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Displaying 2001 to 2100 of 3277 results

Description Object Type NAM Accession Number
Copy photograph of Sgt Maj Matthew Rosamond VC, 37th Regiment of Bengal Native Infantry, 1860 (c). Photographs 1963-09-110
Two manuscript reports by the Officer coming off the main guard for the 27th Regiment Native Infantry, nd, and 31st Native Infantry, 14 Sep 1858; manuscript music and lyrics for ten songs interspersed amongst other orders and regulations relating to the Bombay Army including clothing regulations, 1860-1863. Archives 1956-07-88
Seventy two photographs of the Secunderabad Camp of Exercise, 1890. Photographs 1963-11-59
Journals of Capt George Isaac Call, 27th (later 24th) Light Dragoons, 1803-1812; associated with the 2nd Maratha War (1803-1805) and with the Peninsular War (1808-1814). Archives 1968-07-150
Cloth bound manuscript notebook containing extracts from old newspapers giving information about military affairs between 1680 and 1720; includes movements of troops in this country, descriptions of uniforms and so on; compiled by Capt Francis Buckley, 7th Northumberland Fusiliers, 1935. Archives 1968-07-162
Photograph of a group of officers, 17th/21st Lancers, 1930 (c). Photographs 1963-12-226
Leather bound manuscript Order Book covering the period, 6 May to 24 Jul 1745; compiled by an officer of the 8th (Ligonier's) Horse, later the 7th Dragoon Guards; associated with the Battle of Fontenoy, War of the Austrian Succession (1740-1748) 1745. Archives 1968-07-222
Photograph of Lt J H Kennedy, 97th (Earl of Ulster's) Regiment of Foot, 1880 (c). Photographs 1964-06-57
Contents of a 'County File' folder, marked in manuscript 'Ancre Nov 13th', with index, comprising operational records compiled during operations in November 1916; from a collection of operational papers relating to the career in the Tank Corps of Major Allen Holford-Walker, 1916-1935 (c); associated with World War One, Western Front (1914-1918). Archives 2006-09-5-3
Nine photographs associated with India, 1861-1885 Photographs 1964-08-325
Historical Records, 97th Regiment of Foot, 1824-1900; from the Records of the Queen's Own Royal West Kent Regiment; photocopy of the manuscript records in the possession of the Regiment. Archives 1968-07-308
Historical Records, 97th Regiment of Foot, 1824-1900; from the Records of the Queen's Own Royal West Kent Regiment; photocopy of the manuscript records in the possession of the Regiment. Archives 1968-07-309
Historical Records, 97th Regiment of Foot, 1824-1904; from the Records of the Queen's Own Royal West Kent Regiment; photocopy of the manuscript records in the possession of the Regiment. Archives 1968-07-310
Regimental Orders, 97th Regiment of Foot, 1808-1896; from the Records of the Queen's Own Royal West Kent Regiment; photocopy of the manuscript records in the possession of the Regiment. Archives 1968-07-311
Regimental Orders, 97th Regiment of Foot, 1824-1853; from the Records of the Queen's Own Royal West Kent Regiment; photocopy of the manuscript records in the possession of the Regiment. Archives 1968-07-312
Six cabinet and carte de visite photographs associated with 11th Bengal Lancers, Royal Munster Fusiliers and 47th (Lancashire) Regiment of Foot, 1886 (c)-1907. Photographs 1964-08-341
Three photographs relating to Maj R C O Creagh, 47th Sikhs, 1864-1904. Photographs 1964-11-73
Collection of 18 commissions and one letter relating to Lt Gen Charles William Morley Balders, William Morley Balders and Paymaster Charles Morley Balders and 2/Lt Arthur William Balders, 1836-1905. Archives 1957-02-22
Compact disc copies of the programme and associated, unedited interviews conducted by Sir Mark Tully in Britain and India for the BBC Radio 4 series, 'Stand at East', describing the Indian Army chiefly in the 1930s, during World War Two and up to 1947; associated with World War Two, Far East and India (1939-1945) and India (1945-1948). Sound Recordings 2007-06-9
