); associated with Gen R J C Marter; slightly curved blade similar to 1847 'Wilkinson' pattern, with flat spine and broad fuller, engraved with proof mark and maker's name, H Hill, London; steel plate 'honeysuckle' guard; fishskin grip bound with wire; stepped pommel; steel scabbard. Edged Weapons 1964-08-77
Photocopied Boer War diary of Gunner J Lindsay, 64th Battery Royal Field Artillery, South Africa, Oct 1899- Feb 1901. Archives 1999-03-142
Memoir of service with the 5th Bn Rajputana Rifles in Assam, Burma and Java, 1942-1946, by Lt Col C A S Melville; with notes on his military career, 1925-1946. Archives 1999-03-144
Indian Medical Service sword, pattern 1850; straight blade engraved with royal coat of arms and owners initials; 'gothic' hilt with broad bars; bronze stepped pommel with VR inscribed in escutcheon; fishskin grip bound with brass wire; regimental sword knot; one leather scabbard with steel mouthpiece and chape; two plated steel scabbards. Edged Weapons 1964-08-74
Five photographs: British officers of 123rd Outram's Rifles, Ahmednagar, India, 1909; 3 officers in mufti with their horses and Indian bearers; British officer and VCOs of 123rd Rifles, 1923-1915 (c); half-length studio portrait of Captain McKenzie, 1912-1915 (c); McKenzie's visiting card. Photographs 1999-03-148
Cavalry officer's sword, pattern 1912; 3rd (Kings Own) Hussars; blade engraved with owner's name, C L Huggins: leather sword knot; brown leather covered scabbard with frog; brown leather sword bag; chromium plated dress scabbard; chamois leather sword bag. Edged Weapons 1964-08-70
Cavalry officer's sword, pattern 1912; 3rd (Kings Own) Hussars; blade engraved with owner's name, C L Huggins: leather sword knot; brown leather covered scabbard with frog; brown leather sword bag; chromium plated dress scabbard; chamois leather sword bag. Equipment, general 1964-08-70
Indian Army Cavalry Officers sword, pattern 1912; 5th Indian Cavalry Division, 13th Cavalry Brigade; blade with flat spine and deep fuller, engraved with royal cypher, crest and serial number; sheet steel guard; fishskin grip bound with wire; leather covered wooden scabbard with steel chape and mouthpiece; plated steel scabbard for full dress; canvas sword bag. Edged Weapons 1964-08-22
Indian Army Cavalry Officers sword, pattern 1912; 5th Indian Cavalry Division, 13th Cavalry Brigade; blade with flat spine and deep fuller, engraved with royal cypher, crest and serial number; sheet steel guard; fishskin grip bound with wire; leather covered wooden scabbard with steel chape and mouthpiece; plated steel scabbard for full dress; canvas sword bag. Equipment, general 1964-08-22
Photocopies of sheet music, band parts of the Middlesex Regiment March Past, 1950. Archives 1999-04-2
Copy of a poem written by Pte Rowland Granstone, 2nd Bn Middlesex Regiment, about the Battle of Neuve Chapelle, 10 Mar 1915. Archives 1999-04-3