Letter from Col W Johnson, 29 May 1922; to Mrs Hickley regarding the dispatch of sword belonging to her son (Sword of Honour); associated with World War One (1914-1918). Archives 1957-02-67
Ten photographs relating to Capt C B Judge, 2nd Gurkha Rifles and Capt E D Bellew, 7th Bn British Columbia Infantry, 1885 (c)-1915 (c); associated with portraits, groups, mace, machine gun section, subedar major. Photographs 1965-02-201
Photograph, mounted, of a portrait of Maj Montagu John Battye in the uniform of HM Bodyguard of Gentlemen at Arms, 27th (1st Baluch Bn) Bombay Light Infantry, 1880 (c). Photographs 1965-03-94
Three manuscript notebooks, transcriptions of tailor's books listing amounts of materials and lace required for various uniforms, 1815 (c). Archives 1968-07-350
A collection of 29 miscellaneous papers of Gen Sir Galbraith Lowry Cole in Sicily, Portugal, Spain and France, 1806-1816; associated with the Peninsular War (1808-1814); associated with the Napoleonic Wars, Waterloo (1815). Archives 1968-07-397
Six photographs relating to London Scottish, 1861-1911. Photographs 1965-09-141
Printed booklet: Inscriptions gravees sur les Monuments eriges a Waterloo et sur le Champ de Bataille en memoirs du 18 Juin 1815, mostly relating to British Regiments or officers, 1815 (c); associated with the Battle of Waterloo, Napoleonic Wars, Waterloo (1815). Archives 1968-07-408
Typed copy of the autobiography of Maj Gen J R Pughe, Bengal Staff Corps and the 47th Regiment of Bengal Naitve Infantry, 1822-1906; edited by Lt Gen Sir Alfred Bingley. Archives 1968-07-418
Six commissions to George Tito Brice 1803-1871 and four commissions to George Hooton Hyde 1817-1843. Archives 1968-07-434
Typed transcript of a letter, Port Natal, 7 Aug 1842; from Maj G S Durnford to Maj Pawkes, 27th Regiment of Foot regarding operations in Natal. Archives 1968-07-458
Typed extracts regarding the service of two Troops of the 17th Light Dragoons on board HMS Success in the West Indies, 1795; associated with the Wars of the French Revolution, West Indies (1793-1797). Archives 1968-07-460
Ninety-two folders of uniform notes arranged regimentally, compiled by the Uniform Committee, Royal United Services Institution under the editorship of Capt D C Anderson, nd. Archives 1968-07-495
Engraved map: The Fort and Cantonment of Delhi, taken from Lt Burgess' Survey of 1849-1850; the map has been sent through the post to Ralph Thompson, The War Office, with postmark September 1857; associated with the Siege of Delhi, Indian Mutiny (1857-1859) 1857. Maps 1965-02-153
Fifty-five signatures of officers of the 9th, 43rd and 47th Regiments of Foot, 1846-1847. Archives 1957-08-3
Uniform and equipment items, 7th (Queen's Own) Hussars, Army Staff, Duke of Edinburgh's (Wiltshire Regiment) 3rd Militia Bn, worn by Brig Gen Robert Montagu Poore CIE DSO, 1886-1921; tunic, mess jacket, stable jacket, pillbox, two busbys, two sabretache, sabretache slings, sword slings, waistbelt, three sword belts, three pouch belts, pouch, forage cap, girdle. Uniforms 1957-03-7
Uniform and equipment items, 7th (Queen's Own) Hussars, Army Staff, Duke of Edinburgh's (Wiltshire Regiment) 3rd Militia Bn, worn by Brig Gen Robert Montagu Poore CIE DSO, 1886-1921; tunic, mess jacket, stable jacket, pillbox, two busbys, two sabretache, sabretache slings, sword slings, waistbelt, three sword belts, three pouch belts, pouch, forage cap, girdle. Equipment, uniform 1957-03-7
Commission as Ensign 57th Foot, Sir William Inglis, 11 Oct 1779, signed Sir Henry Clinton. From papers relating to Lt Gen Sir William Inglis KCB (1764-1835). From a collection of papers relating to the Inglis family, 1763-1890. Archives 1965-04-52-1
Three manuscript letters of the period 1796-1798; two are addressed to Ens Garnet Wolseley, 37th Foot, by his mother 1796-1797; one is from William Wolseley to Lady Molyneux 1798 mentioning the Irish Rebellion of that year. Archives 1965-06-34
Papers collated for autographs or links to military history, covering the years 1701 to 1938, comprised of originals and transcriptions of letters, proclamations, reports, notes, commissions, warrants and printed papers covering the Boer War, the Goa Expeditionary Force, India, the Crimean War, Hong Kong, the Low Countries, Ireland, East Africa and Senegal, and the First World War, including references to military movements and reviews, the raising of regiments, financial and personal matters, court martial and discipline, appointments, pensions and pensioners, communications and publications on military history. (90 items) Archives 1966-02-80-1
Returns of the 1st Bn 4th Bombay Native Infantry, 1801-1803, correspondence relevant to the issuing of leather covered metal bayonet scabbards in the armies of the East India Compay, 1856, and a circular letter from Headquarters Poona warning of the mutiny of the 27th Regiment of Bombay Native Infantry at Kalapore, August 1857; associated with the Indian Mutiny (1857-1859). Archives 2007-07-33
History of the 5th Bn 7th Rajputs written by Lt Col R J E Cadogan-Rawlinson, officer of the Rajputs, 1943; illustrated by Lt W D Poltock; published within the Monthly Magazine of the Officers Prisoner of War Camp, Hong Kong, 1943; this is the only copy. Archives 1958-01-20
Ten photographs taken by Randolph and William Holmes on the North West Frontier, 1920s (c); photographs were collected by RSM D K Harding, 17th/21st Lancers, who was responsible for the safety of the photographers as they moved around the country; associated with India, North West Frontier (1920-1937). Photographs 2007-07-39
Commission from Commander-in-Chief, East Indies, to Ens Thomas Henry Staton, 26 Jun 1856. Archives 1958-03-2
Two photographs of groups of officers, various regiments, 1860 (c)-1889. Photographs 1966-02-115
Miscellaneous documents mostly relating to the service of John Edward Hughes and India, 1827-1911. Archives 1966-10-42
Twenty two photographs collected by Lt Col Anson Hugh McCleverty, 1905 (c)-1914; associated with Emir of Afghanistan, views of Khyber Pass, Peshawar, Loralai, Quetta, officers, British and Indian in full dress, troops in camp, marching, drilling, resting. Photographs 1966-02-133
Commission of Peter Malet, Princess of Wales's Regiment of Dragoons, 10 May 1718; original appointment of Cornet has been altered to Captain. Archives 1966-11-22
Shako, officers', with ball tuft, 37th Regiment of Foot, 1860 (c). Uniforms 1959-10-292
Documents relating to the campaign in Burma, 1944-1945; associated with World War Two, Far East (1941-1945). Archives 1963-08-12
Commissions of Col Samuel Black, 37th Bengal Native Infantry, 1844-1875. Archives 1958-05-37
5 letters (11pp) written by Capt Samuel Black, late 6th Inniskilling Dragoons, to his son, Ens Samuel Black (1828-1893), 37th Bengal Native Infantry, Nusserabad, Bengal, (June 1846 - June 1848) comprised of ts transcriptions and ms original letters, covering family news, discussion of the purchase of commissions for his brothers, financial hardship, and news from India and Europe. Archives 1958-05-38
An Old Ballad, The Inniskilling Dragoon with manuscript note 3 Nov 1914 together with Old Kettledrum song, words by Francis Barron and music by J P McCall, nd. Archives 1963-09-632
Copy of a letter from Capt Elton of 1st Dragoon Guards to Lt Gen Sir Henry Fane, 15 Jul 1815; gives an account of the Battle of Waterloo including a list of the casualties of the British Cavalry on the 17-18 Jun 1815; also included are copy letters from Maj C S Radcliffe to Lt Gen Sir Henry Fane 4 Jul 1815; associated with the Battle of Waterloo, Napoleonic Wars, Waterloo (1815). Archives 1963-10-36
Typescript transcript citations of awards of the Victoria Cross to Rfm Agansing Rai, Rfm Ganju Lama and Jemadar Netrabahadur Thapa, 1939-1945. Archives 1963-10-37
Forty eight uniform, equipment and badge items, Local Defence Volunteers, 7th Hariana Lancers, Territorial Army Association Berkshire (Home Guard), worn by Maj M H Simonds, 1913 (c)-1940 (c). Uniforms 1963-05-31
Notebook alphabetical squad roll of 2nd or Capt G C Morgan's Troop of the Seventeenth Lancers, 1850 (c). Archives 1963-11-150
Eight uniform and equipment items, 17th (Leicestershire) Regiment of Foot, Army Service Corps, Poona Horse, 1st Bombay Lancers, worn by Lt Col H Hay, 1869 (c)-1918. Uniforms 1963-07-71
Manuscript letter from Gen J Burgoyne to the Officer Commanding the 47th Regiment requesting a discharge for Pte John Townzend, 47 Grenadier Coy, 26 Aug 1785 together with maps to Part I of the Russo-Japanese War (1904-1905). Archives 1963-12-260
Fifty six cloth samples, various regiments, 1890 (c)-1920 (c). Uniforms 1963-09-45
One hundred and two fringe, lace and round cord samples, drummers', Universal pattern, 1860, sealed pattern, 1860. Uniforms 1963-12-167
Five badge and equipment items, 77th East Middlesex Regiment, 1830 (c)-1874 (c). Badges 1965-05-57
Five badge and equipment items, 77th East Middlesex Regiment, 1830 (c)-1874 (c). Equipment, uniform 1965-05-57
Ninety cloth and uniform samples, various regiments, 1880-1957, sealed pattern, 1880-1957. Uniforms 1968-03-64
Photostat copy of Discharge Certificate of Henry Joy, from the 17th Lancers, 21 Apr 1860. Archives 1964-04-91
Portraits of the Cabul Prisoners. 30 tinted lithographs by Lowes Dickinson 24 of them after Lt (later Gen) Vincent Eyre, Bengal Artillery, published by John Murray, 1843 (c); associated with 1st Afghan War (1838-1842). Prints 1963-03-80
Grant of £100 annual pension to Col William C Forrest, 7th Dragoon Guards, for distinguished service, 1871. Archives 1959-03-55
Papers relating to Capt J H Kennedy, Royal West Kent Regiment, 1879-1925. Archives 1964-06-58
Notes of speech by Sir Bindon Blood when presenting colours to the 47th Sikhs, May 1904 together with Order of Dress of the 47th Sikhs, nd. Archives 1964-06-68
Collection of 123 photographs and negatives taken by Pte Robert Powis whilst serving with the 1/7th Queens Royal Regiment, 131 Lorried Infantry Bde, 7th Armoured Division, Italy and North West Europe, 1943-1945; associated with World War Two, North West Europe (1944-1945). Photographs 2007-06-3
Four maps and documents associated with World War One, Western Front (1914-1918). Archives 1964-11-16
Pair of wings, 87th (Royal Irish Fusiliers), 1850 (c). Uniforms 1973-08-2
Chin scales, 87th (The Prince of Wales's Own Irish) Regiment of Foot, 1826 (c). Uniforms 1973-08-3
Ammunition pouch and shoulder belt, other ranks', 7th Middlesex (London Scottish) Rifle Volunteers, 1880. Equipment, uniform 1974-01-59
Printed programme for the Ceremony of the Laying-up of Old Standards of the 4th/7th Royal Dragoon Guards in the Royal Military Memorial Chapel, Sandhurst on Sunday 5 Nov 1961. Archives 1961-11-118
Record of service of Lt Col Henry Cooper, 1870 (c). Archives 1961-11-156
Commission to John Johnstone, 87th Highland Volunteers, 1762. Archives 1959-03-153
Sketchbooks and map prepared by Lt H le M Fellowes, later 35th and 47th Sikh Regiments, at Royal Military College Sandhurst, 1892-1897. Archives 1959-04-98
Farewell Order by Brig Gen T R Maclachlan, 37th Brigade, 7 Feb 1919. Archives 1961-12-319
Notes on the Walcheren Expedition, 1809; compiled in 1876 by H Cooper, 47th Regiment of Foot; associated with the Expedition to Walcheren, Napoleonic Wars, Holland (1809). Archives 1961-12-474
Manuscript Sketchbook compiled by H Cooper, 47th Regiment of Foot, at Staff College, 1872. Archives 1961-12-475
'The Death Or Glory Boys'. The 17th/ 21st Lancers. Colour photolithograph produced for the regiment, 1993 (c); circular coaster with silver regimental badge of the 17th/21st Lancers on dark blue. Prints 2007-08-21
Letterbooks of Gen Sir W H Clinton, Funchal 1801-1802, England 1820-1822 and Messina and Alicante, when Commander of a Division in Sicily, 1812; associated with the Napoleonic Wars (1803-1815); associated with the Peninsular War (1808-1814). Archives 1962-11-16
Programme of Regimental celebrations on 50th Anniversary of the Regiment 2 Dec 1902 together with Programme of Regimental Tattoo, 10 Mar 1914; associated with the 27th Punjabis. Archives 1962-11-52
Poster displayed in Lille after the Relief of the City by the 47th (London) Division, 17 Oct 1918; associated with World War One, Western Front (1914-1918). Archives 1960-09-11
Commission to Robert Smyth as Cornet in the 7th Light Dragoons, 18 Feb 1819. Archives 1960-11-32
Two Commissions to Lt Ralph Smyth, 17th Regiment of Foot, 22 Nov 1850 and 5 Oct 1852. Archives 1960-11-31
Invitation for Capt Ralph Smyth, 17th (The Leicestershire) Regiment of Foot, to a Fancy Dress Ball to mark the Bicentenary of the raising of the Regiment, 5th Jan 1888. Archives 1960-11-35
Scrapbook of 98 letters, cuttings, documents and photographs relating to the service of the 87th Punjabis and 5th Bn 2nd Punjab Regiment between 1912 and 1925 (c); a transcript of the surviving letters is included produced in 2009; associated with World War One, Western Front and Mesopotamia (1914-1918) and Gallipoli (1915-1916). Archives 1960-12-62
Volume of photostats connected with John Worthy Chaplin, 67th (South Hampshire) Regiment of Foot, Victoria Cross, at Taku Forts, 1862; associated with the Taku Forts, 2nd China War (1856-1860) 1860. Archives 1960-12-96
Typescript of papers dealing with Lt Gen Sir John Withers McQueen in possession of his son, 1858-1859; includes three letters from Col Wilde of Wilde's Rifles. Archives 1960-12-287
Two Christmas Cards, 53rd Division and Egypt, 1919; collected by Lt Col Donald Gordon Rule, 27th Punjabis attached 3/152 Punjabis. Archives 1959-08-43
Bound Volume of Records of the 7th Indian Division GOCs Foxhounds and Beagles, 1940-1942. Archives 1959-09-184
Distribution List of the Expeditionary Force, 1867-1868; associated with Abyssinia (1867-1868). Archives 1959-10-82
Mentioned in Despatches Certificate to Lt H D Hickley, 7th Gurkha Rifles, 1914-1918; associated with World War One (1914-1918). Archives 1959-10-221
Letter of condolence on the presumed death of Capt H D Hickley and printed letter with facsimile signature George V, which accompanied bronze plaque issued to next-of-kin of people killed in World War One, 1914-1918. Archives 1959-10-222
Letter to Capt John Mould, Adjutant, 7th Hussars, notifying him of prize money for the capture of Lucknow, 1857; associated with the Siege of Lucknow, Indian Mutiny (1857-1859) 1857. Archives 1959-10-235
Christmas Card, Palestine, 1919. Archives 1959-10-253
Papers of Captain C R S Pitman, 27th Punjab Regiment, collated by him during his service in Mesopotamia and Palestine, 1918, including newspaper cuttings covering the Inter-Theatre of War Cross Country Championship held at Windsor Great Park (April 1919), information sheets for map reading and aircraft identification (1918), menu for the regimental Christmas dinner (1918), and a copy of a ms race book for the Feluja Turf Club's Second Spring meeting (May 1917). Archives 1959-10-260
Three bound manuscripts relating to the 17th Lancers, later the 15th Lancers, 1858-1928; includes Record of Services, Roll of British Officers and Roll of Native Officers. Archives 1959-10-270-1
Three photographs of documents relating to the career of Hospital Apprentice Andrew Fitzgibbon, the youngest man to receive the Victoria Cross at the age of 15 years 3 months in 1861, for his part in the capture of the Taku Forts in August 1860; associated with the Taku Forts, 2nd China War (1856-1860) 1860. Archives 1959-10-284
Official papers chiefly concerning the activities of 44th Division Ammunition Coy, Royal Army Service Corps in Belgium, France and Britain, April 1940 to July 1940; formerly in the possession of Cpl W R Rogers; also includes a typescript account of 7th Armoured Division's operations in Tunisia up to 7 May 1943; associated with the Evacuation of Dunkirk, World War Two, North West Europe (1939-1943) 1940 and World War Two, North Africa (1940-1943). Archives 2007-08-37